Arthurian Legend

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Name: Arthurian Legend
Abbreviation(s): Arthur
Creator: many
Date(s): 5th century CE to present
Medium: poetry, prose literature, plays, operas, books, films, TV shows, comics, games, music
Country of Origin: started in Wales, spread to England, Europe and the rest of the world
External Links: Wikipedia::King Arthur, Wikipedia::Matter of Britain (Arthurian legends)
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In many ways, Arthurian Legend is built of fanfiction, incorporating sources and adding new elements along the way. From 6th century Welsh poetry through stories of saints, mythological histories, courtly romances, religious prose cycles, fifteenth-century harmonization, Victorian epics, early 20th century anachronisms, historical fiction (some based on historical research, other not-so-much), feminist reclamation, gender issues, and semi-random inspiration.

Fannish Arthuriana





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