Tokushirou Tsurumi

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Name: Kanji: 鶴見中尉
Katakana: ツルミ トクシロウ
Hiragana: つるみちゅうい
Romaji: Tsurumi Tokushirō
Latin Alphabet: Tokushirou Tsurumi
Occupation: Japanese Military Commander, former Spy
Relationships: Hajime Tsukishima (former right-hand man; alive)
Tokishige Usami (one-sided crush on Usami's side; deceased)
7th Division (former leader)
Fandom: Golden Kamuy
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Tokushirou Tsurumi is a major antagonist from the manga Golden Kamuy. He opposes Asirpa and Saichi Sugimoto in the Ainu gold hunt, wanting the gold for himself. He has his own support network, the 7th Division of the Imperial Japanese Army, which he leads.

Tsurumi is last seen in an omake manipulating dealings in America for his own gain after fleeing Japan.

Canon Overview

[characterization, story role]



Over the course of Golden Kamuy, it is revealed that Tsurumi has a cult of personality regarding four soldiers under his control, that being: Tokishige Usami, Hajime Tsukishima, Otonoshin Koito and Hyakunosuke Ogata. Kouhei Nikaidou is also sometimes included, though the ship between them is far rarer than with anyone else in the group. These are all men years younger than he is, all he's manipulated yet charmed. As such, most of Tsurumi's ships involve one or more of these four where he almost always considered the pairing's top, (attacker in Japanese-speaking GK fandom.)

Tsurumi's most popular pairing, (coupling in Japanese-speaking GK fandom,) is with Hajime Tsukishima, forming Tsurumi x Tsukishima. These two are the least separated by age compared to others in the group and have been together the longest.

Tsurumi's second-most popular pairing is a little unclear, but it is likely with Tokishige Usami, forming Tsurumi x Usami. Usami has been interested in/had a crush on Tsurumi since he was a child and Tsurumi considers him his Number One Person.[notes 1]

Tsurumi and his inner circle are often referred to by fans as the 7th Division, aka the Hokuchin Unit (historically, not a term used by fans.) Although the 7th Division canonically refers to a very large group, fans may call the core group of five mentioned above this as well.

Popular Tropes & Fanon

Brain Fluid

Something unique to Tsurumi is his odd habit of fluid "leaking" from his head injury when he is excited. Smut fans love to use this in their fanworks for Tsurumi with other characters. Brain Fluid (Golden Kamuy) is a wrangled tag on Archive of Our Own.

Fuckboy Amongst Men

In English-speaking GK fandom, there's a small community for fanworks involving Tsurumi with other characters his age rather than his canonical cult of personality. These characters are all minor in their roles in fanworks elsewhere and include Heiji Koito, Narizou Arisaka, Kouji Wada, Shirosuke Inudou and Koujirou Hanazawa. In fanworks where Tsurumi is paired with one these characters, he is often paired with many of them.

Subjects of Fannish Interest & Meta

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[Name of Subject #]


Example/Notable Fanac

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References/Further Reading

  1. ^ 一番のひと, Ichiban no hito, volume edition of chapter 256