David Duchovny

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Name: David William Duchovny
Also Known As: DD, Duke, Double D
Occupation: actor, writer, director, singer/songwriter
Medium: tv, films, books
Works: The X-Files, The Lone Gunmen, Twin Peaks, Californication, Red Shoe Diaries
Official Website(s):
Fan Website(s):
On Fanlore: Related pages

David William Duchovny (born August 7, 1960 in New York City, New York, USA) is an US-American actor, writer and recently singer/songwriter. He is most famous for his portrayal of Fox Mulder on the FOX television series The X-Files.

After the end of the original run of the X-Files, Duchovny starred for 7 season in the show time show Californication, where he portrayed the cynical novelist Hank Moody.

In the 2017 return of the show Twin Peaks, Duchovny repeated his role of Dennis/Denise Bryson, a role that featured a 3 episode arc in the second season of Twin Peaks.

Engagement with fans

In the 1990s Duchovny was the only X-Files cast memember that did not appear at one of the official X-Files conventions.

In 1996 he is quoted as following in a Rolling Stone article.

"I have my convention virginity intact. It's nice to do a good show, but I want to be able to move on. Doing conventions is a way of not moving on. I meet people who like the show all the time, and I shake hands. I don't need to get paid $15,000 to go to some convention. In 20 years I might."

'X-Files Undercover', By David Wild, The Rolling Stone May 16, 1996

There’s a certain merchandising aspect about it that I don’t like,” he says. “I’m not saying I’m Mr Integrity - I do my share of whorish things. And I’m not even saying that conventions are shamelessly ripping people off. But I didn’t want to be involved in it.”like the show all the time, and I shake hands. I don't need to get paid $15,000 to go to some convention. In 20 years I might."


The SDCC X-Files 20th Anniversary Reunion Panel which was hold in July 18, 2013 marked. Duchovny's first convention appearance.

During his US and European tour in 2015 in order to promote his first album "Hell or High Water" meet and greet with Duchovny were available for around €100 per ticket.

He also personalized books during book readings for his novels Bucky F* Dent and Holy Cow.

Fannish response

In the 1990s during the original run of The X-Files there were often fan wars between Duchovny fans and Gillian Anderson fans. The message board David Duchovny Fans still contains a section now called "Boxing Ring" (formerly known as the Dumpster) which is reserved for trashing mainly Anderson and Chris Carter. Duchovny defenders would also troll the Gillian Anderson message board on IMDB.

In 1995 Duchovny was votes Hunk of the Year at Mountain Media Con.

Bree Sharp's 'David Duchovny, why don't you love me?

In 1999 singer/songwriter release a musical homage to Duchovny called "David Duchovny, Why Won't You Love Me". For the Ten Thirteen Productions Christmas party that year, the editorial department of The X-Files produced a music video that features several prominent people from The X-Files as well as popular celebrities from the 1990s like Jerry Springer, Rosie O'Donnell, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Pamela Anderson and others. Reportedly, the idea for the music video came from Gillian Anderson.[2]

Singer-songwriter Bree Sharp turned a fan obsession with David Duchovny into a record deal with her witty ode to Fox's fox. "The song is about David, but it's also about the way fantasy and reality blur," Sharp says. "And how giddy, hot and excellent that can be."

"David Duchovny" not only caught the ear of Trauma Records, but a tape made its way to Duchovny, who put it into heavy rotation in his trailer. "David kept on playing it," says Charles Forsch, assistant to X-Files creator, Chris Carter. Along with another X-Files assistant, Will Shivers, Forsch created this video for the song, splicing clips of Duchovny with on-the-fly footage of celebs like Brad Pitt, Pamela Anderson and George Clooney lip-synching the lyrics. "As soon as they heard the song, they were into it!" Forsch says.


Sharp created a remake for the song for the X-Files Revival titled " David Duchovny, Why Won't You Love Me (The Reboot)" in 2016.[4]



Fan Fic


Duchovny is primarily shipped with his X-Files co-star Gillian Anderson in X-Files RPF. In the usenet groups like Alt.tv.x-files this behaviour was usually being frowned on by X-Philes in 1990s (see Snogger), but since the 2000s with the arrival of new and younger fans this seems to become more mainstream.[5] These fans no longer consider themselves snoggers and tried to establish the name Gillovny for the pairing.


Fannish Resources

Official Website and social media accounts

Until today there is no official website for David Duchovny. In July 2017 however he went to court and won in a trial for the website domain davidduchovny.com[6]

Fan Sites

Fan Communities & Forums

Further reading
