The "I Don't Want to Die a Virgin" Challenge

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Name: The "I Don't Want to Die a Virgin" Challenge
Date(s): 23 March 2004 – 31 May 2004 (extensions until 2 June 2004)
Moderator(s): McKay (scribbulus_ink)
Founder: McKay (scribbulus_ink)
Type: Fanfiction
Fandom: Harry Potter
URL: scribbulus_ink's LJ post (archive link) (challenge archive)
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The "I Don't Want to Die a Virgin" Challenge was a 2004 Harry Potter virgin!fic challenge hosted by McKay on Livejournal. Completed fics were posted to The "I Don't Want to Die a Virgin" Challenge Archive, part of Chocolate Frog, McKay's website on SlashCity. The archive is now offline.

The Challenge

Your goal: Write a story wherein one or both of the main characters are virgins, but they're ready to be deflowered. The scenario is up to you; it can be a "we're going to die, so let's shag" situation, or one of them could simply be impatient to shed his/her virginity, or it could be a sweet, romantic "we're going to give our first time to each other because we're so in love" scenario. It can serious or funny, full of first time foibles. All that matters is that at least one of them has never Done It before.


  • All stories must be at least 1000 words long. No maximum length.
  • Only two people may claim the same pairing.
  • The line "I don't want to die a virgin" must appear somewhere in the story.
  • Submit a link to your story either from your personal LJ or your personal website (no third party archives or communities, please) to me by leaving a comment in my LJ or emailing it to scribbulus_ink @ [...]
  • There is no exclusivity period, so feel free to post your story wherever you like once it's finished as long as you submit a link to me as well.
  • You may claim more than one pairing at a time -- as many as you think you can handle. *G* If you only claim one pairing at first, but would like to claim another after you've finished with the first, you may come back and claim any pairing for your second story, even if it's already been taken by two people already.
  • The deadline is May 31.

Some Responses