Probe One

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Title: Probe One
Publisher: EVS Publishing Company
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Probe One is a multifandom non-fiction zine series edited by Paul Stuart.

The content consists of reviews of the shows. It contains many full-page official publicity photos for various shows.

Issue 10 (v.1 n.10)

Probe One 10 was published in November 1978 and contains about 48 pages.

cover from issue #10
from issue #10, a VCR and technology primer

The editor was Paul Stuart. The contributing editors were Jim Taggart, Joe Baldocchi, Bret Garner, and Michael Rupert.

Contributor were Steve Rubinstein, Gail McGuffin, and Don Blake.

From the zine:

EVS Publishing Company, an insignificant tax shelter for the Vast Telegalactic Empire, and is published at great personal expense at [adress redacted]. That portion of the contents which lends itself to such an egotistical power grab is Copyright 1978 Paul Stuart...

Issue 15 (v.2 n.15)

Probe One 15 (v.2 n.15) was published in October 1979 and contains about 66 pages.

cover of issue #15

The editor was Paul Stuart. The contributing editors were Jim Taggart, J.D. Baldocchi, Jonsey T. Catto, and Michael Rupert.

Contributor were Steve Rubinstein, Gail McGuffin, and Anthony Stark.

From the zine:

PROBE ONE, a product of EVS Publishing company, is published quarterly at [address redacted]. Contents is copyrighted, 1979 by PROBE ONE, All rights reserved, while PROBE ONE tries to have as much integrity as human motivation will permit, we do have our price. Yes, it's true, the whole shebang is on the block. Interested conglomerates or wealthy/cavalier individuals, partnerships, syndicates or sheikdoms having a substantial six-digit figure in mind are invited to contact us for details.

Issue 19

Probe One 19 was published in September/December 1980 and contains 77 pages.

cover of issue #19

From the editorial:

With 1980 drawing swiftly to an end I look back at the science fiction, horror and fantasy films of the past year with mixed feelings.

Many of the films which the public waited for with high expectations such as "The Shining", "Xanadu", and "Flash Gordon" proved to be major disappointments. Large expenditures of money did not guarantee success at the box office. Neither did casting big name stars help sagging attendance in theaters.

Some blamed the growth of cable TV while others insisted that audiences were tired of science fiction. A few people accepted things as they really were, that the studios were turning out junk and that the movie audience refused to stand for it. Give the public what they want and they'll come see it. "The Empire Strikes Back" proved that to be true. A low budget film such as "Battle Beyond the Stars" proved that there is a large audience for science fiction and a film doesn't have to cost $30 or $40 million dollars to be good.

Television fared almost as bad with little in the way of science fiction to watch. "Galactica 1980" made viewers admit that "Battlestar Galactica" wasn't as bad as they thought. "Mork and Mindy" saw the writing on the wall as did "Buck Rogers" that changes had to be made to help improve their shows. PBS brought "The Lathe of Heaven" to viewers eyes and showed that science fiction isn't totally composed of rocketships and laser battles in outer space. It was an imaginative film which probably never would have gotten on one of the major networks because it wouldn't appeal to the kiddie market.

Regarding "Galacticon," a con that was supposed to take place November 28-30, 1980 at the Bonaventure Hotel, Los Angeles:

While the majority of Bay Area fans would have second thoughts about travelling - all the way down to Los Angeles to attend a convention its not surprising to see a number of familiar faces. Those with not enough money to fly will form car pools and drive to LA and share hotel expenses. The beautiful Bonaventure Hotel, set location for the Buck Rogers TV show, was definitely worth going to for a convention. Fate, however, had other plans in store for this much publicized convention was cancelled a few days before it was scheduled to begin. Numerous rumors circulated regarding the reason for the convention's cancellation:

- The hotel backed out of its agreement at the last minute.
-The promoters of Galaction backed out due to limited funds.
-Sabotage by a rival convention.

Probe One was unable to reach the promoters of Galacticon for comment. As soon as the true cause for the convention's cancellation becomes known, we will inform our readers.

For those who thought D.W.'s con by the airport was their "last hope" the words of Yoda seemed: to echo in--the. air "There is another!" This other convention was Loscon in Anaheim. [1]

  • Editor's Notes (2)
  • Open Channels (3)
  • Battle Beyond the Stars (5)
  • The Twilight Zone Guide, part 3 (8)
  • Flash Gordon (15)
  • TV Retrospect: The Starlost (24)
  • Science Fiction Conventions: A Report by Gail McGuffin (27)
    • Science Fiction Festival (SFF), see that page
    • Baycon IV, see that page
    • Fantasy Symposium 1980, see that page
    • Shadowcon IV (lots of photos), see that page
    • Metrocon (September 6, Centennial Hall, Hayward - ("This 9am to 6pm event called "Metrocon" consisted of a large dealers' room with dealers selling old bubblegum card sets, paperback books, comic books, comic related items and movie material. In a brisk 15 minutes you could tour the entire room, twice, with no other activities going on there was nothing to do but go home. Metrocon was nothing more than an indoor flea market for comic books. There were many hours when the dealers outnumbered the customers, who could have gotten the same service at their own neighborhood comic book shop. This was one event where both the dealers and the fans got short changed.")
    • Octocon III, see that page
    • Galacticon (canceled)
    • Loscon
  • Deluge of Horror (43)
  • The Battlestar Galactica Movies (50)
  • Upcoming Films (54)
  • The Empire Strikes Back: A Second Look (56)
  • Movie Retrospect: Barbaraella (62)
  • Sneak Preview: Superman II (70
  • Next Issue's Highlights (76)


  1. ^ from Probe One #19