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Name: JAG
Creator: Donald P. Bellisario
Date(s): 1995-2005
Medium: TV
Country of Origin: USA
External Links: IMDB
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JAG is a military drama about lawyers serving in the Navy's Judge Advocate General Corps that debuted on TV on September 23, 1995 on NBC and was later moved to CBS. The show NCIS is a spin off of it which started in 2003 while JAG was still airing. As of 2022 there are 4 different NCIS shows 3 of which started airing after JAG was no longer on the air.

Show Synopsis

JAG'spilot episode starred David James Elliott as Lieutenant Harmon Rabb, Junior and Andrea Parker as his partner, Lieutenant (j.g.) Caitlin Pike. By the second episode, Lieutenant Pike was replaced with Lieutenant (j.g.) Meg Austin, played by Tracey Needham. Halfway through the season, supporting characters were added in the form of Admiral AJ Chegwidden, played by John M. Jackson, and Commander Allison Krennick, played by Andrea Thompson.

At the end of the 1995-1996 television season NBC canceled JAG. In the scramble for other networks to pick up the show, CBS came out on top. CBS added JAG to its mid-season schedule. JAG spent the remainder of its run at CBS, primarily on Tuesday evenings. The show was moved to Fridays in the ninth season (Sept. 2003), and many fans believe this move had a hand in JAG's demise.

In January 1997 as JAG began it's second season, gone were Lieutenant Austin and Commander Krennick. Added were Major Sarah MacKenzie, played by Catherine Bell, and Lieutenant (j.g.) Bud Roberts, played by Patrick Labyorteaux. The core cast remained static for the next several years. Love interests were brought in for both Mac and Harm, but when all was said and done, the relationships didn't stand a chance. At the end of season nine, Admiral Chegwidden bid JAG goodbye, and David Andrews stepped in to play Major General Cresswell, the first Marine to serve as the Judge Advocate General.

When the show ended at the end of April of 2005, fans were left with a happy ending and the main characters moving on to new assignments. Harm was offered the position of Force Judge Advocate, Europe, to be stationed in London, England. Mac was offered the position of Commander, Joint Legal Services Southwest, to be stationed in San Diego, California. But as their separation loomed, they finally faced their feelings for one another and Harm proposed. The series finale left us watching the coin that would decide the direction of their future together hanging in mid-air.

Mac and Harm would later appear on a episode of the spin off NCIS LA during the season finale.



Several fan sites exist in support of the show, which began its fandom just as the Internet started becoming a factor in fannish existence; a list of links can be found at The JAG Archive. The main pairing in the fandom is the canonical het pairing of the main characters, Sarah MacKenzie/Harmon Rabb, which was finally resolved at the end of the series when they agreed to get married, flipping a coin to determine who would resign to be with the other.

Fan Fiction Archives


Mailing List

  • Men Of Jag Slash archive link Description: "Harm.....Webb and the rest of the men from Jag have a electric relationship the needs to be explored. come play with the boys, share a story, explore the possibilities.... All stories will be posted to the WWOMB or a JAG related archive if we get enough. Joining confirms you are over the legal age in your area."
  • jagslash archive link Description: "This is a list devoted to discussion of, and fanfic about, m/m and f/f slash on the show JAG. This means that this list contains adult content involving homosexuality. Please send an age statement that you are over 18 so that I can subscribe you to Jagslash. If you are pending for a week or more, I haven't seen your application. Therefore please send an email(including an age statement) to my personal net address ([email protected]) and I will add you when I get your age statement."
  • AnniePatJAGstories archive link Description: "An easy to access repository for our works of JAG [Harm and Mac] Fan Fiction. Despite the catagory placement by Yahoo Groups, there are NO R or NC17 works of fiction posted here. Most stories are like PG movies, with a few that could be PG-13 by today's standards."
  • JAG Treasure Seekers A Yahoo Group started on July 29, 2003, the group had 1,380 members at its end. It was most active from 2003-2009 with hundreds of messages a month, but continued to receive messages through 2019. Description: "JAG mailing list for people searching a FF. You know the title but not the link? You know the storyline but not the title or author? Feel free to ask the group. Also feel free when you know the answer to a question, to tell the group. The character pairing doesn't matter - also not the rating of a story."
  • WebbMacFic Description: A place to post and discuss G through NC-17 (no threesomes) fan fiction dedicated to Clayton Webb and Colonel Sarah MacKenzie from the TV series, JAG.


