Nights in Black Satin

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Title: Nights in Black Satin
Author(s): Richel Darrah
Date(s): 1997
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Trek Voyager
Relationship(s): Chakotay/Paris
External Links: Nights in Black Satin (CPSG)

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Nights in Black Satin is a Chakotay/Paris story by Richel Darrah. It was originally published in Awakenings #3.

Summary: While on an alien planet, Paris has to pretend to be Chakotay's bond-slave: "You aren't the one who has to trail around behind Chakotay like a mindless idiot," Paris snapped. He'd spent the last hour listening to Neelix explain the proper behavior expected of a ban'aut and he was heartily sick of the entire subject.

The story was part of the The C/P Fanfic Bible - a list of C/P stories the CPSG members considered "essential" - at The Chakotay/Paris Writers' Support Group.