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Name: Arionrhod
Alias(es): Sorceress
Type: Fan writer, RPer
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Fushigi Yuugi, The X-Files, Earth 2, others
Communities: Beyond Hogwarts, The Leaky, Snark N Bark
Other: Caer Arionrhod (author site)
Chocolate Frog (author site with McKay)
URL: Arionrhod on AO3
arionrhod on LiveJournal
arionrhod on Dreamwidth
arionrhod on InsaneJournal
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Arionrhod is a fanfiction writer primarily in Harry Potter fandom, originally known for her Draco/Hermione works and later primarily a Snape/Lupin shipper. The pseud is a variation of Arianrhod, a Welsh goddess.[1]

She has written over 60 Snupin fics alone[2] and is a frequent collaborator of McKay; they now co-write professionally as Ari McKay.[3]

Her 2009 bio from Chocolate and Asphodel Volume 2 states:

The 1960s saw the birth of the Beatles and Arionrhod, although any correlation between the two events is something she remains mysteriously silent about. An avid costumer, knitter, and all around craft fiend, she began writing fanfic in 2002, latching on to the HP fandom like a lamprey and remaining with it almost exclusively. She found SS/RL shortly afterward and has rarely strayed outside the pairing since. In 2004, she started writing with McKay, and their collaborative works are still being cranked out at what she sometimes feels is "a truly alarming rate" - not that she has any intention of stopping.[4]

Notable Fanworks

External Links


  1. ^ arionrhod - Profile, Archived version on LiveJournal. (Accessed 28 July 2024.)
  2. ^ Chocolate and Asphodel Volume 1, June 2007: "Arionrhod ... started writing SS/RL in late 2003, and has authored 62 solo fics in the pairing." PDF download.
  3. ^ Arionrhod's Bio, Archived version on Archive of Our Own: "in 2012 I went pro with my best friend McKay - we write together as Ari McKay" (accessed 28 July 2024). See About Us - Ari McKay & Rachel Langella, Archived version on and Ari McKay: About the author on Amazon.
  4. ^ Chocolate and Asphodel Volume 2, November 2009. PDF download.
  5. ^ Severus Snape Fuh-Q-Fest Archive. Stories from the Third Wave. Archived 20 September 2003 by the Wayback Machine.