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Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam!
Zine | |
Title: | Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! |
Publisher: | Whatever You Do, Don't Press |
Editor(s): | |
Date(s): | 1990s |
Series?: | |
Medium: | |
Size: | |
Genre: | |
Fandom: | Quantum Leap |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
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Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! is a slash Quantum Leap anthology. It focused almost exclusively on the pairing of Sam/Al. It seems to have contained a mix of romance and hurt/comfort stories, although some of the h/c was criticized for having a high level of violence and too much hurt and not enough comfort. Although overall, most fans seemed to enjoy the zine's stories and found them emotionally moving.
It won "Best Zine" in the Quantum Leap category at the 1995 STIFfie awards, a few of the stories featured in the zine won STIFfie awards as well.
Issue 1
Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 1 was published in May 1993 and contains 142 pages. It has a front cover by KOZ.
- The Calavicci Seal of Approval by J.R. (1)
- Unforgettable by Colleen Moore (Inspired by, but not based upon, the New Twilight Zone episode: Room 2426, starring Dean Stockwell) (11)
- Forgotten Memories, poem by Caitlin Stewart (52)
- There's No Place Like Home by Kate Murphy (53)
- Memory by Kay Silverman (55)
- I Should Have Told You, poem by Caitlin Stewart (70)
- Killing Me Softly by Gena S. Durrell (71)
- To Have Loved and Lost by Kay Silverman (87)
- Pillow Fight by Caitlin Stewart (93)
- Together as One by Gena S. Durrell (97)
- Can't Cry Hard Enough by Leah S. (111)
Excerpts from a flyer:
WHAM, BAM, THANK YOU, SAM! 1, a slash QUANTUM LEAP zine containing:
MEMORY by Kay Silverman
"Sam!" Al shouted from somewhere within in the night. "Sam, here! The back door!"
Sam followed his friend's voice, sprinting through the open sliding door and across the moonlit lawn.
"Sam, you're in the right direction, he's heading for the woods! You should see him in a minute, that bag of loot is slowing him down."
Sure enough, he suddenly spotted a short, dark figure heading toward the trees. Sam was already gasping for air, but he pumped his legs even harder, knowing full well he would only lose the burglar in the confusion of the woods. He was practically on the smaller man's heels when he heard Al's yell.
"Sam, no, wait! He's got his gun out--!"
The last sounds Sam heard were an earsplitting bang and Al screaming his name.
UNFORGETTABLE by Colleen Moore
The sound of agonized retching caught and twisted my gut. Running for the bathroom, I stopped stock still at the door, staring in horror at the trembling man kneeling over the toilet. He was gasping for breath, those fragile hands almost the same color as the porcelain he had a deathgrip on. Retching dry air, his face reddening with the effort. I flicked on the light, wondering in the back of my fear- filled mind why he chose to sit here and vomit in the dark. When the brightness filled the room, I knew. He looked worse than an Auschwitz victim, every rib on his torso visible, his muscle tone down to nothing, legs sticks with just the semblance of flesh... And the bruises, on the inside of each elbow, prominent against his nearly snow white skin.
"My God, Sam. What the hell are they doing to you?"
"Where am I?"
"The Quantego Complex, in New Mexico. We're an experimental psychiatric hospital. The patients here are all considered hopeless guinea pigs--but you're gonna help me prove it works. That we can help others like you."
"Maybe then I can leap," I mumbled.
I ignored it. I didn't want to ask, but I had to. "Is my mother's name Thelma?" He nodded. "Father, John? We live on a farm in Elkridge, Indiana?" With each nod of his head, my world shattered into littler pieces. The happier he got, the more dread ate up my insides.
"That's very good, Sam." He studied me a minute, mistaking my reaction for something else. "But I think that's enough for one day. You've got a lot to digest."
I grabbed his arm before he could start to get up. "No, please, I--I have to know everything, now. Is Tom alive?"
He watched me closely, apparently gauging my mental state. When he spoke, his voice was gentle. "No, he died in Vietnam. We think that's one of the things which led to your eventual breakdown. There were things that happened--but I really don't think you're ready to hear it all yet. We have to take things slow."
"Did we meet before, Dr. Calavicci?" I held my breath, praying for at least one shred of normalcy.
"The first time I saw you, Sam, was when they brought you in."
And much more! More fiction by: Kate Murphy, Beth Hlabse, J.R. Artwork by: KOZ.
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1
See reactions and reviews for Unforgettable.
[Memory]:Well, guys, I just read some of my first QL Slash Zine, Wham, Bam, Thank You Sam #1, and I've got to say, it just reminded me what a firm *COMFORT* fan I am in the H/C genre, despite my S/M kink.
There was a story in WBTYS (I whish the zine had a shorter name...) called 'Memory' that I kind-of liked, but I skipped over all the gratuitous violence and only read the comfort parts where Sam appeared. (The stories a get-Al, and starts with *A SMALL SPOILER ALERT* Sam's death.
I think I would have read the violent sections if the author would have tailored it to Al's personality and background, but other than one toss away line, it was all the same old stuff that I've read before.
And the sex wasn't even that good. [1]
[Can't Cry Hard Enough]: This is a terrific story. One of the first QL slash stories and still among the best.AU - though one of the nice things about QL is that arguably *nothing* is AU - this story hits one of my favorite buttons: what would Al be like if...? In this story, Al is a research psychiatrist, Sam is his patient, and PQL never existed. Or did it? Does it exist now? Is this a leap? An alternate timeline?
These are the kind of questions Leah raises in a story's always tugged at my heart. I fell in love with this Al almost immediately - he is a quiet man, almost ascetic in his habits - yet Leah retains the soul of the Al I love. Sam is Sam - sometimes lost and heartbroken, sometimes sure of himself and sure of Al, and yet always able to find the "right" in what went "wrong".
Things you'll love:
- My god, the whole premise. It's brilliant and original and thought-provoking, and Leah makes it work from beginning to end.
- Al, if you don't mind different strokes.
- The supporting QL characters, and how they get woven into the new fabric of Sam's life.
Things you might not dig:
It's great to see this finally available on the net. For those of you who haven't read it before, prepare for a unique treat. For those of you who have visited before, read it again. It's better than you remember... [2]
- Al, if you mind different strokes.
- Is it real? Or isn't it? Not a good choice if you don't relish ambiguity.
[zine]:GEnie e-mail letter:
I'll close with a little bit about Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam 1. I asked a friend about slash zines. l wanted to find out what all the fuss was about. I wanted to read one and make up my own mind. She told me that if I was going to read slash, I might as well read the best, WBTYS. Now that I've read about 6 or 7 slash zines, I can still say that WBTYS if my favorite.
One of the main reasons is "Unforgettable," one of my all-time favorite QL stories, slash or straight. It was so good and so sad. I sometimes had to put it down and go away for awhile, then come back to it again. I didn't just cry at the end. l cried all through it. By the way, that's my way of recognizing a really sad story, by how much I cry while reading it.
"Killing Me Softly" was cleverly done and it seemed to be perfectly in character for Al to call a phone sex line.
"The Calavicci Seal of Approval" was the first slash story I ever read. In some ways, every slash story I read gets compared to it. I'm always amazed at the number and variety of stories about Sam coming home.
Both "Memory" and "To Have Loved and Lost" are bittersweet tales of homecoming, and nicely done. [3]
[zine]:Many thanks for the zine Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 1 which I received and read yesterday!
On the whole, I enjoyed the zine very much. [Leah S's] story was interesting, as usual, and I enjoyed Caitlin Stewart's two poems. My favorite story was "Kiling Me Softly." There were only two stories that I wasn't happy with, the first being "Unforgettable."
Death stories are not my favorites, but I have nothing against them. And I enjoy hurt/comfort ones, but this was too much. Too much hurt, no comfort. And the second was "Memory," simply because Donna is not my favorite person (in fact that is my "shower scene" episode!), and to have Sam choose her over Al -- uh uh! But the last few lines almost made it worthwhile!
Would I recommend the zine to my friends? No need! I think they have all ordered it! Something to do with the title, I believe! Keep up the good work! Will there be more? (I believe it was the great Chinese zined-philosopher Wahchu Loukinat who said it best: "Gimme stories, I give you zines." - MF) [4]
[zine]:Just a quick LoC to let you know that I had a great time reading Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 1 which I picked up at the QL Convention a few weeks ago.
This fandom presents particular challenges to would-be slash writers, not the least of which is how one manages to get the characters together when they can't touch each other! Interesting to see the way different writers get around that little detail.
The story that impressed me the most, by far, was [Leah S's] "Can't Cry Hard Enough." What a radical, brilliant spin on the situation: instead of being a time traveller, Sam is a genius who's suffered a psychotic or schizophrenic break with reality. His "leaps" into other lives are actually serial delusions, and Al is the device his mind has invented to preserve what shreds of sanity and continuity are left. I've read the story through three times now, each time I'm more in awe of the way she dovetailed "our" reality (leaping) with the world Sam woke up to. This would have made a great final episode (minus the X-rated parts, of course); kind of like the way St. Elsewhere ended a few years ago, by revealing the whole hospital/universe as existing only inside a child's toy... Wow, weird but wonderful. Please elicit lots more stories from this writer; she's really excellent. (-Indeed she is, and indeed I have.- MF)
I also enjoyed "The Calavicci Seal of Approval," as I like sweet first-time stories.
I'm less fond of stories with extremely graphic sex scenes (oh, all right, they make me blush, okay?), though I know other readers enjoy them. About the only story I realy didn't like was "Memory." Too much pain and suffering for no good reason other than to put Sam through the wringer.
I hope there's a second issue of Wham, Bam sometime soon. Please let me know, and keep up the good editing work! [5]
[zine]:KOZ's cover is gorgeous. I thought the Sam was particularly good.
Boy, your writers do love to pour on the angst when it comes to Sam and Al. They really put the two of them through the wringer and I loved every minute of it. Not that I wish the boys bad luck or anything, it's just that the writing was so damned good it swept me into their universe.
My particular favorite in this issue was [Leah S's] "Can't Cry Hard Enough." What a fascinating idea -- Sam as a mental patient hallucinating the whole Quantum Lean timeline. Or, alternatively, Sam changing time to the point where he has erased his past. Both ideas are equally viable in this story. And I loved the happy ending.
"Together as One" was probably a close runner up for favorite story, as was "Unforgettable." Yet the two stories are very much opposites, and I liked them for different reasons. "Together as One" gave me the warm fuzzies. I love romantic stories and Gena delivered.
Colleen Moore's "Unforgettable" was wrenching, lovely and as haunting as a ghost.
"Memory" was a lovely, bitersweet story about Al's reactions to losing Sam, purely due to his (and Sam's) meddling in time. I'd love to see a sequel to that one.
Kiling Me Softly" was a lovely change of pace. It was a lively, sexy romp that helped lighten the tone of the zine.
"Pillow Fight" was a lovely vignette in the same tone.
The Calavicci Seal of Approval" was a hot look at a possible beginning of the relationship. Very hot.
I hope you had a good enough response that you might consider a second issue. I'd certainly buy it. [6]
[zine]:Thank you so much for Wham, Bam. (wonderful title!), received safely, not impounded by Customs, or anything. (-For which my lawyers are extremely grateful!- MF) I enjoyed it very much. I don't buy many fanzines, as I'm very particular-much top fussy, so my less critical friends assure me -- not only about content, plot and characterisation, but also about writing style, layout, correct English...face it, I'm just totally AR. However, a friend passed me your flyer, and the story excerpts looked so promising, I just couldn't resist. Both Colleen Moore's and [Leah S's] stories are outstanding, both powerful and poignant; I doubt whether the author meant it as such, but I couldn't help but draw paralels between Ms. Moore's story and QL's cancellation: the fight to save something one loves, and the awful aftermath of failure. I also enjoyed J.R.'s piece -- she has a delightful way with dialogue, and I adore the picture she paints of Sam and Al living together in Bohemian squalor!
I liked the cover, also (and I'm even fussier about artwork than I am about writing, so this is a major breakthrough). Congratulations all round; I'll look forward to issue #2 - will there be an issue #2? I do hope so! [7]
[zine]:I was pleasantly surprised. I thought this zine would only deal with sexual blow-by-blow encounters. But, it had more-like plot and character development.
"Unforgettable" -- gripping torture story, but I still can't see how Ruben would have missed the idea of tightening the screws on Sam by bringing Al along, torturing him -- and making Sam watch. That might have done it. Besides, even if they were leaving themselves an out by keeping the admiral alive, the military still would have come down on them, once they found out Ruben had tortured "the next Einstein" (Sam) to suicide. Either way, Ruben had no real incentive for keeping Al alive, once they got the secret. Ruben was realy stupid in thinking tapes of a non-deceased Sam could frighten Al into surrender!
"Memory" -- This story demands a sequel, in my opinion. Sam's heart and mind may demand a reopening of his deliberation; Donna may find a lot less sexual satisfaction with Sam. And would Al really continue to hang around, tortured by memories of a relationship he apparently can no longer have? Or would Al end up taking off for parts unknown?
"Killing Me Softly" -- not only did Sam end up seducing Al -- but "himself — via phone sex!
"To Have Loved and Lost" --heartbreaking. But something disturbed me about the new time line. Even if Sam was tempted to have an affair with Al, wouldn't Al have tried to back off, to spare Sam the agony of knowingly being unfaithful to Donna?
"Together as One" -- I liked the subtle way in which Sam's reacquaintance with his own life was presented. It started out subtly with descriptions of furnishings which gave clues as to how Sam and his mystery "companion" blended their lives, outside of sex. Then it centered on Al's arrival -- their sexual encounter -- and Sam's final realization of his and Al's true relationship.
I liked the idea that, for once -- in a slash story -- Donna had a role besides that of a mere obstacle to be eliminated by divorce or a time change, or having to contend with a menage a trois. Interesting that in this universe, Sam and Al were able to have a "commitment ceremony." I wonder, though, would Sam and Al's "marriage" have been considered legal, say, in New Mexico? Or would some of the more conservative committee members have raised hell with the funding if they found out about it? (-Remember that this story takes place several years In the future. Times are changing slowly, true, but they are changing.- MF)
"Can't Cry Hard Enough" -- This was very confusing. I actually thought the "observer Al" really existed -- and finally had to bid Sam goodbye! But, after reading the whole story, I'd have to say he was the one going into oblivion -- and trying his best to ease Sam into the new timeline. No wonder he said, "Hug this Al, I'll feel it." I felt as though I'd been double-crossed when Sam revealed, at the end, that the electrical shock he got was from the Starbright project -- not Quantum Leap. For a few moments, I couldn't be sure whether to believe Sam — or consider it a rationalization. [8]
[zine]:Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! (is there a reason why I cannot say that title without blushing?). Nice, semi-tasteful cover art with Al demonstrating his Disappearing Hand trick. What, no other illos? (-I believe it was the great German zined-phllosopher Plees Handel MItkerr who said It best: "You gimme artists who are wiling to Illustrate slash stories, and I give you Illos." What a way with words the man has.- MF)
"The Calavicci Seal of Approval" or "Sam Discovers the Joys of Anal Sex" by J.R. -- no problem. Decently written and fairly believable. At first I wasn't sure whether Sam would really sleep with Al after having just met him that day, but they had been eyeing each other prior to that. And, hey, Sam is a normal human being with normal urges, so...
Kate Murphy's "There's No Place Like Home" is terrific. A sincere and beautiful piece.
If Gena S. Durrell was aiming to confuse with her two radically different pieces, she was highly successful. First of all, I absolutely hated "Killing Me Softly," save for the title itself. I found it repulsive, pointless and just downright obnoxious. Sam and Al are completely out of character. In fact, this story seems to typify everything anti-slash "activists" despise, and everything I fear that the entire genre will eventually become. No, I'm not a prude; I greatly enjoy a story that is obviously intended as pure fun. But I actually found this one offensive and there IS very little fiction In existence that can have such an effect on me anymore. Now much to the contrary, Gena's "Together As One" is a fine story, a post-leap events unfolding realistically to the satisfying conclusion. So truthfully. I'm not sure what to make of this particular author, and I'd like to read more of her work.
[Leah S's] "Can't Cry Hard Enough" Is a brilliant story In Itself. The concept Is genuinely fascinating, one of the best plots I've seen In a while. And for the most part it is executed superbly (But, and I knew you were just waiting for that "but"), I feel strongly that It should have been written as a straight story. The slash aspects do not work all that well nor are they necessary. Had the slash been omitted and had it shown up in oh say, Green Eggs, I would've called it perfect. Just doesn't work for me as a slash piece.
I really liked Pillow Fight by Caitlin Stewart - a cute, well-written tale. Down feathers huh? I have to remember that! Oh. and her poems are just wonderful.
I saved the best for last with Coleen Moore's "Unforgettable." It is thoroughly incredible, with consistently sophisticated writing and totally believable characters But the most remarkable part of this piece Is the depth of raw emotion involved; the author obviously puts her heart and soul into every single word. I especially love the scene where Al Is crying into Sam's robe after he's died -- it made me cry. I would happily show this story to anyone wary of slash as a fine example of how wonderful and romantic it can be. I was fortunate enough to speak with Coleen and express my admiration, but I still can't seem to praise her enough. Unforgettable is some of the best fanfic I have ever read, slash or straight! [9]
[zine]:On the whole. I enjoyed the zine very much.
The CalavlccI Seal of Approval" was a new and Inventive way of looking at their first meeting.
Unforgettable -- a painful, down-beat story now and then is enjoyable, but I'm reading way too many of them In S/A for my tastes. Especialy after the thoroughly depressing ending to the series. I have the need for happy endings.
"There's No Place Like Home" was short but sweet.
"Memory" -- a bittersweet story with a painful ending, but I liked It. I would have liked to see more of Sam's suffering, though (with Al It hurts too much). stuff.
"Killing Me Softly" was a unique concept, a lot of fun.
To Have Loved and Lost" -- another 'kill Sam.' How about killing of Al for a change?
Pilow Fight" was definitely needed as a light-hearted fun piece among all the dark
Together as One" was a simple plot with some new interesting twists.
I enjoyed the poetry, and the color cover was very nice. I'm really looking forward to reading another issue. [10]
[zine]:I had misgivings at first about ordering this zine. Slash sometimes makes me uncomfortable. But this zine proved me wrong. It was good! I especially liked "Together as One" and "Can't Cry Hard Enough" (this story was the reason I got the zine). It was interesting reading about a different Al because of what Sam had done. "Together as One" handled the issue of homosexuality very tastefully for slash. I liked that story. The other stories were also good.
I hope there will be an issue 2. [11]
Issue 2
Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 2 was published in May 1994 and and contains 216 pages. It has a cover by TACS.
[The disclaimer]:Wham, Bam. Thank You, Sam! 2 is a non-profit publication from YOU DO, DON'T PRESS! and does not intend to infringe upon the rights held by Donald
Belasario, Belasarius Productions, Universal or any other holders of Quantum Leap trademarks or copyrights. Rights to each contribution revert back to the writer or artist one year from the copyright date. All contributions accepted are in trade for one free copy of the zine or a pro-rated discount. No bribes of a Winword 6.0 filter for Pagemaker, an OCR program that makes my scanner run, or a computer I can borrow just long enough to take out my frustration on were offered, although any of the above will get you a role on Murphy Brown (As an extra. Who never gets to talk. And has no scenes whatsoever with Peter Hunt, although you do get to catch a quick glance of him as he's going from the trailer to the closed set...). Laugh! Cry! Send LoCs!
[The editorial, full of technical woes]:Why is it that computer software manufacturers never put out related software at the same time? I'd really like to know. Here I am, all set up to edit stories in Winword 2.0 and import them into Pagemaker 5.0 to add titles and tweak the little suckers 'til I'm happy with the layout. Along comes Winword 6.0. Okay, fine-it takes me a while to get used to all the new changes, but I finally do and I'm happy with the result. ...Until I try to import the stories into Pagemaker. "No such format," the program was ecstatic to repeatedly tell me. There was no filter for Winword 6.0 in Pagemaker. So I had to go back and resave all my Winword 6.0 files as Winword 2.0 files. These Pagemaker would take-with one slight problem. Since each story had to go through two translations (6.0 to 2.0 to Pagemaker), the formatting screwed up. (Naturally.) Oh, don't worry, all the text is there. A lot of what's not there is underlining, italics and bolding - you know, the stuff that makes it clear who's thinking what when, etc. I tried to go back and read through all the stories, but since I'm putting out three zines for MediaWest, and it's the day before I climb into my sister's van to make the trek to Lansing, I'm afraid I didn't have time to catch them all. I just wanted to let you know that, yes, I did know that was supposed to be underlined (italicized, bolded), and it ain't my fault. Just pretend it's bolded (italicized, underlined), okay?
Now that I've got that off my chest... Can you believe how big this zine is?! It's nearly twice the size of the first one! You folks have made me so happy! ...Think we can do it again next year? Wham Bam, Thank You, Sam! 3 is open for business!
Enjoy this issue and please write to tell me what you think. My address is on the reverse of this page, or you can send me e-mail at: M.Frank7@genie.geis.com. Catch you on the flipside!
- Letters of Comment by D. Readers (1)
- In Certain Company by Lynne Dhenson (6)
- Two Tickets to Paradise by Leah S. (7)
- Strange Weather by Betty Ann Smith (41)
- Missing Pieces by Elaine Monty (70)
- The Opening Farewell by Betty Ann Smith 82)(
- Candlelighted Window by Lynne Dhenson (105)
- Shifting Sands by Leah S. (106)
- Ceremony of Innocence by Doreen Tracy (111)
- Solitude Shared by Lynne Dhenson (183)
- Home is Where the Heart is by Leah S. (184)
- Winner Takes All by Astrid Bootes (185)
Excerpts from a flyer:
I hearby declare Doctor Samuel Beckett to be mentally insane and order that he be placed in Merryweather Rest Facility, where he can receive adequate treatment.
"No..." I protested weakly. This can't be happening! There were two very stern-looking men on each side of me, holding my arms gently but firmly.
"I'm not crazy!" I wailed as they started to lead me away. Glancing around frantically for escape, I saw something that made me weak with relief: Al was standing there in his white dress uniform, looking forlorn and lost.
"Al!" I yelled, "help me!"
To my utter astonishment, he turned away. Turned his back on me, ignoring my pleas.
I struggled, panicked. "Al!" I screamed. "Please help me--don't let them do this!" But the white-clothed back was cold, unmoving. Tears burned down my cheeks as they led me, kicking and screaming Al's name, from the room.
STRANGE WEATHER by Betty Ann Smith
The elevator door closed soundlessly and began its long decent after a barely perceptible upward lurch. At the sight of his watery reflection in the stainless steel door, Sam took a nervous breath.
//Silver stakes napalm bamboo walls dropping fast cut the cables let me drop maybe there'll be air down there or something solid like a floor steel mud blood in the sunshine like walls of metal water closing tight and the bottom drops out freefall air breathing mud and there's no floor but no flies either and in another minute I can figure a reason not to die. Another minute and I'll know. Ziggy can tell me in another fifty-nine point nine seconds and then I can figure a reason not to die.//
The dream image struck him hard and sent him reeling backwards against the far panel. Bracing his body in the corner, he fought the urge to buckle into a crouch as the elevator walls undulated and pulsed toward him. Above the screams of a repressed memory, he managed to form one word, one sound.
When the elevator reached its destination, he bolted through the doors, startling the tech staff and barking out orders, the loudest of which was to Ziggy.
"The most recent companion neural scans for myself and Admiral Calavicci.
When we drove back to my brother's condo, it was quite late. Tom had an early class the next day, and, not wanting to wake him, we sneaked inside as quietly as we could, like teenagers who had broken curfew. As soon as we were inside the guest bedroom with the door closed, Al pounced. Laughing, we mock-wrestled, ending up falling on the bed in a tangle of limbs and half-removed clothing.
"My turn, lover," I told him, tearing at his pants in an attempt to get rid of them. I settled for pushing them down to his knees, bending my head to sample his delights.
...And I was jolted upright again, as the door suddenly opened. Tom stood there for a frozen moment, a pile of blankets in his arms. We all seemed to recover at the same instant. I let go of Al, Al scrambled to cover himself with the bedspread, and Tom began backing hastily out of the room.
"I--I'm sorry to--I didn't mean to--sorry," Tom babbled. The door closed and we were alone again.
Al was the first to speak. "I don't think that was such a good way to
break the news to him."
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2
See reactions and reviews for Ceremony of Innocence.
[zine]:Thank you for Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 2. I really loved this zine and it definitely lived up to its predecessor. I am very grateful for the fact that Sam did not die in any of the stories this time as it makes me feel so depressed.
I loved "Unforgettable" in WBTYS1, but enjoyed "Ceremony of Innocence" more because of the happy ending. It was brilliantly portrayed from both sides of the coin.
I also enjoyed the Sunday afternoon couch scene in "The Opening Farewell."
My least favourite story would have to be "Winner Takes All" — not because I didn't like it, I did, and unlike a lot of people, I don't dislike Donna. I just think Sam and Al don't need anybody else in their lives. [12]
[zine]:Love the cover — but then, the way to my heart is through Al. I was happy to see some new (and very talented) authors in this issue ...that is, I assume they're new, could just be pen-names, I guess. (-I'll never tell.- MF)
The poems were beautiful and touching. I hope to be seeing more poetry from Lynne.
Astrid is just about the only person who can write a story and actually have me accepting Donna. Shows how good a writer she is.
The Quantum Cravinos Universe was enjoyable. The situation was handled with finesse and care. Al's worrying about his age rang true.
Yes, I'm one of those stick-in-the-muds who wants happy endings. "Ceremony of Innocence" made the pain from "Unforgettable" go away.
"Missing Pieces" explored an interesting premise. Of course you know its begging for a sequel...
So's the zine. Keep up the good work![13]
[zine]:Issue 2 was just a wonderful. At first I was more than a little resentful that a good third of the zine appeared to be a rehash of "Unforgettable." But then I read "Ceremony of Innocence." Although I personally didn't mind the tragic tone of "Unforgettable" (we all gotta go sometime...), I was nonetheless pleased with another story that packed almost the same emotional punch, but with a happy ending.
Lynne Dhenson is a jewel-and I'm a sucker for romantic poetry. "Candlelighted Window" is exquisite.
[Leah S] is always wonderful, and "Two Tickets" and "Shifting Sands" were no exception.
Betty Ann Smith's stories moved me, disturbed me, and eventually captivated me. (Jeez, I hope that's a pseudonym...) (-Maybe it is ...and maybe it isn't. Only her editor know for sure.- MF) "Strange Weather" and "The Opening Farewell" took a while to grow on me, but some of the most tender, endearing and erotic Sam/AI scenes I've ever read appeared in both these stories. I'm hoping to read more from her, and in this universe. (-Betty Ann has a Quantum Cravings story in this very issue. And has promised me many more to come.- MF)
One thumbs down — "Winner Takes All" — I don't like triads. Something genetic, I'm sure, from my father's side of the family. Sorry.
So, having said all that...can I play, too? Enclosed is a submission I'm hoping you'll accept for WBTYS3. (-Happily accepted: Susan's "Courtmartlal" appears in this issue, and she has promised several sequels. Get to writtin', Susan!-MF) [14]
[zine]:Let me also comment on WBTYS2: It was the first QL slash zine I've read, although I ve read slash in other fandoms, and isolated QL pieces as well. I'm certainly impressed by the way the zine was put together, and the selection of stories.
My favorites in the issue were "Two Tickets to Paradise" by Leah S., "Strange Weather" by Betty Ann Smith and "Ceremony of Innocence" by Doreen Tracy. The specific reasons vary, but the general reason is the really gut-wrenching emotion that made up the primary focus of each story.
I especially liked the way "Two Tickets" started off with a wonderful bit of suspense and then built on it as the story progressed. I've read Leah's stories before (although this is the first slash story of hers that I've come across), and have always enjoyed her writing.
"Strange Weather" was very sweet, and a bit unusual in that the subplots were very muted. Nothing wrong with that, of course, and kudos to the author for still pulling off a fascinating story. Her second story took me a bit longer to get through, since the emotions there took on a very different spin, but I hope to see more of her writing in the future.
"Ceremony of Innocence" was hard to put down, but also hard to read — but in a good way. I was especially impressed by the detailed backdrop that Doreen set up for her story; it made everything so three-dimensional. Even though I hadn't read the first story (and after reading others' comments, I don't know if I could!), this one stood very well on its own. Doreen's another author who doesn't disappoint.
Can't wait for the next issue![15]
Issue 3
Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 3 was published in 1995 and contains 200 pages. The cover is by Cheryl Meidinger-Carter. And the interior art is by Rae Anne. It won a 1995 STIFfie Award.
[The disclaimer]:Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 3 is a non-profit publication from WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T PRESS! and does not intend to infringe upon the rights held by Donald
Belasario, Bellasarius Productions, Universal or any other holders of Quantum Leap trademarks or copyrights. Rights to each contribution revert back to the author or artist thereof one year after publication. All contributions are accepted in trade for one free copy of the zine or a pro-rated discount. No bribes of more time before the con, a teleportation device to get to the con at the very last instant possible, or more than 2 hours of sleep per night were offered, although the last will have me dead sound in two seconds flat. Laugh! Cry! Send LoCs!
[The editorial]:Well, MediaWest Is upon us again, and here Is a new Issue of WBTYS! I thought about putting out two Issues simultaneously, as I'm doing with Its sister publication. Green Eggs and Ham, but decided I didn't have quite enough material, so I'm going to hold off for a month or two.
You may have noticed my new address on the title page. Yes, I've moved. Again. This time. It was cross-country. And not fun. But It's done and overwith, and I'm enjoying my new city, so I think I'll stay put for a while. (I hear all those sighs of relief!)
We've got some wonderful stories for you this go-round, so why not find a quiet alcove, snag a favorite beverage and munchles, and...enjoy! Afterwards, please write me an LoC. Not only does It help me to know what people need/want/llke/dlslike. It also encourages the authors and artists to produce more~so you'll write more LoCs~so they'll produce more-so you'll write more LoCs... Get the picture?
Now, scoot. I've got things to do. It's a sunny day, go play outside, or go read or something. I'll see you on the flip-flop.
- Letters of Comment by D. Readers (1)
- Courtmartial by Susan Gibel (4)
- The River of Dreams by Doreen Tracy (15)
- Presents by Carol Zara (81)
- Nor in Hope by Lynne Dhenson (85)
- Caught in the Act by Lauren Adams (101)
- Destiny's Game by Leah S. (106)
- Reunion by Lee Owers (125)
- And So It Goes by Dana Kujan 128)
- Voices Carry by Betty-Ann Smith (135)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3
See reactions and reviews for River of Dreams.
First off, I'd like to publicly thank Rae Weston for the wonderful illo to accompany my first S/A story. Thanks, kid! I was delighted to find that WBTYS3 was a very Al-heavy issue.
My favorite story of the bunch was Susan Gibel's "Courtmartial." I absolutely loved the scene with Al on the witness stand. Susan managed to cut between testimony and flashback without confusing the reader or sacrificing the emotional impact of either experience. Bravo, Susan!
"Destiny's Game" was one I enjoyed playing. But then, [Leah S] rarely, if ever, disappoints. She knows these guys so well it scares me! One minor point: what did Muir look like? I can only guess that Al approved...? (-Leah says, "Yep. Because Muir was very Sam-looking."-MF)
I'm still enjoying Betty Ann Smith's Quantum Cravings Universe, even though "Voices Carry" wasn't what I was expecting.
Was I the only one who found Sam's being naked and surrounded by pussies a pretty ironic cover for a slash zine?![16]
WBTYS3 was the equivalent of a triathlon. It turned me upside down and inside out, and I loved every moment of it.
"The River of Dreams" was overwhelming. Tell you what, next time, let's just skip the middleman. I'll just cut my heart out and send it to Doreen,she can stomp on it, chop it into tiny pieces, dip it in brine, twist every drop of blood from it, then sew it back up and send it back to me...
I don't know where to begin. Doreen Tracy is becoming a serious addiction for me, as far as I'm concerned, she is one of the best damn writers of fan fiction I've ever had the pleasure of reading. To paraphrase a Gumpism: Doreen's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get...but you can rest assured that it will curl your toes. Her stories aren't as "safe" as some other writers, she likes to play in deep waters, flirt with the dark side of humanity. You read at your own risk. But more often than not, you get something incredibly wonderful. "River" is disturbing and powerful, a vortex of pain and love, good and evil. There's a lot in it that makes me very uncomfortable. Part of me would feel a hell of a lot better if the lines between Sam's emotions were less ambiguous. But then, they would be less human, and less truthful.
The story screams sequel (and so do I). What has taken me by absolute surprise, however, is that I find I really don't care if Al and Sam get together, or if Sam stays with Stan. For once, Al's protests about his heterosexuality were simply honest and moving, and not the least bit homophobic. It might be just as interesting and satisfying (and bittersweet and heart wrenching) to see if our heroes can rebuild their friendship despite the fact that Sam is head over heels in love with his terminally straight friend. Maybe Doreen could even give Al a decent girlfriend...
"Destiny's Game" was also terrific. If the story didn't walk as close to the emotional precipice as "River," it delivered what drew me to QL slash in the first place, a strong, warm and wonderful relationship between two extraordinary men. Leah is like a favorite sweater on a cold, winter's night—immensely comforting and profoundly satisfying. Brava, Leah!
"Voices Carry" was delightful. The scene by the pool with Verbena was solid gold. Al's (Sam's?) dream and its aftermath generated enough heat to curl the pages, and Al's memory of Ruthie was devastating.
And I thoroughly enjoyed the "Gen-X" Becketts. Jake was endearingly full of angst, sweet and strong and hurt and needy and utterly devoid of stereotypes. I loved him. And Nickel — wow! I never realized the erotic potential in Mickey Mouse band-aids. I'm in love... I guess what they say is true, all the best women are straight...or fictional characters. Or in this case, both. Can we please see these two characters again? (-Betty Ann says, "You definitely will, especially in the long novella I'm writing for WBTYS6. --MF) I am a little confused, though. I can't figure out why Sam thinks it's so okey-dokey for Al to bop his nephew, when in two years it's gonna be a major faux pas to screw the stewardess. Don't get me wrong, I prefer Sam's attitude in "The Opening Farewell." Al's all grown up and perfectly capable of keeping his pants zipped. And I think Sam has every right to be angry and hurt when Al lets his favorite organ wander. Call me crazy, I find monogamy and commitment incredibly sexy. I just don't understand the discrepancy between the two stories. Is it just the "queen" factor that makes the difference? Or did I misunderstand "Voices Carry"? Ah, well, I loved it nonetheless. (-Betty Ann continues, "No, you didn't misunderstand, at all. At this early stage of their relationship, when love Is new, Sam Is still testing Al. He wants to see how far Al will go. The novella will deal with this subject. Don't worry, no loose ends are left untied." And I'd like to add my personal congrats to Betty Ann and her SO, who just got married April 19. Way to go, ladies!- MF)
"And So It Goes" was extraordinary. It was perfect, absolutely flawless. I wouldn't change a comma. Filled with so much passion, bittersweet emotion and nuance that I can't believe it was only five and a half pages long. I've never read anything by Alana Grayson before, but I hope I do again. Soon. (-Alana is working on a wonderfully long, complex QL novel that we hope to publish before too long, possibly In early 1997. She, herself, has just recently acquired an SO, so congrats to her, as well.- MF)
"Presents" (Carol Zara) and "Caught in the Act" (Lauren Adams) were enjoyable and necessary breathers between the mega-angst marathons of Tracy and Smith. "Reunion" (Lee Owers) was a nice little heat wave. And Lynne Dhenson's "Nor in Hope" was good, if a little downbeat.[17]
The cover piece of WBTYS3 was beautiful. Made me think of bearskin rugs by firelight (Well, it did!).
"Courtmartial" — Yet again, Susan Gibe! displays what a wonderful writer she is: telling a great story while keeping Sam and Al in character. And naming that irritating professor "Bellisario" was a hoot!
"Presents" — Never underestimate the power of mistletoe.
"Nor in Hope" — I enjoy reading stories that talk about what's happening to Al and the Project during an episode leap.
"Caught in the Act" — Actions speak louder than words...
"Destiny's Game" — Another writer I can't get enough of. Sometimes I think Leah's had her neurons and mesons connected to the guys' brains!
"Reunion" — Sexy little piece. No pun intended.
"And So It Goes" — One o the reasons that I enjoyed illoing this story was because it read so realistically. As much as many of us would like to believe (myself included), the wives can't always be dismissed painlessly or without tears.
"Voices Carry" — Betty Ann Smith is one of my favorite new writers in QL slash. While I had been hoping — praying, lighting candles — for part 3 in her Quantum Cravings series, this one took an interesting side-street. I'm looking forward to more of her work. (-And for the third time, Congrats to another lovely lady for gaining an SO. Is there a disease going around? Can someone help me catch it?- MF)[18]
I really enjoyed Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 3 and 4, although I liked WBTYS4 better because all the stories were happy. The stories in WBTYS3 were too depressing for me, with the exception of "Courtmartial" by Susan Gibel. I thought it was touching that Al gave up the Navy for Sam. It was sad, though, that Sam and Al had too keep their relationship a secret from Mrs. Beckett and Katie, but it was a hoot that Sam's nephew fell for Al — and without knowing it, Sam tried to help him get Al!
I also enjoyed "Destiny's Game" by Leah S. and "Voices Carry" by Betty Ann Smith. Nicely done.[19]
Issue 4
Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 4 was published in October 1995 and contains 199 pages. The cover is by Cheryl Meidinger-Carter. There are no interior illos. This issue also had no letters of comment.
Awards: This zine was nominated for seven STIFfies:
- Best Poem/Filk: Lynn Dhenson -- "Candlelighted Window" - "In Certain Company" - "Solitude Shared"
- Best Novella: Doreen Tracy: "Age of Innocence" -- Leah S: "Two Tickets to Paradise"
- Best Art: TACS - front cover of WBTYS2
- Best Zine: Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 2
[The disclaimer]: Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 4 is a publication of Whatever You Do, Don't Press! and does not intend to infringe upon the trademarks or copyrights of Donald Bellasario, Belasarius Productions or Universal. Each submission is accepted in trade for one free copy of the zine in which it appears, or a pro-rated discount. All rights are returned to the artists and authors thereof one year after publication. Absolutely no bribes of a good Jenny Craig week, a warm day so I can go swimming in my new pool, or instantaneous transportation to and from my job in DC every day were offered. Dammit. Laugh! Cry! Send LoCs!
[The editorial]:I can't believe it. I managed to move for a second time in less than nine months, change jobs and still get this zine out for ZCon. Wow! Yes, for those of you groaning and rummaging around for your address books, I have moved yet again. This makes the thirteenth move in less than ten years, but I plan to be here for a while. No, really. Quit shaking your heads in disbelief. I've also changed e-mail addresses, so be sure to note that, as well.
Back to the zine. It's amazing that the further we get from the actual airing of Quantum Leap, the bigger my pile of QL submissions grows. We have more fen than ever writing in this fandom, and I'm glad to see it. I was afraid, for a while, that the fandom would dry up and blow away without the constant reinforcement of weekly episodes, but that hasn't been the case at all. Continuous showings on USA and the Sci-Fi Channel notwithstanding, there are many fen out there writing their little hearts out using only their tapes or memories for sustenance. Good for you!
In this particular issue of Wham. Bam. Thank You. Sam!, we have all sorts of stories; bittersweet, funny, sad, happy, tender and a bit savage. There should be something to appeal to everyone.
Because I received no LoCs for WBTYS3. there are none in this issue, which saddens me greatly. I, the authors and the artists all enjoy hearing what you readers have to say. Did you like a story? Did you not like a story? Why? Did an illo catch your fancy? Do you wonder who the heck that's supposed to be on page 146? Tell us! LoCs not only give us needed egoboo, but it also tells us where we could stand to improve our craft. And they've sparked some wonderful dialogue amongst readers themselves. So why not spend the few minutes it would take to write or e-mail your thoughts on this issue (and WBTYS31) and see your name in print in the next issue?!
I'll catch ya on the flipside!
- Soulstorm by Leah S. (1)
- Time Out by Theresa Kyle (10)
- Never Be the Same (songfic) by Leah S. (29)
- The Morning After by Susan Gibel (sequel to "Courtmartial" in Wham. Bam, Thank You. Sam! #3) (34)
- All the Way by Doreen Tracy (45)
- First Contact by Kate Murphy (50)
- Has the Moon Lost Her Memory by Lynne Dhenson (77)
- Age of Innocence by Doreen Tracy (Warning! This story, and its sequel. "People Will Talk," contain extremely graphic sexual situations. Read at your own risk.) (85)
- People Will Talk by Doreen Tracy (130)
- The Way It Should Have Been by Lee Owers (165)
- STIFfie Nominations by D. Fans (169)
- The Dream by P.J. Wollaston (170)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 4
See reactions and reviews for Age of Innocence.
Sandy: Wow, this zine is almost guaranteed to annoy/offend almost anyone. If Mysti only publishes stories that she really likes, she has very catholic tastes.
Rache: I'd subtitle it "The Saccharine and The Sordid (not that there's anything wrong with that)" if I dared. I enjoyed what I've read, but my zine tastes are pretty broad, and I didn't finish all the stories.
Sandy: First the basics. Mysti is a pretty reliable publisher, and the zine looks good overall, in much the same style as the other zines that What Ever You Do, Don't Press puts out. $20 for more than 200 pages, good margins, clear text, the usual.
Rache: One column in a larger font. I liked that as my eyes were tired when I started to read and it didn't give me a headache. I'm sure someone else could gripe about the fact that "the text isn't packed on a page."
Sandy: My only publishing quibble is the zine needed one last proof-reading of the final printout: sometimes words that were supposed to be underlined or formatted had strange printer problems, and all e's that should have had accents (like in naive) came out as little boxes instead.
Rache: Ditto. I was really annoyed with the sudden shifts to Courier font that occurred on a couple of lines.
Sandy: On to the stories: They are an interesting mix. Leah S. has a couple of stories (both fairly short: Soulstorm is 9 pages and Never Be the Same is 5.). They have her usual beautiful command of language (I still remember one quote "mortgaged your dreams to the government and sold your soul to the military", but they both have fairly weak endings: more slices of their lives than stories. The plot idea of [spoiler alert] Al hearing that Sam is bi, and playing with the idea in his mind, finally deciding to make a move, and then finding to his shock that the rumors were wrong, was lovely.
Rache: Soulstorm was a bit of a 'guilty pleasure' for me. Since I have a reputation among the Seattle crowd for liking hard-hitting realism, S&M and Hurt/Hurt-Comfort stuff, enjoying a gentle story like this is a bit of an embarrassment. I mean, the story has a 'lonely cabin on the beach' and a 'personal revelation in the midst of the storm.' You can't get more 'hearts and flowers' stuff than that. It did have enough angst to keep me happy, though.
Sandy: This zine also has some of the most explicitly drawn scenes of sexual violence I have read in a while (they would have stood out even in B7, and were definitely more than I expected in this fandom...which, of course, is not to say I didn't like it). These were two connected stories by Doreen Tracy, who, I must say, really has a flair for torture.
Rache: Mysti has posted a "graphic sexual situations" warning before these stories, but quite frankly, it still left me unprepared. When I think 'graphic sex' I think of insert shots or maybe a (please pardon the pun) 'blow-by-blow' description. These stories actually contain 'graphic sexual violence and torture' rather than 'graphic sexual situations.'
Sandy & Rache: Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Sandy: My single biggest objection to this zine was character rape, (C: as opposed to actual rape) which we've discussed before as one of the most subjective part of reviewing. Maybe I just have too restrictive a view of Sam, but one story showed him driving, not just after drinking, but so drunk he passed out within minutes of arriving at Al's house. Do I believe that? Not without *enormous* build-up--an argument could be made that Bodie is more like to freakout and start shooting innocent passersby then Sam is to drive drunk...
Another example: in Tracey's stories, we are supposed to believe that Sam was systematically tortured for months in his teen years, and then again years later, without explaining how this abused creature became the sensitive, level-headed, resourceful, trusting, wholesomely-prudish Sam that we love in the series.
Rache: Another quibble that will only bother someone who knows the difference between an angiogram and angioplasty: the Theresa Kyle story, Time Out, needed to have been run by a friendly nurse or health care professional before it was pubbed. The story over-stressed Al having an angiogram, and under-stressed having an angioplasty. I know the author was merely using these procedures as a plot device, but it still jarred.
Consumer Report Conclusion: Sandy: Most of these stories are short, non-complex, romantic stories with happy endings, split between whether Sam or Al knew they wanted the other before Sam first jumped, or after. All the stories are at least basically readable. I admit that I flipped onto the next story after a page or two on many of the stories, but 1) my first flush of excitement of the universe is long past, and 2) many of them were a little too hearts-n-flowers for me, so if that is what you're looking for, this could be a great zine for you. Be aware that most of these stories are written about men who are happy and comfortable talking (and talking) about their feelings.
Rache: Good read for someone who likes a variety of types of stories in this universe, likes or at least doesn't mind graphic torture *and* very sweet heart'n'flowers stories, and isn't too tied to the characterization of Sam shown on screen.... [20]
I've always been full of praise for your work in putting out all your separate zines, editing them — and refusing to put out a zine that you felt wasn't ready takes a lot of care, not only for the fandom, but also so people will feel they won't get second best from you and quality zines only.
Now, onto Wham Bam 4: I have always said I enjoy the stories where the main characters are in a serious, loving relationship, no matter the fandom, so, "The Morning After," where Al turns in his commission for Sam's love, and "The Dream," where they're finally together again, I have always loved. I have pretty much convinced myself the last aired episode never happened at all!
However, after saying that, I also need to get something said and done. Being a romantic, I cannot take Doreen Tracy's stories at all. She seems to be in the M. Fae Glasgow School of Writing — not so much entertainment as shock value. Each consecutive story seems to get more and more hurtful, to see how far she can go without actually killing Sam. As a nurse myself, I can attest to how physically dangerous some of the things she's had Sam live though can be to even those experienced in this type of relationship. I have to wonder if she sees the same Sam I saw, who was raised to believe in himself, and that there was nothing he wouldn't stand up for or to, and not need Al to save him each and every time.
I know there are some in fandom who enjoy S&M stories. I just happen not to be one of them, and I'm afraid I dislike them so much that I have to remove them from my copies and throw them in the recycler. But I'll worry about that if I ever get out of the fandom. But, hey, you're not editing these zines just for me and I know this. But I just felt I had to vent my spleen.
Now that I've got all that off my chest, I just want to finish by repeating that your zines are a very good read and worth any price, no matter what I do with them when I get them home. After all, as I always say, "You can't take it with you, so spend it now and leave just enough to bury you." Looking forward to the next issue! [21]
I am writing to say how much I enjoyed reading Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 3 and 4. I particularly like [Leah S's] "Destiny's Game." I never ceases to amaze me how she keeps turning out such brilliant stories.
I also loved Doreen Tracy's "The River of Dreams" in WBTYS3 and "Age of Innocence" and "People Will Talk" in WBTYS4. I know these stories were quite different to the usual ones and maybe some people may disapprove in that they were more violent, more explicit than usual, but I for one really enjoyed them. After all, we are over 18 years old. [22]
I received Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 4 and loved it! There were a couple of excellent stories in there.
The one by Kate Murphy I thought was very interesting. Although there was a little confusion as to the body/soul issue. How could Sam's body remember the hurts received if it wasn't his body leaping? I think she was going for the soul leaps. This was a fun story.
The other story I thought was well written was the one by Doreen Tracy (actually, both the stories). This was very believable. I could see this happening to a young, innocent Sam Beckett. I don't believe this story in any way "glorified" rape or torture. It showed the pain and horror Sam experienced while being abused by this teacher. It showed that Sam survived! It may sound weird to say that I liked these stories. It's not that I like what was happening to Sam, what I liked was a story that caused me to think. That gave me something other than "sweet and lovely" things to look at. Gentle romances are fine and I love reading them. However, ugly things happen in life and it's good that a writer such as Doreen has the courage to write about them.[23]
WBTYS4 was an okay issue, although not one of my favorites, I admit. There were too many down-beat stories and not enough up-beat ones to compensate. I won't comment on the graphic ones; they're not my cup of tea, so it wouldn't be an unbiased view. Doreen Tracy is a talented writer...but there's just so many ways you can torture the guys before it starts getting repetitive.
I always enjoy Theresa Kyle's stories. "Time Out" was yet another ingenuous way to get a leaping Sam and Al "together." And true to the characters, especially the part where Sam is afraid to make love with Al, and Al kind of tricks him into it.
Susan Gibel, another great writer. She has her own unique style, and it's apparent in this sequel to "Courtmartial." A story that needed telling.
"First Contact" was an interesting view of a familiar—but always enjoyed—scenario: Sam leaping home and them dealing with their feelings for each other.
I absolutely love Lynne Dhenson's poetry (can't miss any opportunity to mention this), and she writes good stories, too. "Has the Moon Lost Her Memory" was very poignant, very sad.
"The Way It Should Have Been." Another of those poignant stories, from another good writer (-Lee Owers-).
"The Dream" (-by PJ Wollaston-). Interesting plot, I'll be looking forward to the sequel.[24]
I really enjoyed Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 3 and 4, although I liked WBTYS4 better because all the stories were happy.
All the stories in WBTYS4 were wonderful except "Age of Innocence" by Doreen Tracy. Although she did a good job of making me wish that Sam could have castrated Tristen, it was still too violent for me.
My favorite story was "The Dream" by PJ Wollaston. I loved the end when Sam and Al dance together.
I can't wait for WBTYS5! [25]
Issue 5
Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 5 was published in May 1996 and contains 142 pages. The cover is by Theresa Lebrande. The interior illos are by Rae Anne Galbraith.
[The disclaimer]: Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 5 is a publication of Whatever You Do, Don't Press! and does not intend to infringe upon the trademarks or copyrights of Donald Bellisario, Belasarius Productions, Universal or any other copyright holders of Quantum Leap. Each submission is accepted in trade for one free copy of the zine in which it appears, or a pro-rated discount. All rights are returned to the artists and authors one year after publication. Absolutely no bribes of a working modem, good news back from the doctor or more than two days of 70-plus degree weather in a row were offered. Dammit. Laugh! Cry! Send LoCs!
[The editorial]:I've rewritten this editorial several times, trying to decide what position I should take on the debate you'll read about in the Letters of Comment column: the use of violence—S&M, actually—in QL slash stories. And I realized that it's not my place to take a position. Especially not in this forum, where what I say will not be countered by an opposite opinion. So, everyone must decide for herself what her limit is and go on from there. Doreen Tracy's two stories in WBTYS4. "Age of Innocence" and "People Will Talk," engendered a lot of discussion, and some people will skip right over her last story of the trilogy in this issue without even a second glance. But that would be a mistake. Without even a hint of S&M, Doreen has nicely tied up all the loose ends and brought the trilogy to a brilliant, if startling, conclusion.
Likewise, the other writers in this issue have also outdone themselves:
Carol Zara gives us a look into a possible future for Sam and Al; and family get-togethers always give one the opportunity to tell a few stories of Way Back When...
Betty Ann Smith takes us once again into the Quantum Cravings Universe, where all is not sweetness and light. Her story is an intriguing set-up to the novella coming out in the next issue of WBTYS. And, yes, we both realize that the numbering of the stories has been a bit... erratic (this issue's story is #5), but that's because Betty Ann wrote the beginning and ending stories to this series first. Then was consternated to find all these stories that started popping up in between. In the next issue, I'll print a list of stories-to- date and put them in chronological order. And while this story is #5 now, that could change at any time...
Noel Goddard is gracing our pages for the first time, with two wonderful stories that give a different reason for Sam's leaping than the show gave us... Davina J. Pereira, another first-timer, explores the dreams that have been plaguing Project personnel. Sometimes, the owls are not what they seem. Leah S.'s story gives Sam some breathing room while leaping, and makes him consider options he'd never thought about before. Whoever that a bubble bath could do all that?
Susan Gibel presents a nice, smarmy sequel to her story in WBTYS4, "The Morning After," and shows the impact Al's decision to leave the Navy has on himself— and Sam. Susan, with the way you're putting these stories out, you're going to have to come up with a title for this series...
And, finally, PJ Wollaston continues her tale in a second offering of The Parallax Paradox with a look at Al's version of previous events, then alternating viewpoints as the story goes forward from there. How did Sam get home? What happens now? Discuss ing it with PJ, we both agreed that this story was so closely knit with the first story that a 'What Has Gone Before' synopsis was needed. So, all of you who missed the first part: here's a perfect way to catch up.
I've also started two new features this issue—"Sam's Saltatorial (look it up) Words of Wisdom" and "Al's View of the World." Hopefully, they'll give you a glimpse into the (scary?) minds of our two favorite characters—a perhaps a chuckle, as well.
Okay, that's everything. So, go. Read. Enjoy. And don't forget to call your mother! (After you write me an LoC, of course.) Catch you on the flipside!
- Letters of Comment by Respondents (1)
- Happily Ever After by Carol Zara (6)
- Sam's Saltatorial Words of Wisdom by Khrystyna (13)
- Cry Like a Rainstorm, Howl Like the Wind by Betty Ann Smith (14)
- Sam's Saltatorial Words of Wisdom by Khrystyna (29)
- Gratuitous Bubble Bath by Leah S. (30)
- Al's View of the World by Khrystyna (35)
- The Mistake by Noel Goddard (In this pre-leap story, Sam has a few things to prove to Washington and to Al. A small note - this was my very first fanfic...ever.) (36)
- Sam's Saltatorial Words of Wisdom by Khrystyna (43)
- A New Beginning by Noel Goddard (Sam starts on his great leaping adventure, leaving Al behind Sequel to "The Mistake.") (44)
- Al's View of the World by Khrystyna (51)
- Undeniably Mine by Davina J. Pereira (52)
- Trust and Hope by Lynne Dhenson (69)
- Fools Get Lucky by Doreen Tracy (70)
- You Don't Bring Me Flowers by Lynne Dhenson (102)
- Sons and Lovers by Susan Gibel (103)
- Sam's Saltatorial Words of Wisdom by Khrystyna (111)
- Serenade for One by Lynne Dhenson (112)
- The Homecoming by P.J. Wollaston (114)
- Sam's Saltatorial Words of Wisdom by Khrystyna (142)
Issue 6
Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! 6 Art is by Jo B.
- I Betcha by Doreen Tracy
- Anything Goes by J.D. Rush
- Unravel from There by Alan Smithee
- Some Things... by Lisa Martin
- Love Never Ends by M.J.
- The Straight Dope by M.J.
- If at First You Don't Succeed... by Minna Harper
- World as It was Given by M.J.
- Bed of Roses by Leah S.
- Al, I'm Only Dancing... by J.D. Rush
- Secrets Yearned by Leah S.
- A Constant Heart by Doreen Tracy
- Echoes of Future Past by Minna Harper
- Forever in Blue Jeans by J.D. Rush
- Nobody Has to Get Hurt by Leah S.
- The Wide and Starry Sky by Alan Smithee
- I Heard It Through the Grapevine by M.J.
- ^ comment at Virugle-L, quoted anonymously (September 8, 1994)
- ^ "Can't Cry hard Enough was one of the earliest Quantum Leap slash stories. This is what one reader had to say about the story when it was finally posted online: Reader Recommendations at Quantum Leap Slash Archive (undated)
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham Bam, Thank You, Sam" #1
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham Bam, Thank You, Sam" #1
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham Bam, Thank You, Sam" #1
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham Bam, Thank You, Sam" #1
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham Bam, Thank You, Sam" #1
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham Bam, Thank You, Sam" #1
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham Bam, Thank You, Sam" #1
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham Bam, Thank You, Sam" #1
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham Bam, Thank You, Sam" #1
- ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #3
- ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #3
- ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #3
- ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #3
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #5
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #5
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #5
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #5
- ^ In 1995, Sandy Herrold and Rache posted this joint review of the zine to the Virgule mailing list. It is reprinted here with permission.
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #5
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #5
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #5
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #5
- ^ a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #5
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