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Personalities: Spotlight On...
Interviews by Fans | |
Title: | Personalities: Spotlight On... |
Interviewer: | Shootout |
Interviewee: | various |
Date(s): | 1983-85 |
Medium: | |
Fandom(s): | Starsky & Hutch |
External Links: | |
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Personalities: Spotlight On... is a 1983-1985 series of features in the U.K. Starsky & Hutch letterzine Shootout.
These bios/interviews contained a photo of the fan as well as a description of their fan life and interest in Starsky & Hutch. Some of the profiles were a single page long, and some were two pages long.
Shootout #13 and #14 may also include this feature.
Sandi Chapman
Sandi Chapman (Shootout #2, November 1983)
Sandi came into fandom in the spring of 1981, when Jacky Birch told her about 10:13/i. She'd been a fan of the series since the very start, but had no-one to discuss it with until November 1980 when, out of sheer desperation for someone to talk to, she stuck a pin in a few names in the Starsky & Hutch magazine, one of which was Jacky's. After 10:13/i (what an introduction to fanzines!), came the U.S. letterzine, and the whole thing just snowballed from there.
Like so many others, it was the relationship that first got Sandi interested. She found that spark of honest, deep-down caring was, and is unique, something often imitated, but never duplicated (and heaven knows they tried!). That's why she can't pick a favourite character, they are so much a part of each other. It is certainly the only series ever to inspire her to write fan-fiction.
Conversely, when it comes to the actors, she can pick a favourite. It is, was, and probably always will be, Paul. She's always had a preference for brunettes (she married one!), and finds the way he keeps himself to himself fascinating. There has been plenty written about David, some good, some bad, but how much do we really know about the real PMG. David (sorry for this, but...) just doesn't do anything for her, and never mind how much the character depended on what the actor brought to the part, the blond she's interested in is Hutch.
[Sandi is also] (thanks to Gloria and Freda) a re-born Led Zeppelin fan.
Terri Beckett & Chris Power
Terri Beckett & Chris Power (Shootout #3, December 1983)
Terri and Chris consider themselves luckier than most, as they discovered B&H at about the same time — the end of the first season -- and got thoroughly hooked on the fascinating relationship between the two characters, not only watching it, but writing It. Terri's own first attempt she describes as 'memorably awful', but says it broke a bad case of writer's block before she started running screaming up the wall. Their joint later attempts got better --gradually -- and after answering Lorraine Bartlett's ad In S&H Monthly, they discovered that they weren't alone. Other people out there were writing this stuff! And much better than they were, too. But they had the bit between their teeth and have never looked back.
10-13/i was the first fanzine they had ever attempted. It was followed by ONE MORE MOUNTAIN and 10-13/ii, and ONE MORE RIVER appeared at the beginning of 1983. None of this would have got past the 'wouldn't it be nice' stage if it hadn't been for the kindness, help and support they got from S&H fans both here and in U.S. Fandom, they say, has provided them with the best writing school they could imagine. They'd like to say - 'thanks, people.'
Chris is a Hutch-fan, Terri is a Starsky-fan, which works out just fine and gives both guys a fair crack of the whip. They both admire the actors, but it is their portrayal of the characters that remains the prime Interest. There may be (and are) other shows they enjoy watching, and even writing fan-fic about, but S&H has a very special place and always will.
Chris works at present for the Salisbury fuzz — Terri just sits at home and types....she says....
They've been working in partnership for seven years, going on eight. Seems to have worked out, too.
Sandra J. Ferriday
Sandra J. Ferriday (Shootout #4, February 1984)
Sandra didn't become hooked on S&H until late in the first season. At first it was just another cop show and she didn't take much notice (has kicked herself ever since), until a few girls began asked her for tv photos of Starsky (not Hutch, I'm afraid). By the time she'd taken the requested photos, she began taking them for her own purposes. Through her interest in S&H she gained many pen-pals, some of which still correspond with her today.
Choosing a favourite character has never been easy, as Sandra has always liked them equally. The actors, too. For her, the series was pure enjoyment, nothing like it had hit the screens before, neither had there been two attractive and good looking leading men like Paul and David. Sandra has always liked their humour, along with their friendship for one another.
Once into fandom, she joined several Fan Clubs, bought every thing possible of S&H and P&D, read the US letterzine, and as time went by, discovered through her tv photos that [her number of] correspondents snowballed by word of mouth.
In 1980, Sandra began producing her own zines, feeling that she had the ability to write and draw, and this was a way of expressing those talents.
In 1976, she wrote a short S&H story and sent it to Spelling & Goldberg, and to her surprise, in 1977 Paul replied personally. It took her over a week to get over the shock!
In 1980 and 1983, she saw David in concert.
Tabby Davis
Tabby Davis (Shootout #5, April 1984)
Many people have come to know Tabby through her handling of the U.S. Letterzines — first, the original S&H l/z, then Word on the Street and now, Between Friends. These she receives in bulk, collates and, in the case of WOTS, prints and mails, keeping the U.K. subs, as easy and as low in cost as possible. When we invited Tabby to appear on this page, she told us:
"Inevitably, thoughts return to that first DCON at Leicester in 198O - fewer than a dozen of us - and since then DCON has become a famous name. Those were the days of the first great S&H zines. I still wish it were possible to reprint some of those long-out-of-print stories in a S&H Anthology for those who missed out originally. It's a thought I keep in mind...But the borrowing is nice - one more aspect of the sharing that goes on all the time. I'll always be grateful to those who have shared with me. And it's good to see new l'zines coming along -- good luck to all of them and to all the people whose efforts, gifts, and caring make them possible.
And I'll never forget those days in Chicago in 1982 when 1 was invited to attend ZCON Four as Guest of Honour, meeting so many people who had long since ceased to be 'strangers'. I've never found myself thinking in terms of (i) Americans and (ii) 'Brits'. Perhaps the reason lies in the interest I've had for years (going back long before S&H), in all things American. S&H has crossed universes and mere geographical boundaries present no problem!"
Glynis Jones
Glynis Jones (Shootout #6, June 1984)
Glynis remembers very well how she became a 'mad' (her description) David Soul fan. It goes back to the end of 1976, when someone turned the tv on early for the news and she just saw the end of S&H. She's not sure what episode that was, but the next one she saw was JO-JO which she remembers because of Starsky and the pizza, saying 'Open up, police', and then Hutch said 'Very convincing'. She still liked them both until the 'Sun' Awards, she just couldn't believe how good-looking this guy was, next was of course, "Don't Give Up On Us' and Glynis recalls walking down to the sweetshop singing that, and going to their local record shop six weeks running trying to get a copy.
Until 1980, she was more of an S&H fan, but after seeing David in concert in that year she had to buy and get everything she could about him.
And, on May 25th I982 also at Portsmouth Guildhall she got his autograph. She still doesn't quite believe what happened that day. David's coach pulled up, he got off,, walked down the steps and across to her, touched her a:"m, then shook her hand. All she can remember is his lovely blue eyes, blond hair and gorgeous smile.
Ruth Kurz
Ruth Kurz (Shootout #7, September 1984)
My interest in S&H dates back to my meeting Teri White in 1978. She was introduced to me as a BNF in STAR TREK fandom, but she was by then already involved in S&H, and soon had me watching her videotapes and illustrating her S&H stories. One cannot draw those beautiful guys without becoming involved.
I am admittedly a "David person". Even my grand children recognize his pictures on my walls, and probably assume he's another member of our family. Of course, I have learned to appreciate that curly-haired partner of Hutch's, too.
It wasn't easy for me, an ex-cop, to get past the squealing tires and shoot--'em-up-bang-bang that Spelling and Goldberg forced into the show, but the relationship and love overcame any objections. As a substitute teacher now (I know, "supply teacher"), I share my drawings with my students, also fans of the show even though it's been years since it was telecast in Cleveland.
Except for people I grew up with who have gone into movies, David is the first actor whose career I have followed, and I enjoy the versatility he displays in his many roles, especially THE YELLOW ROSE. I have not given up hope for a "later years" S&H film, knowing how difficult it is to get such projects into production. Meanwhile, I enjoy my own fantasies of how they would grow older - still together, still that unique friendship we all love.
And what I enjoy most of all is sharing the warmth with the friends I've met because of S&H.
Tracey Hodgson
Tracey Hodgson (Shootout #8, November 1984)
I've been interested in S&H since the summer of '76 when I was introduced to the programme by my younger cousin. I fell in love with their charm and good looks immediately. I then fell for David and Paul equally - still do to this day. I bought all of David's records and anything I could lay my hands on.
I love the brotherly love between the characters and the same friendship between the actors. I like the characters best in their love stories (imagining I'm the lucky lady) or when they show their concern when one of them is hurt. I got into fandom through finding Naomi Marrow's newsletter. (I found this address by accident in a magazine during my lunch break) and becoming a member of Soul Mates when the address was printed in the newsletter. I then bought all the letterzines when they were put into the Soul Mates letter. So, I'd arrived in the wonderful world of fandom which I never knew had existed for all these years.
My sole (or should that be Soul) ambition is to meet David and Paul and I hope to fulfill that some day.
Alexandra & Natascha Meng
Alexandra and Natascha Meng (Shootout #9, January 1985)
Born as twins in 1964 we always had similar interests and tastes concerning a lot of different things, that also made the two of us fans of David and Paul (plus S&H). The story of how it began is very simple. It all started on a Wednesday evening, the 11th of January back in 1978, when Starsky and Hutch first came out on German T7. I (Natascha) was waiting for a new American detective show to begin, while Alexandra had decided to go to bed, not knowing how soon she'd regret that decision. Well, I was so deeply moved and touched when I realised how much these two guys cared for each other. Not wanting to miss one scene, I just could not take my eyes off the screen to get up and wake my sister to tell her about that wonderful show called Starsky and Hutch. I finally managed to get up, racing to my sister's bedroom, desperately trying to get her out of bed. I must say she was quite angry with me for waking her in "the middle of the night", to watch such a "boring" show. Anyway, after having told her about S&H 24 hours a day for 2 weeks (S&H was shown on German T7 every 2 weeks) I finally managed to convince her to watch the second episode shown , and after having watched it together she was actually trying to kill me for not waking her to watch the first episode.
As time went on we both got more and more interested in the two men personally and we must admit we love David and Paul and for us the two men are more important than S&H. We are also S&H fans and for us the characters have become "alive" in some way too, but Paul and David are human beings who need love, admiration and joy.
Lyndy Harding and Tiger Jones
Lyndy Harding and Tiger Jones (Shootout #9, January 1985)
Lyndy and Tiger have been fans of the show right from the start. Lyndy prefers Hutch, Tiger prefers Starsky, or any man with curly black hair and blue eyes. Both gals prefer them 'together'. Lyndy and Tiger have trav elled extensively together, especially in the USA, and will be spending September in Sicily, where Tiger hopes to further her interest in the history of organised crime (unless she gets shot) - she'll get that book finished one day! Tiger's other interests include Inter national Terrorism, criminal psychology and unsolved (major) crimes. She's an avid tennis and squash player and an accomplished horsewoman.
Lyndy's interests are tall, blue-eyed blondes -- luxury any time, any place she can get it! Poetry, fan-fiction, the supernatural and annoying Tiger.
Together they organised Dobeycon III, were co-editors of "Handcuffs", and Lyndy is a writer with published works to her credit.
The girls spent a week at the Moorland Links Hotel, Dartmoor, while David was making "The Stick-up", and agree it was quite an experience. Tiger has chauffeared Lyndy all over the country when David has toured in the UK with his band (Lyndy drives, but prefers to sit back and let someone else do it.) In appreciation for actions above and beyond the call of duty, Lyndy accompanied Tiger to Paul's home while the girls were in Los Angeles. No one but Tiger would walk past a security system alarm to pet Liz's [1] Labrador (but that's another story) Both girls have supported/attended all Dobeycons except No.l.
Tiger is the deep and silent partner, but Lyndy more than compensates with her presence.
Judy Smith
Judy Smith (Shootout #10, April 1985)
... I've become an ardent fan of S&H, and prefer David myself. I saw the pilot film back in 1976 and thought it was a complete knockout. No other programme has had such an effect on me than S&H. My hubby had been in the States - with his work - and had already seen the pilot, and when it was shown over here he commented that 1 would like it, and I've never missed an episode, apart from those banned [by the BBC in the UK], and would watch them all repeatedly.
I've a cupboard full of letterzines and magazines, cutouts, news paper cuttings. The thing I like most is the companionship they have, their love for each other and their work, both on and off the screen, both Paul and David are keen to please their fans.
Linda Walter
Linda Walter (Shootout #10, April 1985)
Linda needs no introduction to most fans, having been involved with fandom from its beginning. She was one of two Guests of Honour at the original, first Zebra Con, and has been 'accused', in jest, of breaking more people's budgets, due to finding S&H, PMG and DS related items to supply requests from fans. And, if you're seeking something S&H (no '/'), she will be happy to try and find it for you. Linda's own collection includes film clips, scripts, puzzles, games, dolls, gun sets, 8x10s, live shots, posters and many other items. Fans are always welcome to visit and go through the collection, and she's had people from other countries and US States do just that.
Jean Donkin
Jean Donkin (Shootout #11, July 1985)
Star Trek was the first fandom I found way back in '78. I didn't watch S&H until I had become a David Soul fan and discovered that he was Hutch. It was by a very roundabout route - 10-13 being on sale at a Blake's Seven Convention - that I found my way into the S&H branch of fandom. Being involved with fandom (which to me includes S&H, ST, DW and other SF & Fantasy progs.) has made a great difference to my way of life. I have made many very good friends over the years and we have discovered and developed other mutual interests besides that which brought us together. Fandom is a meeting place for people from all walks of life, particularly for those of us who attend conventions; there is no generation or any other gap and fans mix with actors, writers, artists, all happy to share and discuss their own particular universe. IDIC does live.
My son, aged twenty is also a media person, my husband thinks we are both a little strange to be so involved with our fantasy worlds, but he tolerates the house being taken over every month by the local Star Trek Group, and the occasional S&H weekend.
Cathy Buckett
Cathy Buckett (Shootout #12, October 1985)
The discovery of S&H came gradually to Cathy. Sometime in l977 she began to see an episode here and there, but by 1978 was watching each week, whenever her job with London Transport allowed.
After discovering the official S&H mag., she put in an advert and was soon in contact with other fans. Short story writing came next and for a time she also helped Jan Daniels with APB. Cathy then wanted to start a zine for people who enjoyed writing (and reading) short stories, one that would cover all aspects of S&H interests.
So, SHOOTOUT was born, and is now in its third year.
- ^ "Liz" was Elizabeth Glaser, wife of Paul Michael Glaser.