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Name: Aubrey/Maturin novels, Master and Commander (novels and film)
Creator: Patrick O'Brian
Date(s): 1970-2004
Medium: Novel, Film
Country of Origin: Britain
External Links: Paintings of the Aubrey/Maturin book covers by Geoff Hunt RSMA
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"Duet" by Suzan Lovett

Patrick O'Brian's naval stories, set during the Napoleonic Wars, are referred to outside of slash and media fandom as the "Aubrey/Maturin" novels, to some fannish amusement. (See virgule.) Within the fandom, the book series as a whole is known as the Aubreyad (following the naming style of the 'Iliad' and 'Aeneid').

Within media fandom, they are inside the umbrella fandom of Age Of Sail. The fictional output within the fandom tends to be mainly slash, pairing the main characters Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin. There is also a smaller amount of gen and femslash.

As with many Age of Sail fandoms, crossovers occur quite frequently. Crossovers with Hornblower, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Georgette Heyer exist.

The film Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, released in 2003, is an adaptation of the 10th novel, but it also uses scenes from other novels. This film release caused a surge of popularity in the fandom, and the creation of many online fan communities.

For a list of related fandoms, see List of Military Fandoms.

There is an annual Advent Calendar challenge run on the perfect_duet comm on LiveJournal (since 2012, the Advent Calendar has been mirrored on the Dreamwidth community of the same name).

Most of the communities in the fandom were originally set up on LiveJournal and the majority of them have since had mirror communities set up on Dreamwidth.


Gen doujinshi:

The Dear Surprise (a one-off print fanzine)

Archives and Communities
