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Mindy Glazer

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Name: Mindy Glazer
Type: fan writer, fanzine publisher
Fandoms: Star Trek, Remington Steele
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Mindy Glazer is a Star Trek fan writer who is perhaps best known for her fanzine Tales of Feldman.

In 1982, she was nominated for a FanQ award and submitted the following bio to The Annual Fan Q Awards Nominations Booklet:

Though it seems to her like she was born there, Mindy Glazer dates her entry into ST fandom to February 11, 1978, at 8:30 p.m. (precisely), when there was nothing on tv and the only person she wanted to telephone had already telephoned someone else. Unable to find anything better to do, she began writing The Perfect Object . Some months later she created a character to provide her with a few laughs. These stories proliferated but sat in the drawer, deemed too strange to appeal to the zine-reading public, until Mindy finally realized that Trek fans were in fact far stranger than she had given them credit for being. Thus was born Tales of Feldman. Further tales of Feldman have appeared in Dagger of the Mind and Interstellar Mail Collected, and other stories in Gateway . More Tales of Feldman is an on-again-off-again sequel, but now that there is an actual illo Spock and The Six Foot Carrot (by Nan Lewis, no less), MToF is probably definitely on again. Other fannish activities have included writing caustic letters, running up astronomical phone bills, and being the official Universal Translator proofreading peon until they found out that the word processor had a better disposition.

Mindy also contributed one of fandom's favorite t-shirts. As one fan explained in 1996: "When I first got into Trek, there was a story that Mindy Glazer wrote (gen not slash, for all you people who passed by Trek) that someone took a phrase from and put on a T-shirt, something like "WOMEN'S SEWING CIRCLE AND TERRORIST ASSOCIATION." [1]

The tee shirt was "Every Woman has a Right", and beneath that in smaller letters was "And some have a left," which was attributed to The Women's Gynecological and Hosannah Society. That was a group of women on the ship trying to help an unhappy and pregnant Feldman. MG

Sample Works




  1. ^ source: Morgan Dawn's personal recollections of mailing list discussions, accessed October 21, 2011