Lovers In A Dangerous Time

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Title: Lovers In A Dangerous Time
Author(s): Brooke
Date(s): 2001
Length: 10 chapters
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Hanson and The Moffatts
External Links:, and

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Lovers In A Dangerous Time is an unfinished unauthorized sequel to Devil Angel by Aspen. It was written by Brooke. She described it as a renegade lost chapter for Devil Angel.[1]

Why renegade, you ask? Well, because it has *gasp* girls! Don't worry, there is no straight fooling around *eeewwww*....but the story is pretty broad, hence...there are broads. *cheesy smile* So, basically it's two years later and the gang is still going strong. I started off the story as an excuse to have Tay and Scott messing around in the woods and it's evolved into a full fledged WARNING worthy fiction: As in WARNING, this story contains ANY AND ALL MATTER OF NAUGHTINESS. That includes INCEST, VIOLENCE AND NONCONSENTUAL INTERCOURSE. Not only that, but I guarantee (some form of) naughtiness in every chapter. Why? Because you wanna read it and I sure as hell wanna write it. Until I run out of ideas. ;)

Reactions and Reviews

From a review by Bethany on

It’s clear that Brooke has put a lot of thought into her characters and their backstory, but that often bears no resemblance to the story she ostensibly based hers on. Still, her smut is just as hot as Aspen’s, so I almost don’t mind that it outweighs the plot at times. I also adjusted surprisingly quickly to her switches from third to first person. Read as a standalone story, ignoring the loose connection to Devil Angel, this still isn’t the strongest story I’ve ever read, but there’s clearly a lot of unfulfilled potential in Lovers In A Dangerous Time.[2]


Lovers In A Dangerous Time won awards in the Dust Bunny Awards. It is featured in the and Various Artists halls of fame.
