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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: NicFic
Author: Nic
Dates: 1995 - 2009
Fandom: Earth 2, Babylon 5, Voyager, X-Files, seaQuest, Sentinel, Stargate SG-1, Sliders, Star Wars, Star Wars TPM, Press Gang, BTVS, AtS, Xena
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/8356/fanfic.htm
http://www.geocities.com/jedistardestiny/fanfic.htm (Wayback link)
NicFic Index page on Geocities - in subtle black and white
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NicFic was a personal fanfiction website. Fandoms included in Earth 2, Babylon 5, VOY, XF, seaQuest, TS, Stargate SG1, Sliders, Star Wars, Press Gang, BTVS, AtS, and Xena. The site also featured a number of essays.

It was a member of The Television FanFic Webring and the Star Wars page was a member of The Phantom Menace Fanfiction Webring. It was linked as Nic's Fan Fiction at Mac & Anna's Place in the category "Individual Author Fiction and Fannish Personal Sites" and it was marked as a het/gen site.[1]

NicFic was hosted on GeoCities from around 1995 to October 2009; in August 2009 it became part of the OTW's GeoCities Rescue Project.

NicFic was plain black text on a white background. This was intentional, as Nic explained on her "website philosophy" page:

How often have you come across a web site decorated with garish colours that make it near-impossible to read? Or a site that doesn't look any good without the images? Add to that the immense loading time of pretty backgrounds. To say nothing of the evils of frames or Java....
Nic Web-Page Designs solve all of these problems! I use a white background that makes viewing a breeze and not too hard on the eyes. Basic colours for links and titles (although I do favour pinks and purples), and small-ish graphics should you choose to load the images should make your visit a pleasurable experience. :)
There are no picture or sound archives here, nor are there a thousand links to every part of the Internet because people constantly remove sites and that drives me insane. (How is a web page owner expected to keep up with them all?) Instead, I've presented my own take on sci-fi, focussing on my favourite themes and unique opinions and interpretations.
I will never remove a page from this site. I abhor broken links therefore, as long as Geocities exists, so will the pages on this site. If something becomes updated or moved I will leave the original page with a re-direction to the new one. I will not take down the embarassing fanfic. Your links are safe with me.  :)
What I hope to achieve
My web pages should be readily accessible to anyone surfing the net. Basic, readable, and clear...in my opinion, it's the content of a web site that makes it worthwhile, not the colourful presentation. So why not head over to Soulmates or my Fan Fiction for some enjoyable reading!


Nic also was the mod of a subsite called Soulmates, subtitled "The Ultimate Guide to Relationships" . The Soulmates page featured links to a mailing list (Soulmates Discussion), the "Soulmates Credo", the True Soulmates listing, and a number of analyses, statistics and discussions of particular pairings.

Nic's Fun Stuff

Another subsite of Nic's site was Nic's Fun Stuff page. As its title suggests, this page was mainly a collection of subpages featuring random fun fannish observations and information, including several subsites with musings on each of her favorite fandoms. Subpages include:


  1. ^ Mac & Anna's Place. Links, via Wayback: 20 February 2001. (Accessed 10 December 2015)