Devil Angel

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Title: Devil Angel
Author(s): Aspen
Date(s): 1999 - 2002
Length: 40 chapters
Genre(s): slash romance, crossover
Fandom(s): Hanson and The Moffatts
External Links: Aspen's Fiction, DAE, LJ

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Devil Angel is a Hanson and The Moffatts slash fanfic by Aspen, featuring the pairings Scott Moffatt/Taylor Hanson and Zac Hanson/Dave Moffatt. It was written from 1999 to 2002, and officially discontinued on January 13, 2003.

From her statement on discontinuing the story:

This is a difficult thing to write. And that holds true for Devil Angel, too. I am nearly four years older than I was when I began it that fateful July day, and I have outgrown it to the extent that I am no longer able to squeeze into it. I have grown, you have grown, The Boys have grown - and you must admit it is rather silly to keep up the charade now that the Moffatts are no more and Taylor is married (to a GIRL!) and a father. A father. He is two months older than me, for Chrissakes.

I am still writing fanfiction. If you really want to, you can find me, and many have. It is not hard - I am still Aspen, and I still write slash/smut. But if you do find me, please remember that I while I have not finished DA, I have finished this chapter of my life, and am writing onwards into the sunset.[1]

Reactions and Reviews

Is Devil Angel great literature? I don’t know. The writing leaves a little bit to be desired now that my tastes have, shall we say, refined a bit in my old age. Despite what the story lacks—not least of which is a resolution—it did what few other hanfics have done. It inspired people. It broke the mold.[2]

There are certain genre’s of Hanson fiction, and this was the biggest “slash” story there was. Not for everyone, that’s for certain. But, if you have an open mind, and a need to understand the passion a lot of folks have for these stories, this is where you want to start.[3]

That said, it's still a great story (if you're into slash at all - if not, just stay away, because it's not subtle in the slightest). It is unfinished, which is horribly disappointing when you finally reach chapter 40, but a great read nonetheless.[4]

The first popular Hanfic that makes us think about Hanson in a different way than the Becky Sue fics. The real power of the story is found within the questions that arise with the sudden realization of one's budding sexuality, found out by not only members of the Hanson brood, but the Moffatts as well, which the story also features. Not for the slight of stomach, nor for those not interested in broadening their mindframe of Hanson.[5]

A well-written adorable tale of what happens when the Moffatts and Hanson collide.[6]

I read Devil Angel which was, I think, I don’t wanna overstate the case, but I do think for really a lot of people around my age that was a seminal introduction to slash in general. I was just like ‘oh my God they could be GAY!’[7]

I can't not even explain how great this story is. But a short warning. If you do not have an open mind, do not visit this. You will be missing something wonderful however. This is the best I've read. Ever. It's a Hanson/Moffatt story written in a way that is completely captivating. JUST GO!![8]

Related Fanworks

Aspen strongly encouraged her fans (many of whom were members of the DAE or Devil Angel E-Group) to write lost chapters or spinoffs of the story. Others have also taken it upon themselves to write sequels that attempt to finish the story. Some of the most notable of these are:

Other fanworks:


Devil Angel won awards in the Hanfic Awards, Literary Hanfic Awards, More Than Words Awards and Waiting To Be Read Awards. It is featured in the and Various Artists halls of fame, as well as the Your Illusion top five lists.

Fan Communities
