Letting Go Is The Hardest Part

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Title: Letting Go Is The Hardest Part
Author(s): Amber
Date(s): 2011-2014
Length: 32 chapters
Genre(s): crossover slash romance
Fandom(s): Hanson and The Moffatts
External Links: LiveJournal
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Letting Go Is The Hardest Part is a Hanson and The Moffatts slash fanfic by Amber. It was written from 2011 to 2014 and is an unauthorized sequel to Aspen's unfinished story Devil Angel.

The story takes place roughly a decade after Devil Angel. Taylor has never gotten over his relationship with Scott, while Scott refuses to acknowledge the reason why the women he uses for sex all look like Taylor. Meanwhile, Dave is out and proud but Zac has little to no interest in dating men or women. When the four reunite, it isn't long before their old feelings come back to the surface, even if things aren't totally smooth sailing. After a fight with Scott, Taylor allows himself to be seduced by an older stranger who he doesn't recognize as his stalker from a decade prior. When Scott walks in and discovers the two in bed, the stalker pulls out a gun and threatens Scott, but Taylor jumps into the bullet's path. The epilogue reveals that not only has Taylor survived, but The Moffatts have reunited and gone on tour with Hanson.

Flashbacks throughout the story attempt to fill in the gaps Aspen left when she abandoned the original story. More details are added to Dave and Zac's relationship and one scene shows the stalker being arrested and taken away.

Reactions and Reviews

From a review by Bethany on PlaceToHide.net:

It’s clear that Amber studied Aspen’s writing closely in order to be able to emulate it closely, but it feels more like a smooth continuation than an imitation. Gradually, over the years she took to write the story, her own voice has come out. Likewise, her writing improves from a technical standpoint as the story goes on, and she has at least gone back to edit some of the earlier chapters to bring them more in line with the later ones. Still, the problems are ones that would only bother a pedant like me, and overall the writing retains the feel of Aspen’s while also being more mature.[1]

Related Fanworks

Untitled fanmix created by Renee C.


Letting Go Is The Hardest Part won awards in the Blank Page Awards and is featured in the PlaceToHide.net hall of fame.
