Beauty and the Beast (TV) RPF

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Also see Disney RPF.

RPF Fandom
Name(s): Beauty and the Beast (TV) RPF
Scope/Focus: RPF fandom from Beauty and the Beast (TV)
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There has been very little RPF and real person art in the Beauty and the Beast (TV) fandom.

Devin Wells: The Complicated Real-Life Thing

The character, Devin Wells, and his characterization in fandom is complicated by the fact that Wells was portrayed by Linda Hamilton's then real-life husband, Bruce Abbot.

Abbott and Hamilton had a child together; this was one reason the actress left the show, something that led to great strife in the fandom, and ultimately the end of the show itself.

Hamilton and Abbot divorced in 1989.

Fanworks with Devin Wells and Catherine Chandler, because of this real-life cross-pollination, are a vague sort of RPF.


  • The Bridge (1989), "Vincent is an uptop man, physically like other men (he actually is written and drawn to portray Ron Perlman). He has the qualities (if not characteristics :) of Vincent, though. "[1]
  • The Closet Beast... and Beyond (1990), a humor zine in which Vincent is real and Ron Perlman is his front man
  • The 58th Episode (and "The 57th Episode: The Throat Convergence") (1991-92) from Lionheart #2 and #3
  • Two Beauties and a Beast, a heavy-handed polemic on good fans and bad fans by Wendy Darling, Vincent intervenes when two panting fans pursue Ron Perlman in the park (Once Upon a Fairy Tale 1992)
  • "Make Believe?" is a story by Lynn Murray (Devin Wells is a showrunner for Beauty and the Beast (TV), something he doesn't tell anyone about.) (from Our Tunnel World 2002)
  • Dimensions in Time, a story in Stories from Below (unknown date) (An AU story in which Ron Perlman gets hit on the head with a falling branch and is taken below to Father by Vincent. Ron sees them as the actors in his television series, not as the people they believe themselves to be. Eventually Ron and Vincent meet.)
  • Love & Light...The Fable (1990) (Catherine is transported to another world where she meets a nameless man whom she names "Captor." Captor's original form is that of Vincent Wells, but he is under a spell so that he greatly resembles Ron Perlman (though he has actually taken on the form of someone named Ian).)

Most Art Features Ron Perlman

  1. ^ comment by the author of The Bridge -- The Bridge,, April 12, 1997