Chocolate Frog

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Chocolate Frog
Chocolate Frog: McKay and Arionrhod's Fanfiction
Author: McKay & Arionrhod
Dates: 2000s – 2021 (?)
Fandom: Harry Potter
March 2003 to Dec 2018
June to Dec 2003
July 2002 to Jan 2021
Feb 2002 to Feb 2003
Chocolate Frog McKay and Arionrhod s Fanfiction.png
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Chocolate Frog was McKay's and later also Arionrhod's personal fanfiction site. It was hosted by SlashCity.

Welcome to Chocolate Frog, where you can find fanfiction written by McKay and Arionrhod, both separately and together.

McKay joined online fandom in 1997 and wrote under various pseudonyms, beginning with "Madame/Maddy" in The Monkees fandom, "JayKay" in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace fandom, and "McKay" in the Harry Potter fandom.

Arionrhod and McKay began writing together in 2004. Their last fandom collaboration was for the last Snupin Santa fest in 2014.

Although most of the fanfiction here is Harry Potter based, McKay has also archived older stories from previous fandoms and occasional dabbling in other fandoms. There is both het and gen, but primarily what you'll find here is slash fanfiction, particularly Snape/Lupin slash.

Linking policy:

If you post a link to my site in public (by that, I mean anywhere but a private email or IM to friends such as a posting board, mailing list, website, journal, etc.), please link to the warning page, not to the stories themselves. Slashcity tries to help us Harry Potter slash writers stay safe from potential problems based on our content, so we have to be careful to have warning pages and such. This is also why I have the warnings at the top of each story; I'd rather do that than password protect the site, which is a pain in the ass, IMO, so you can help keep that from happening by linking to the warning page rather than any other page on the site.[1]


  1. ^ Chocolate Frog - FAQ. Archived 5 December 2003 by the Wayback Machine.