Jazz (Transformers)

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Name: Jazz
Fandom: Transformers
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Jazz is a popular and recurring character in the Transformers franchise.

Canon Overview

[characterization, story role, further important appearances]

His Generation One counterpart appears in:

His other counterparts appear in:

See Jazz (disambiguation) on TFWiki.net for more of his appearances.

Most fanworks focus on his G1 or Animated appearances as of 2024.

Popular Tropes & Fanon


Subjects of Fannish Interest & Meta

Jazz/Prowl, Jazz's most popular ship, originated in early 90s as a crack ship in the G1 canon, later becoming one of the most popular pairings in the fandom overall.[1] It predated the IDW comics and Animated, so when they released, many shippers adapted their new personalities to fix the ship rather than the other way around.[1] Prowl in particular was heavily influenced by this fanon in fanworks, as he was originally the least developed personality-wise between him and Jazz.[1] He can be considered one of the first fandom ghosts.[1]


This is purposefully an incomplete list, as Jazz is shipped with many of the other Transformers. He's also popular for self-insert shipping.

Please add any notable relationships in fanworks if they are missing.

Primary Canon With... Full Label Type Ship Name(s) Information
Animated and G1/IDW Prowl Jazz/Prowl M/M Jazzprowl Prowl's most popular pairing as of 2024.
Animated and G1/IDW Prowl Jazz & Prowl Gen (n/a) (n/a)
Generation 1 Soundwave Jazz/Soundwave M/M Jazzwave (n/a)
Generation 1 Optimus Prime Jazz/Optimus Prime M/M Jazzop (n/a)
Generation 1 Optimus Prime Jazz & Optimus Prime Gen (n/a) (n/a)
Animated and G1/IDW Optimus Prime, Prowl Jazz/Optimus Prime/Prowl Poly (n/a) (n/a)
Generation 1 Bumblebee Bumblebee & Jazz Gen (n/a) (n/a)
Bayverse Mikaela Banes Mikaela Banes/Jazz F/M (n/a) (n/a)

Example/Notable Fanac

Fan Communities/Fan Events


Fan Fic

Fan Art

General Fanworks



  1. ^ a b c d As said in Prowl, Original Fandom Ghost by multiple fans