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Trick or Treat (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Title: Trick or Treat
Author(s): James Carlson
Date(s): 1987
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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Trick or Treat is a Kirk/Spock and Spock/OMC story by James Carlson.

It was published in the print zine Naked Times #16 and in Speed of Light... & other K/S stories.


"It's a pity Mister Spock couldn't be here tonight," Sulu said as the plans became more serious. "It would be interesting to hear his thoughts on the disappearances in the Triangle."

I had just started to make an excuse for the absent Vulcan, formulating a response which would point out his reserved, un-partying nature when, for a reason I have yet to comprehend, I looked up and toward the front door that had been left standing open for any late-arriving guests. There was a Spock at the door…

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This is one of the first K/S stories that I ever read. Halloween is soon and now's a good time to reread and LOC this neat story. It's all told in the first person POV of one Tom Carlson, a Trekker who decides to give a Star Trek themed Halloween party.

The story weaves such a wonderful fantasy, I found myself wishing there really could be a party like this. Here's a thought: This party could be held at Kathy Stanis' Star Trek K/S Village. We will all come dressed as our favorite characters (although that could prove to be a massive problem) and have a party just like this one!

Except here, Spock shows up and parties with Tom/Kirk. Neat, sly references to AFB's own "DOTS" and a typically intriguing premise. [1]


Another Halloween story that also evoked a "If only..." feeling in me.

In a clever and amusing blending of Star Trek reality with present time reality, Tom Carlson works at General Dynamics Sycamore Canyon facility (one of your ubiquitous secret government places) and is a Star Trek fan.

He goes to a Star Trek con and meets some girls who are into K/S and have zines. He reads one that sounds suspiciously like AFB's "Dreams of the Sleepers".

He and the girls advertise in Datazine for a Halloween party where you "come as you'd like to be, i.e. Klingons, Romulans, Deltans, Vulcans, starship commanders and Hortas are welcomed."

So the party starts and people begin arriving in elaborate costumes and in character. "The party was in full swing by 8 o'clock. Ambassador Sarek and Lady Amanda were dancing an elegant waltz in the middle of the living room floor. Flashbulbs popped as Mirror Uhura and Sulu engaged in mock-combat, karate-style, on the balcony. Kruge danced with Mara, The lady Romulan commander sparred verbally with a formal-uniformed Doctor McCoy (mint julep in hand)."

Tom dresses as Kirk and is told "You could pass for Shatner at a distance, but you really look like Kirk the way he's written in fanzines." Then Tom looks up and Spock is standing at the door! So funny: Tom says to Spock: "Well, you could pass for Leonard Nimoy at a distance, but you really look like Spock the way he's written in fanzines."

Spock asks if this is an illusion created to escape their predicament Tom/Kirk says yes, but he's clueless.

Someone snaps a photo.. ..

Tom/Kirk realizes Spock is the "K/S Spock" and he is the "K/S Kirk". Then, Spock lifts him up and carries him to bed. He locks the door, turns down the lights.... Tom/Kirk thinks this man has "indeed come in character when his "twin ridges that flared with a delicate jade coloring" were revealed.

So sexy: "...as he pushed inexorably forward, filling me with the overwhelming statement of his own manhood." "Sleep well. Jim," he murmured, "and know that I am with you always.' The next morning. Tom awakes and Spock is gone.

Later, when he saw the photos, Spock wasn't in any of them, but the guests at the party said they'd seen him.

Really fun reading. [2]


  1. ^ from Come Together #10
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #26