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More Grope

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Title: More Grope
Editor(s): Ann Looker
Date(s): November 1976
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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More Grope is a explicit het and slash parody 51-page anthology published in England. Artwork by Robin Hill (covers), Helen McCarthy, Beth Hallam, and Gerry Webb.

It is a sister zine to Alnitah and eight other "Gropes".

Contents of More Grope

The Gropes


Reactions and Reviews

See reactions and reviews for My Love Has Wings.

Two zines sharing ALNITAH'S high production standard are GROPE and MORE GROPE. They were conceived (if you'll pardon the expression) as the British answer to American fandom's "Adult Trekzine" GRUP, and treat their principle subject -- the sex life of the "Enterprise" crew ashore and aboard -- with some welcome irreverence as well as the expected romanticism. [1]

[zine]: All are long out of print and difficult to obtain. I sincerely hope that #8 won't be the last, since I quite enjoy the sly humor and artwork, and the offbeat but mature writing. You won't find any too serious/dramatic, overwritten, overly sentimental, sophomoric tear-jerkers here. The editor herself said, in the "Editor's Postscript" to SON OF GROPE: "...the zine as a whole is not meant to be taken seriously, though certain individual stories may bring a tear to the eye, a lump to the throat, a wrench to the gut, or up yesterday's dinner! GROPE began as a light-hearted romp and, I hope, will continue in that spirit. The stories and poems...do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor nor are they intended to present a workable Star Trek universe—not even I think that the big E can function with its First Officer permanently on heat!" Some American readers may find some of the British writing hard to get used to. It should be noted, too, that the majority of stories are not K/S. In this case, the ability to appreciate Infinite Diversity certainly pays off! [2]

[zine]: MORE GROPE (#2) contains "My Love Has Wings" by Audrey Baker, one of her earlier pre-K/S" stories in which Kirk is seriously bitten and poisoned by flying parasites, and the rest of the landing party is killed, except for Spock. An alien winged angel-woman, named Shasti, rescues Kirk from death. While he is convalescing, Spock and Shasti become enamored of each other in spite of its hopelessness: Shasti and her people are physically unable ever to leave their planet, and she knows Spock must return to the ship—and Kirk. They do make love and spend the night together, however, then part, sadly. Kirk surmises what has happened, and expresses his regret. Later, after Kirk beams up, Spock bids his final farewell to Shasti, then returns. "Back in the ship Kirk looked at him with sympathy and understanding, but all he said was, 'So you've come back.' 'Yes,' said Spock, 'I have come back.' He would never forget the song in the sunrise or Shasti of the glowing wings and copper hair, but here was a greater bond.... Suddenly his eyes lightened and he almost smiled. 'Yes, Jim,' he repeated, 'I have come back.'" A word here about the stories of Audrey Baker: She may well have been the first K/S writer. "My Love Has Wings" was written about 1970, before she knew about fandom or had read any Trek fiction. She wrote a series of about 100 stories; some of the first being the "Pris Ramsbottom" stories, one of which appeared in GROPE #7 and #8. The K/S theme even appeared subtly in these first stories. Her stories frequently have a very British flavor, for which is is well worth developing a taste for. Since she was uninfluenced by other fannish stories, her stories have a uniquely different viewpoint, and her interpretation of Spock is quite original — and could be just as valid as the standard, accepted fannish characterization. "Where No Man Has Come Before" (no author listed) is the prototypical "stuck elevator" story, so slyly written that you can't be absolutely certain what is really happening. After an explosion, Kirk and Spock are trapped between decks in the turbo-lift, for some time. Life support systems are shut down, and it quickly becomes cold. McCoy is concerned with Spock's well-being, and instructs Kirk over the com, "'...general body massage with particular attention to the extremities...'", then the com breaks down, too. Spock is rather shocked, but as the temperature drops, he allows Kirk to comply with McCoy's instructions. Kirk proceeds from "extremities" to thighs and back.... The lights go off. It gets colder. Kirk suggests something—just what is not made clear. Spock says that it is illogical, and is uncertain as to the practicalities, but he complies.... Scott, meanwhile, is trying to free them, and speculates with McCoy about what they are doing to pass the time; "something logical," they decide. When Kirk and Spock hear their rescuers, they pull themselves together; Spock tries to warn Kirk about... but then the lights go on. McCoy and Scott are amazed to see that Kirk is wearing Spock's blue tunic, and vice verse. Spock whispers, "I tried to tell you, Jim." "A Gay Day" (no author listed) is not K/S, but rather one of those intentionally misleading tales, and concerns Kirk getting married—by Spock. not to him. In "Search", Spock finds himself in yet another compromising situation while trying to rescue Kirk: making love with Uhura in a brothel. There are a few other odds and ends, including some cartoons. I particularly like the one of the exotic Vulcan "potty", with a sheaf of sheets ripped from KRAITH tacked up on the wall, for the "sanitary purposes" of the user (instead of the more traditionally Human Sears catalog). [3]


  1. ^ by Helen McCarthy in "City" #3 (1977)
  2. ^ from Not Tonight Spock! #8
  3. ^ from Not Tonight Spock! #8