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Name: presume
Alias(es): presumenothing, justjoy
Type: fanfiction, fan translation, gifs
Fandoms: Detective Conan, FMA, The Murderbot Diaries, Guardian, more
URL: Archive of Our Own
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presume is a fanfiction writer, fan translator, and gifmaker who has been active in multiple fandoms since 2009.

presume aka presumenothing, further aka justjoy. if you think you recognise me by either of those names then you're probably right. currently mainly on tumblr where i write fic and make gifs sporadically (or at least on no recognisable schedule whatsoever) all the while bouncing between fandoms like the world's least-athletic tennis match. unfortunately living on the internet for the last decade and change hasn't actually taught me how to write bios. send help

Mini bio on Dreamwidth [1]

Fannish Timeline




Detective Conan/Magic Kaito

See also:

Standalone fics, series,and AUs:


See also the author's own fmab (+03) fic masterlist organized by date posted


Ficlists (non-exhaustive):

Common themes in fics include:


Beginning in 2021, presume got into gifmaking[2] primarily for C-pop singer Zhou Shen, and later several other fandoms including Murderbot, Word of Honor, and the Chinese webseries Guardian.

GIF examples

Fan Translations

presume has posted multiple translations from both Mandarin Chinese and Japanese to English, primarily for anime/manga fandoms across both Tumblr and other platforms.

Translations of official content

presume began translating in 2015 for the Detective Conan fandom, including at the DCTP Spoilers CBox,[3] before later moving to other fandoms as well.

Translations of fanworks

presume has also done authorised translations of fan content from both Chinese and Japanese to English.

This includes three Chinese fics for Nirvana in Fire (original fics from Chinese journaling site Lofter, translations archived under the presume pseud on AO3):

Within The Promised Neverland fandom, presume also posted authorised text translations of Japanese fanart on her personal Twitter,[4] however these are no longer publicly accessible as her account has since been made private.[5]

Recursive Fanworks

As a longtime Tumblr user, presume has both made and received recursive fanworks in various fandoms.

Recursive fanworks based on presume's fanworks

Typically based on presume's AU fics in FMA and other fandoms:

Recursive fanworks made by presume

Aside from the fic translations listed above, presume has also written fics based on other fan content:

Additional Links


  1. ^ Dreamwidth profile for @presumenothing. Accessed 1 Mar 2022.
  2. ^ thinking about what i should try to learn in 2021, Archived version. Posted 16 Jan 2021. Accessed 1 March 2022.
  3. ^ Archived version of the DC Spoilers page on DCTP, "Special thanks to the legendary cbox translators: Zenthisoror, Fujiwara, Sere, sheetz, Mina, cutepeipei, Eastsoldier, Miyano-sama, HADAA, Imbalance, and presumenothing." Archived 7 Nov 2015. Accessed 1 Mar 2022.
  4. ^ hilarious but true story, Tumblr post listing translations done up to that point. Posted 23 Nov 2020. Accessed 1 Mar 2022.
  5. ^ Twitter @angerylab, private/locked account. Accessed 1 Mar 2022.
  6. ^ ANNOUNCEMENT: After much consideration, I’ve decided to draw the curtain on this account and stop updating. Posted 20 Jan 2021. Accessed 1 Mar 2022.