Sam Cole

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Name: Sam Cole
Alias(es): Sarah Cornelie "Sam" Cole, Sama Luna
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Sam Cole was a very early Star Trek: TOS writer, zine publisher, and fan club president and organizer.

Cole joined the Leonard Nimoy National Association of Fans in April 1967. She also served as the National Chapter Director of that fan club.

Bios and Activities

From Introduction to the Nimoyan & Spock's Scribes:

Among those in that generation was a 39-year old semi-invalid S. Cornelie Cole, "Sam". It took her three visits to this other world to really know this man called Spock, but know him she did, and in April of 1967 she joined a thing called a 'fan club'. Upon joining, Sam decided she could snare five unsuspecting friends and family members and thus win a record for bringing five new-members into the then LNNAF. The new members saw Sam's pictures and cried, "How do we get pictures of Mr. Spock?" Sam said. "Write letters" and with those innocent beginings, the germs of the Spock's Scribes were planted.... Sam got more members to make seven, and Peggye Vickers, then president of the LNNAF, said, "Sam, you are a club!"...

Due to age and space, the Scribes split into sub-groups which met at different times. The Spock's Sprites were girls 5-11. The Locos were girls 14-15. And the Sensors were boy 6-12, with Sam's son Alan as leader. What did they do? Attend meetings, drink gallons of Dr Pepper, eat tons of Fritos, and write letters. The Sprites made a scrapbook of the things they wrote, drew, and colored, to be sent to Mr. Spock, and the Sensors collected scientific things, both fact and fiction, connected with the show....

From the 1969/70 LNAF Yearbook:

I was born on February 14, 1928. [other personal info redacted] My main interests in life have always been show biz, writing, science-fiction, people, love - not necessarily in that order and recently (in the last 4 years) fan clubbing. My hobbies include crocheting, TV, and reading (when time permits). The sport I participate in — turning the TV on and off. When really ambitious, I play a fast round of mimeograph and punch holes in paper, address envelopes and lick stamps. Musical instruments I play best are the cassette tape recorder and the radio. A heart condition permits me to be spoiled, crotchety and lazy. The word "work" brings out the strangest palpitations - sort of cha-cha beat.

Favorite actors and actresses are Leonard Nimoy, Diana Muldaur, Flip Wilson, and Carol Burnett -- television shows -- "Mission: Impossible," "McCloud," and in the past, 'Star Trek." My favorite singers and groups are Simon and Garfunkel Sergio Franchi, Leonard Nimoy, Engelbert Humperdink, Jerry Vale, Dinah Shore, Edie Gorme, Cher, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, The Beatles, and the Fifth Dimension.

I like to read any religious books, science-fiction, "Heyer's Regency," "Thane's Historical Novels," "Mac Innes Intrigue," and "Stewart's Gothics." My favorite book is "Gone with the Wind."

I live with my 75 year old mother and my 16 year old son, Alan. My dislikes are negative thinking, missing deadlines, hate in any form, two-faced people, and pettiness."

From Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock 1972 Calendar:

"Sam" has mothered, loved, scolded and encouraged more would-be writers and hopeful artists in Star Trek fandom than any other individual. She always has time for sympathetic words and empathetic reactions to anyone's problems, and a letter of cheer for troubled times, Last year she grew too ill to carry on club work for a time, but luckily the source of the problem was found and fixed. But the lateness of the club publications bothered her, she felt that the members deserved something more for having to wait so long. Few fan club leaders worry about this; a general "don't care" attitude prevails. But this is not "Sam's" way, and so as an extra goodie this year, a Good Luck sign for everyone, this calendar was devised so that Sam could gift every new and renewing member with something outstanding and fun! This calendar cannot be purchased outright; it can only be obtained by joining one or both of the clubs, and letting yourself in for a year or so of knowing a very good friend, Sam Cole.
