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Name: Bárbara Vitória
Alias(es): barbaravitoria, barbaratp
Type: fanwriter, fanartist and filker
Fandoms: Criminal Minds, Sherlock, Hawaii 5-0, James Bond, NCIS, Castle, Almost Human, Twilight, Aubrey-Maturin Series, Yuri!!! on Ice, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru, Original Slash Fiction
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barbaravitoriatp is a Brazilian fanwriter, fanartist, filker[note 1] and multifandom slash fan. She's done a few recs occasionally, but she doesn't consider herself a reccer for that.[1][2][note 2] For a brief period of time she was a member of the Brazilian website/blog for Twilight Saga Forks Mania as a correspondent and writer/blogger.[3]

For a while has announced her departure from fandom activities, but returned twice more as a fanwriter until more recently establishing herself exclusively as a fanreader. Until March 2022, their author profiles were active, with their bio and other information updated.

Blanket Statement

I DO NOT AUTHORIZE the partial, total and/or complete reproduction, as well as adaptation and/or remixing for any purpose of any written history, created or published by me, such reproduction constitutes complete plagiarism, partial or conceptual of my work.

– her ao3 profile


Initially calling herself a potterhead[note 3] with slight tendencies twilighter, the author spent much of her early years changing the ways of naming herself before discovering the term fannish. Enthusiast of slash male and mpreg, most of her works wander in this genre.

Her fanworks mostly include fanfictions and fanarts, the latter played mainly in photography editions in the composition of cover arts, banners, text dividers and headers as well as aesthetics, moodboards and others.

In 2018 she creatively collaborated with CorgiNub on the challenge #fluffytober, with him creating artwork for which she produced a Snarry fic – the WiP has been abandoned, but is available for reading in the author's ao3 profile.

In mid-October and November 2021, she made comments on her private Twitter account about the musical compositions she created, including filk songs -- produced between 2015 and 2018[note 4] -- and how she didn't have the opportunity to publish them online due to insecurity.




Notes and References


  1. ^ Mentioned on your social networks -- mainly Twitter private account -- that created filk songs, but they were never published for a number of reasons.
  2. ^ private email conversation, added here with permission of the author.
  3. ^ The author no longer wishes to be associated with the HP fandom, however she requested that these three specific pieces of information (about being in the past a potterhead member, writing and producing fandom fanart) are kept on the page.
  4. ^ Information taken from her private Facebook profile and interactions in fanfic groups.
