Ezekiel (Total Drama)

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Name: Ezekiel, aka Zeke
Relationships: Bridgette (Total Drama) (unrequited crush on Ezekiel's side)
Izzy (Total Drama) (acquaintance)
Harold (Total Drama) (acquaintance)
Fandom: Total Drama
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Ezekiel is a contestant on Total Drama. He is a semi-prominent character within the series and popular with fans. Unique to Ezekiel amongst every other Total Drama character is that, during Total Drama: World Tour, he became what the show and fans dub Feral!Ezekiel. Feral!Ezekiel and regular, non-feral Ezekiel are practically different characters on how they behave and relate to Total Drama's cast.

Common Ezekiel-specific Tropes

Trans!Ezekiel has been popularized with slimeys0daa's Zeke in Action AU. Zeke in Action AU is a multimedia fanwork spread across several posts popular on Tumblr and TikTok. Autistic!Ezekiel is also common.

Ezekiel is also commonly the protagonist of Competition Fic and Redemption stores. Kobold's interpretation of his character influenced widespread fanon regarding him for over a decade, seemingly only in 2023 being replaced more with slimeysodaa's interpretation and similar interpretations from other fans.

Ezekiel's Fanon Personal Name is often Miller. This comes from Comeback, though Fannish Drift means much of Total Drama fandom do not know this is where the name came from. In Total Roblox Drama, he is called Zeeke. Fans may call him this outside of the Roblox fangame, as this name is a variation of his canonical nickname.

His appreciation days are June 21st (in Chefhatchet's Appreciation Calendar) and August 16th (in Ace-TD's Mega Character Appreciation List).


For context, Ezekiel is one of the most underutilized characters in Total Drama's cast, being eliminated first both time's he's competed. Before Kobold, he was rarely written about at all and considered largely a blank slate. What was known about him was that he was a misogynist, similar to Duncan, though Island's special episode implied that he'd change for the better as a person since being eliminated. After the success of Comeback, fans, particularly writers, were interested in expanding upon his character as seen specifically in that fanfic, popularizing fanon interpretation. Ezekiel became one of the most popular Total Drama characters for writers.

Meanwhile, Total Drama's showrunners were seemingly unaware of this fanon while writing World Tour. In that season, Ezekiel was convinced he'd win and annoyed the other competitors, again being eliminated first. He stayed on the plane secretly and "lived among the rats," becoming "feral" as a result. Fans were divided about this then and now regarding whether this aspect added to the show or removed from it, as Ezekiel is still feral as of Total Drama: All-Stars. While fanworks are made for Feral!Ezekiel, most are him before this point. Many AUs for World Tour may have him recovering from this by the end of the work, such as in Slippery Slopes, or write out this plot point entirely.

In early Total Drama, this form of Ezekiel was sometimes called "Gollumschool."[Notes 1]

I appreciate the fact that even people who don’t particularly like Ezekiel agree that what canon did with him is stupid. I don’t think I’ve ever really seen someone defend the “Feral Zeke” arc. Every fanfic that I’ve read either ignores it or tries to do something better with the idea. It’s just nice knowing that, even in this incredibly divisive fandom, everybody recognizes that this is garbage.[1]

“Being feral total ruined ezekiel’s character :(“ he went from a misogynistic conceited immoral farm boy to an unhinged creature who does not give a shit about anything besides giving a pretty lady gifts and beating up the rich man who ruined his life I think this is an absolute improvement[2]

Other Ships of Note

All pairings featuring Ezekiel are rarepairs.

Ezekiel is most commonly shipped with Bridgette, forming Bridgette/Ezekiel. This ship was popularized by former Total Drama BNF The Kobold Necromancer and fellow Total Drama big-names on FanFiction.Net during the series' heyday in 2009. Bridgekiel to Paradise focuses on it, and Total Drama Comeback, the most favorited fanfic for Total Drama on FFN, features them being friends. As of 2023, the ship has become largely unknown to the extent searching its ship name on Tumblr and TikTok bring up little results. Ezekiel's second most common ship is with Izzy, forming Ezekiel/Izzy. Like with Bridgette/Ezekiel, Kobold also popularized this one with the success of Comeback, as Ezekiel and Izzy are also friends in the fanfic. Love Ain't Easy, It's Ezzy is by far its most popular fanfic. It is often recommended to new fans of the series and otherwise looked back upon fondly.

Ezekiel's third most common ship is with Harold, forming Ezekiel/Harold. Although Ezekiel/Harold has been shipped since 2007, it only became common to ship around 2021 following a Renaissance within the fandom at large, particularity for its Slash pairings. Total Drama Underdogs by StayOuttaMyShed somewhat popularized this pairing just like Comeback had with Ezekiel's Het pairings, as Ezekiel and Harold are friends in that fic.

This is purposefully an incomplete list, as Ezekiel is shipped with much of Total Drama's cast.

With... Full Label Type Portmanteau Information
Bridgette Bridgette/Ezekiel Het Bridgekiel Ezekiel canonically has a crush on Bridgette.
Bridgette Bridgette & Ezekiel Gen n/a n/a
Izzy Ezekiel/Izzy Het Ezzy, Zekizzy Former TD BNF The Kobold Necromancer liked this pairing.
Izzy Ezekiel & Izzy Gen n/a n/a
Harold Ezekiel/Harold Slash TyZeke n/a
Harold Ezekiel & Harold Gen n/a Fanworks may make the two of them friends.
Tyler Ezekiel/Tyler Slash Tyzeke Both share a voice actor. Pairing the Spares.
Tyler Ezekiel & Tyler Gen n/a Both share a voice actor. Fanworks may make the two of them friends.
Anne Maria Anne Maria/Ezekiel Het n/a Feral!Ezekiel likes her and may have a crush on her. Anne Maria is from Total Drama: Revenge of the Island.
Eva Eva/Ezekiel Het Zekeva n/a
Eva Ezekiel & Eva Gen n/a While Ezekiel was eliminated first, Eva was second.
Justin Ezekiel/Justin Slash JustZeke Popularized by Zeke in Action AU. Most fanworks for this pairing regard that AU or were inspired by it.
Heather Ezekiel/Heather Het Heathekiel Notably included in Comeback.
Heather Ezekiel & Heather Gen n/a n/a
Noah Ezekiel/Noah Slash n/a n/a
Noah Ezekiel & Noah Gen n/a n/a
Gwen Ezekiel/Gwen Het n/a n/a
Courtney Courtney/Ezekiel Het n/a n/a
Courtney Courtney & Ezekiel Gen n/a n/a
Cody Cody/Ezekiel Slash n/a Both share a voice actor.
Cody Cody & Ezekiel Gen n/a Both share a voice actor. Fanworks may make the two of them friends.
Duncan Duncan/Ezekiel Slash n/a n/a
Duncan Duncan & Ezekiel Gen n/a n/a
Dawn Dawn/Ezekiel Het n/a Dawn is from Total Drama: Revenge of the Island.

Example/Notable Fanac

Fan Communities/Fan Events

Fan Fic

Fan Art

General Fanworks

Looking for revenge, eh? (Read below) by Chickie456, Archived version, fanart and writing which compares Dave to Ezekiel.



References/Further Reading