User:Quaelegit/Tumblr holidays
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Weekly Reblogs
- the-real-numbers' weekly calendar with suggestions from reblogs, Archived version
- A general commentary on the tumblr trend: Tumblr users will see a post mentioning a day if the week and just fucking black out and reblog it, Archived version
- A general commentary on the tumblr trend: you heathens will reblog day specific posts any day of the week. i woke up thinking it was wednesday, Archived version (followup, Archived version -- also there's a bot now)
- A meme about the tumblr trend: zombieland saga meme, Archived version (2)
- there's a bot now: pleasures of the flesh tuesday, Archived version (2, Archived version)
- this website ruins days of the week for you ill see a sign that says NO PARKING SATURDAY and think wow happy no parking saturday, Archived version by nathanielthecurious, posted August 2023
- Stick that looks like a horse Saturday / share if its a Saturday or if its a stick, Archived version (22 January 2022)
- Sea Slug Saturday, Archived version
- Snail Snack Saturday, Archived version
- Flatworm Friday, Archived version
- Fat Fuck Friday, Archived version -- IIRC there are many versions of this post w/ different pictures, todo: go find some
- Fork him Friday, Archived version
- Fresh Fruit Friday (gif warning)
- get back on the fucking ground friday, Archived version, Stranger Things
- Frigate Friggin' Friday, Archived version, op posted 1 April 2022 -- unclear if connected to Age of Sail fandom
- Fricative Friday (2024)
- rebecca black was right. It’s Friday, Archived version op posted 27 June 2022
- it’s friday like it fucking matters, Archived version, pretty old
- also this specific post ifs "it's friday the 13th", for 13 October 2023
- oh right. fangs in your neck friday (July 2024)
- If you can believe it, it's a Friday once again, Archived version
- Happy "Last Night Was Thursday" Friday, everyone with Columbo screenshots
- this Thursday one is possibly making fun of weekly holiday trend of posts?, Archived version
- Duck in a Top Hat thursday, Archived version (comparable to sweet fat of the hog tuesday in that it started w/ someone making up a deliberately fake/silly/inconsequential event and lots of people embracing it)
- OP is dated 13 October 2022 (or earlier), but here is another chain (with a different image) dating from 25 October 2022, which is getting reblogged in september 2023.
- Happy Thursday ya filthy animals, something about DS9. (alt link)
- THURSDAY/[wolves howling thursday] first posted 28 September 2023
- (Feliz Jueves is not native to Tumblr but gets some play there: e.g. video edit, Archived version) (then again not sure if Out of Touch Thursday originated on Tumblr either -- oh KnowYourMeme says it did)
- It's Wednesday or as I like to call, THURSDAY THE 20TH, Archived version (Feliz Jeves Asuka crossover w/ Simpsons meme Thursday the 20th)
- Thursday the 20th:
- Simpsons meme, Archived version -- probably the origin of the date becoming a meme on Tumblr
- Colombo Thursday the 20th, Archived version -- screencaps from an Episode of Columbo where he mentioned Thursday is on 20th of the month
- Untitled, Archived version another post about the Thursday the 20th mention in Columbo
- Thursday the 20th fanart, Archived version -- Animal Crossing (KK Slider)
- in 2023, 4/20 was a Thursday the 20th: meme, Archived version, fanart, Archived version
- Thursday the 12th not necessarily related to OotT but another more specific thursday. The post i saw originated in 2020
- Thursday the 2. This post originated 2 December 2021, has 60k notes as of 2 November 2023.
- An unrelated post making fun of Twitter that someone captioned "Happy self suck Thursday", original post dated 7 August 2022, weekly-reblog-encouraging caption dated 8 September 2022, and original poster reblogged w/ a followup meme on 15 September 2022
- Out of Touch Thursday, Archived version (main post)
- a meme about OotT, Archived version
- Out of Touch THURSDAY THE 20TH, Archived version (Simpsons crossover meme for a special Thursday the 20th)
- OotT -- Futurama, Archived version
- OotT -- Star Wars, Archived version
- pretty sure there's a garfield one too, find that later
- No idea if this is fandom but its cool, Archived version
- some day ill be able to post this on thursday -- those birds who walk in a funny way while worm hunting. has over 100k notes
- Happy Out Of Touch Thursday, Archived version, faster remix w/ ???? dancer edited into the Lucky Star OP. Originally posted August 2020.
- Happy Thursday everyone, Archived version (Screenshot of quoted text "Cicero was out of touch" )
- This whole damn THURSDAY is out of touch!, Archived version, a play on the climatic quote from the movie ...And Justice for All
- welcome to 2023 :) happy out of touch thursday, Archived version by larhyperhair
- commentary on OotT: Latest symptom of internet brain poisoning, Archived version
- Fire Gator Thursday, Archived version by pedros -- a video bait-and-switch on OotT
- Fanart for Fire Gator Thursday: TMNT art, Archived version by napstachill
- Toontown Corporate Clash, Archived version by toonsy-doodles
- happy wet fucking wednesday/out of touch thursday to australians, Archived version (could be for the meme page of Out of Touch Thursday if I make it)
- wiggly wednesday, Archived version
- it's wednesday my dudes, Archived version -- I've seen a lot of fanart for this one
- 80s meme font version, Archived version (created in 2017)
- it is wednesday my dudes, Archived version, The Hobbit meme version
- this frankly incredbile fanart by hometoursandotherstuff, 2023
- another fanart by lousydrawingsforgoodpeople, 24 October 2023
- it's dudesday my wednes /it's wednesdude my days, not sure if it's an edit or fanart
- collection of American TV show gifs "it's wednesday", Archived version, also including it's wednesday my dudes
- wet beast wednesday, Archived version, OP is very recent (31 May 2023! Newer than me keeping this list!) (alternate post w/a gif
- an originally unrelated post that got captioned "wet beast wednesday" in a reblog
- marine invertebrate version of wet beast wednesday
- a meme about the trend (specifically "wet beast wednesday") alt link
- Weevil Wedneseday -- also possibly started in May 2023. (Link to OP)
- werewolf transgenderism wednesday, Archived version
- welcome to around the world wednesday, Archived version
- wretchedly perish then said cicero wednesday
- It's Sisko Wiggle Wednesday, OP dated June 2023
- happy do it weird wednesday everybody OP dated 19 September 2023, and as of 21 September is already has 20k notes
- no stabbing Wednesday, it's a new tradition, Archived version
- don't forget - It's Worfgirl Wednesday, Archived version -- about Ursula K. Le Guin's appreciation for Worf
- Watermelon Wolf Wednesday, Archived version
- good morninge !it is trespass tüesday !
- TUESDAY AGAIN NO PROBLEM, Archived version (originated 2014, one million notes in 2022)
- Turaco tuesday, from todaysbird, 26 September 2023
- happy Tuvok Tuesday, lads (December 2021), (alt link, alt2)
- Tuck him in Tuesday, Archived version
- Tuck me in Tuesday, Archived version
- tongue-out tuesday, Archived version
- ITS TAMARAW TUESDAY (alt link) -- video in the style of Sea Slug Saturday etc.
- It's time for Trilobite Tuesday! (alt link)
- Sweet Fat of the Hog Tuesday, Archived version, which started as a parody/commentary on tumblrs fondness for weekly reblog posts like this: people on this website loves days and dates., Archived version -- post started with twoheartsoneclara in November 2021
- interestingly, the original sweet fat of the hog, Archived version post was from thingsthatcannotsaveyou in 2019.
- ITS THIS THING TUESDAY first posted 11 July 2023.
- Update: THIS THING TUESDAY/Melibe Monday
- Today's Tuesday Tuesday, this post by Texas-hates-taxes-too in April 2022
- happy wednesday is tomorrow innit tuesday, Archived version (a joke about Wednesday (TV series)
- good morning and happy is it really tuesday tuesday, Archived version
- happy sparkle on its wednesday monday, OP posted 5 December 2022, but it might be a repost?
- What a year this week has been. / It’s Monday. / It sure as hell is. / The earlier in the day Monday you reblog the funnier this gets first posted October 2019
- there's also a Tintin comic making this joke; which predates the internet but gets some traction on tumblr (reposts, fanart)
- Me Gusta Monday, Archived version
- Motivational Mike Monday, Archived version
- It Must be Monday Monday?? (can't find post) -- apparently its a SPN screenshot. idk if it's worth tracking down
- oh buddy it’s only monday monday a different SPN screenshot? (OP posted 5 April 2021)
- simply dont monday
- It's a monday, Archived version
- you already know it’s fly agaric lenin monday, first posted 9 August 2021 (which was a monday)
- hope you're ready for MARTOK MONDAY first posted 3 January 2022
- a right and proper post for moist monday -- for the Discworld character Moist von Lipwig
- Steely Dan Sunday, Archived version???
- It's sunday or as I like to call it Big Weld Wednesday, Archived version
- Speedwagon Sunday --JJBA character
- happy if i look back i am lost sunday from snoopy
- Happy Send Me On My Way Sunday, Archived version
Aside -- I never see these on Tumblr but there seems to be a whole genre of military appreciation weekdays ("Warthog Wednesdays", "Sukhoi Sunday", Mirage Monday, F15 (or other #) Friday.... the only one of these I remember seeing on Tumblr was a parody. I kinda wonder if the tumblr "cute invertabrate" version grew out of this though?
Aside 2 -- tenor gif menu has lots of this too, e.g. sableye saturday
Annual events
- Not a specific holiday but a post listing some of the biggest ones:Things tumblr inexplicably celebrates
- More comprehensive (and popular) post: tumblr holidays:, Archived version
- 4/20 is exactly 69 days away from today. Nice
- Valentines Day -- Meme in Spain
- Have a Super Mar 10 -- not really an event but lol
- Pi Day -- is math fandom a thing??? Lol
- Ides of March
- March 18th -- Oh honey we're well into October
- March 23rd is the anniversay of the Suez Canal Blockage Apparently
- happy Happy deepest fish ever filmed day to those who observe -- April 3rd
- Neil banging out the tunes -- also Homestuck Day ("Homestuck day observed")
- on April 19 I made Bread -- although see if you can find the one where people argue it should be a different date b/c julian calendar
- April 25th - the perfect date (here's another post of the same scene: link2)
- It's gonna be May -- also same blog had an explanation
- Ed Balls Day -- more of a British politics thing that has become a joke in wider culture (see explanation in post) but hey we started this list with the Ides of March, so
- Okay ms.rona wrap it up hoe, Archived version -- May 2nd (2020 and now repeating)
- May the 4th Be With You -- that should go on a Star Wars page, it's not so much a general tumblr thing
- April 40th, Archived version -- aka May 10th -- Joshiraku screencaps that have amassed nearly 200k notes since 2015
- May 25th - racoon birthday party alternate link
- Mudkip Burger Monday
- June 14 - Stop Sign Day
- July 6th Time Loop gif
- Halloween starts in like July (not just a tumblr phenomenon but could talk about tumblr/fandom manifestations of this)
- a post commenting on this phenomenon from 2015 or earlier (" It's Still August, You Animals")
- Good news for you, this August 23rd. -- "Only 69 days until Halloween!"
- *September 1st on Tumblr*
- halloween video posted 23 september (weak example?)
- Halloween Tumblr at the stroke of midnight on October 1st
- Comic by thelostswede about Halloween on tumblr starting on the stroke of midnight Oct 1st. (Comic first posted 1 October 2015)
- reblog of Ghost Choir queued for October 1st (Ghost Choir first posted to tumblr on 22 October 2018)
- specifically posting Pumpkin Dance on October 1st???? as seen in multiple posts in the #pumpkin dance tag. there's an old, high-note-count viral post of this that i haven't found yet.
- oh an here's a halloween post made on January 4th, 2017
- TOMORROW IS HALLOWEEN!!! /WHAT THE FUCK IT’S CHRISTMAS EVE WHY DID SOMEONE REBLOG THIS, a famous post with (as of October 2023) 1.7 million notes
- September 19 - Bowsette Day, Archived version, anniversary of the publication of the original Bowsette comic
- Do you remember/The 21st night of September
- another post with 300k notes
- Stanislav Petrov Day -- September 26 (is this a Tumblr thing or just a Rat thing)
- on this day one year ago someone sewed a fried egg to a tshirt (first posted 27 September 2014)
- there's also a followup post
- DON'T FORGET OCT 3rd (Mean Girls, FMA, also other things)
- Are you today's date? because you're 10/10, alt link
- Destielgate -- November 5th
- Happy Circulatory System Walking Through the Kitchen Day! (November 10th) -- Watchman panel -- first posted 10 November 2022
- Mondays are the worst (November 14th) --another panel from Watchmen with the caption "November 14th: A Partially Muscled Skeleton Stands By The Perimeter Fence and Screams For Thirty Seconds Before Vanishing..." -- alternate tumblr post, bluesky post both with the comment "Happy Partially Muscled Skeleton Stands By The Perimeter Fence And Screams For Thirty Seconds Before Vanishing day for all who celebrate"
- Wolfenoot (2023) originally from Twitter, creator made A website
- Smallpox Eradication Day -- December 9th (not a tumblr holiday but i wish it was)
- Unrestrained summer fun (more of a meme than a seasonal thing?? People use it at all times of year i think)
- Halloween starting ever earlier in the summer (actually saw less of this in 2022 than 2021 or 2020, personally)
- comic about all of october being Halloween Month, Archived version
- but it's not halloween time -- not with that attitude! posted 24 July 2024
- happy halloween specifically defining halloween as the entire month of october
- please no halloween posts just yet. there’s still 2 months left got to 1M notes in time for its 10th anniversary on 3 September 2024 (that is, OP is from 2014, so complaining about Halloween being a whole season goes back pretty far on tumblr)
- Frog and cranberries it must be fall, Archived version
- Hot Girl Summer/Pilgrim Boy Fall/Get his ass spring (archive) -- references OotT, HMC, Over the Garden Wall, Ides of March
- ah november. the thursday of months, (first posted 31 October 2022)
Non annual special dates
- palindromic date (Feb 12, 2021 OR Dec 2, 2021)
- Werner's 1000th Birthday -- did I see fanart for this??
- It has been 6969 Days since the year 2000 ended
- 69.420% of 2021 has passed
...there's more but this probably isn't within the scope of Fanlore
- Poll about "what is the best day of the week", Archived version that references several Tumblr Holidays