The Chakotay/Paris Writers' Support Group

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Name: The Chakotay/Paris Writers' Support Group
Owner/Maintainer: Raonaid
Dates: 1997-2005
Type: Chakotay/Paris resource site
Fandom: Star Trek: Voyager
URL: (via Wayback)

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Screenshot of the CPSG website

The Chakotay/Paris Writers' Support Group (CPSG) was a support group for writers and readers of Chakotay/Paris slash - "literature (cough, cough) focusing on the romantic entanglements" of Chakotay and Tom Paris. It also had an associated mailing list.

The site was a member of the Chakotay/Paris Slash Ring.

The Table of Contents included:

  • The Important C/P Stuff
  • The Fanfic Stuff
  • The Fun C/P Stuff
  • The Slash Stuff
  • The Official List Stuff

The Important C/P Stuff

Important was finding C/P on the net in the times before Google, so there was an extensive C/P Links Page with links to the fanfic websites of CPSG members and recs for other good sources of C/P fanfic. The obligatory link to Minotaur's Sex Tips for Slash Writers was there as well and links to C/P relevant information such official sites, character profiles, trivia, a Voyager glossary, list of minor crewmembers, stardates, reviews, blueprints, episode summaries, etc.

Also important were relationship primers in form of favorite C/P moments from canon, common C/P first time tropes (Ways To Get The Boys Together), an introduction to C/P fanon, an image gallery for visual inspiration (aka 'drooling') and a C/P Sound Clip Archive (to keep in mind what the characters sound like, what exactly they said, and why it's so slashy to begin with). In addition to that there was an explanation of C/P fanfic acronyms and warning labels that was meant to help both readers and writers.

The C/P Fanfic Bible

The C/P Fanfic Bible was a list of C/P stories the CPSG members considered "essential" and can thus be seen as a rec list for C/P newbies:

Later added were[1]:

  • Canaan Land by Helmboy. This is a part of a *long* story arc called 'Travelling Man'.
  • The Taming of Tom Paris by Britta. This story is also available as a zine from Trick or Treat Press.
  • Resurrection by Amirin.
  • :

    The Fanfic Stuff

    Captured vidcap about "conventions to which we fall prey" in fanfic

    Included were once a again the C/P Fanfic Bible and link list and in addition to that the CPSG parody story series Tipping the Scales "in which we poke fun at ourselves (C/P writers) and the eternal C/P conventions to which we fall prey."

    The Fun C/P Stuff

    Among the fun stuff C/P fans could find the secret love letters of Chakotay and Paris, C/P Tiny Trek by Bad Fan Art Productions (TM), captioned vidcaps that didn't fit anywhere else on the pages, Siubhan's Chakotay/Paris Panty Sweat Page, the obligatory C/P Top Ten lists (aka TOP TEN REASONS WHY TOM PARIS IS YUMMIER THAN CHAKOTAY and TOP TEN REASONS WHY CHAKOTAY MIGHT BE MORE SUAVE THAN TOM PARIS...), the CPSG Caption Contest (So what *is* Tom saying to Chakotay?), and links to sites with slash-inspiring pictures to get the C/P muse jumpstarted. (Also, proof in manip form that Chakotay is really Xena. *g*)

    The Slash Stuff

    Links here included once again the slash fanfic acronyms, the Ways to Get the Boys Together, and the links to sites with m/m pictures for slashy inspiration.

    The Official List Stuff

    CPSG banner designed by Siubhan. The CPSG byline was "Dedicated to life, liberty, and the pursuit of slashiness."

    Chakotay Paris Support Group, The (cpsg); archive link [created August 1998] Description: "The Chakotay/Paris Writers' Support Group is a list for Star Trek: Voyager Chakotay/Paris slash fanfiction writers. We talk about writing C/P and share and critique each other's stories."

    This section contained information about the former Onelist and later egroups-Onelist CPSG mailing list, most importantly the The List FAQ and Technical Details, including the "What happened to my email?" section, and there was an introduction to the CPSG for new members and an explanation of the List Guidelines that list members should read before posting.

    The basic rules were:

    1. You must be at least 18 to play with us on this list.
    2. The list is confidential. Do not forward things off the list without permission. All postings are the property of the person posting them. The obvious exceptions are informational postings that have been forwarded from elsewhere on the net.
    3. Play nicely with your fellow list members. If you can't respect the folks on this list, then you have no place here.
    4. Use spoiler space for a week when talking about new shows, be they Trek or non-Trek.

    If someone had their own webpage, they could use one of the banners provided in this section to link back to the CPSG. This was also the place to check out the "highly official" hierarchy of CPSG Muses (circa 1997) and learn all about the CPSG-ers by viewing the tongue-in-cheek list Family Shrub (circa 1998).

    C/P Links

    CPSG Recommendations Member's Fanfic[2]

    Margaret's Fiction Page | Siubhan's Fiction Page | Joanne's Fiction page | Stories by Jan and June | Vyola's Corner | Voywriter's Story Page | Sapphire's Chakotay/Paris Page | Super Cat's Home Page | Terabithia's Star Trek Archive | Raonaid's Home Page | Fanfiction by Becca O. | Amirin's C/P Slash Page | Keikimo's Voyager Slash Fanfic Page | Debra Fran Baker's Notebook | Gila's Cave ~ James' Fanfiction | Fiction by T'lyr | Lianne's Fiction Page | Tommyhawk's C/P Slash Page | Britta's Slash Page | Helmboy's Slash Page | Smaragd's C/P | Blackcat's (aka JanitaMB's) Voyager Slash Fiction | Slash Hideout (Chriss) | KK's C/P Star Trek Fan Fic | Judy's Other Page | Miscellaneous Fiction by Zoe Rayne | Bridget's Home Page | Kitara's Fiction Archive | Robin's Place | Kamil's Fanfic | Zorrorojo's Slash Scribblings | Speedo's Slash Page | Kiff's Voyager Slash Page | S & K's Domain | Brazenhussy's Voyager Slash | Fiction by Andrea, arachne, Briony, John Blonde & whitecrow | Kathy and Beth's Page O' Musings | The Writings of Lady Phoenix

    Other Good Sources of C/P Fanfic

    The Chakotay/Paris Slash Ring | Alt.StarTrek.Creative Fanfiction Archive and its alternate FTP site and alternate web site | Star Trek Fan Fiction on the Net | Slash Fanfiction on the Net | The Definitive Guide to Star Trek Fan Fiction on the Web | SpockSarah's Warped World | The Chakotay/Paris Slash Ring list of sites | Kim's Cafe | Manuela's Adult Fanfiction Page | Miriam's Little Corner of the Universe | Upstairs Scroll Room | Sileya's Fan Fiction | Spirit's Heaven | Mary Reilly's 'Star Trek: Voyager' Slash Stories | Calico's Lair | Yanthee's ST: Voyager Fanfiction | Slash City | Sue's Voyager Pages | Leone's C/P Page | Paris Nights: The Tom Paris Fanfiction Archive | Jan and June's Recommendations - slash reviews (updated regularly!)


    1. ^ The The C/P Fanfic Bible, circa 2005 Wayback version. (Accessed 30 May 2010)
    2. ^ C/P Links. (Accessed 01 March 2021)