List of Golden Kamuy Relationship Names
List of relationship names | |
Fandom | Golden Kamuy |
Name type(s) | Smushnames |
Other lists of relationship names on Fanlore. | |
List of Golden Kamuy Relationship Names is a page for listing all Pairing Names in Golden Kamuy fandom. In Japanese fandom, order matters, that is, whether the Kanji is "left" or "right" of the other one. Shipnames often are the first kanji in a character's last names put together in order. For example, Ogata x Sugimoto can be either 尾杉 (おすぎ), where Ogata is left/tops/the seme, or 杉尾 (すぎお), indicating Sugimoto is left/tops/the seme.
Because Golden Kamuy features characters who's names are not in Kanji, shortened versions of their names in katakana are used. For example, Kadokura x Kirawus is 門キラ (かどきら). 門 is the first kanji in "Kadokura" and キラ is the first two katakana in "Kirawus." This ship can also be キラ門, reversing its order so Kirawus is left/tops/the seme.
In western fandom, different-order ship names are often used interchangeably. For example, KoiTsuki and TsukiKoi are both used for Koito x Tsukishima no matter their "order" in the ship, and it's a matter of personal preference which one western fans use. In both circles, it's common on Twitter to use emoji to represent characters in a ship, though in Japanese fandom this is far more prevalent.
Kanji & Katakana
...As used in ship names, include:
Asirpa's Group
- Asirpa - リパ - English: rpa
- 🐺 may be used on Twitter to represent her.
- Boutarou - 房 - English: Fusa, (the first kanji in his real first name, Fusatarou)
- English fans more often use Bou instead
- Inkarmat - マッ - English: mat
- Kiroranke - キロ - English: Kiro
- 🐯 may be used on Twitter to represent him.
- Koito - 鯉 - English: Koi
- This is the kanji for carp.
- 🎏 may be used on Twitter to represent him.
- Ogata - 尾 - English: O
- This is the kanji for tail.
- 🐈 may be used on Twitter to represent him.
- Shiraishi - 白 - English: Shira
- 🦝 may be used on Twitter to represent him.
- Sofia - ソフィ - English: Sofi
- Sugimoto - 杉 - English: Sugi
- This is the kanji for cedar tree.
- 🌲 or 🐻 may be used on Twitter to represent him.
- Tanigaki - 谷 - English: Tani
- This is the kanji for valley.
- 🐕 may be used on Twitter to represent him.
- Tsukishima - 月 - English: Tsuki
- This is the kanji for moon.
- 🌙 may be used on Twitter to represent him.
- Ushiyama - 牛 - English: Ushi
- This is the kanji for ox.
- Vasily - ヴァシ - English: Vasi
Hijikata's Group
- Ariko / Ipopte - 有 - English: Ari
- 🐻 may be used on Twitter to represent him.
- Hijikata - 土 - English: Hiji
- Ienaga - 家 - English: Ie
- Kadokura - 門 - English: Kado
- This is the kanji for gate.
- ✳️ may be used on Twitter to represent him.
- Kantarou - 夏 - English: Kanta
- This is the kanji for summer.
- 🌻 may be used on Twitter to represent him.
- Kirawus - キラ - English: Kira
- 🦌 may be used on Twitter to represent him.
Tsurumi's Group
- Edogai - 江 - English: Edo
- Kikuta - 菊 - English: Kiku
- This is the kanji for chrysanthemum.
- 🌸 may be used on Twitter to represent him.
- Kouhei - 浩 - English: Kou
- Tsurumi - 鶴 - English: Tsuru
- This is the kanji for crane.
- 🍡may be used on Twitter to represent him.
- Usami - 宇 - English: Usa
- 🐴 may be used on Twitter to represent him.
- Yuusaku - 勇 - English: Yuu
Other Characters
- Inudou - 犬 English: Inu
- This is the kanji for dog.
- Most common ship with him is Hijikata x Inudou.
- Henmi - 辺 - English: Hen
- Most common ship with him is Henmi x Sugimoto.
English-specific Ship Names
There are some ship names specific to English fandom.
- Kadokura x Kirawus - JPN: KadoKira, ENG:Kadowus
References/Further Reading
金カム腐, a page for Golden Kamuy BL coupling notations on PixivEncyclopedia.