The god of scraped knees.

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Title: The god of scraped knees.
Author(s): spqr
Date(s): 16 April 2020
Length: 8342 words
Genre: slash AU
Fandom: The Witcher
External Links: The god of scraped knees (Ao3)

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The god of scraped knees. is a The Witcher Geralt/Jaskier fanfic written by spqr. It is centered on the popular tropes Immortal Jaskier and Non-Human Jaskier as well as the non-fandom-specific Identity Reveal trope.


Jaskier’s been pretending to be human for so long now that he hardly remembers what it feels like to be a sorcerer. He doesn’t want to remember what it feels like to be a sorcerer. But people still murmur his name with reverence in certain dim halls; Dandelion, Dandelion, destroyer of worlds.[1]

Recs and Reviews

As of February 2021, the work has over 1600 bookmarks on Ao3.

The podcast Be The Serpent used this fic as a discussion tentpole in Episode 68, "Who Wants to Live Forever?", which focused on Immortality.

I was utterly taken in by this in the 20 minutes or so it took me to read it and now I've come out the other side feeling like I've been fundamentally changed somehow. I don't really have the right words, I suppose, and that's why I read the fic and not write it. But this story burrowed into my chest and the last 2 paragraphs are living in there now. Thank you. [2]

This was an awesome story on the Immortal Jaskier trope and I enjoyed it immensely! Being from Jaskier’s POV really drove home all that he has gone through as he is regarded as a deity in this story and how lonely he is :C It does have one of my favorite things which is him having a lovely friendship with Ciri, bc so wholesome! He is also a cat for a while and that was also adorable! I loved the characterization of everyone here, and the story was very good, but I won’t spoil it, so please give it a go! But be warned, you might cry :c [3]

Jaskier not ageing, however, has spawned a ton of theories among fans about him being immortal, and this fic author took the idea and ran with it. Here, Jaskier is a minor god who’s lived thousands of years. This is a Jaskier-focused fic, an intricate character study of an immortal who wants peace and quiet. There is a strong mythical vibe which blends with domesticity. The impossible large with the impossibly tedious. A god of immense power, who heals a scrapped knee.

It has astonishing worldbuilding in 8k. Dandelion, Dandelion, destroyer of gods.

I have shivers. Read this fic. It’s beautiful and brilliant and balances delicately between the mythical and the domestic.[4]

the premise of this is that jaskier is immortal in an ‘outsider from dishonored’ type of way, and the execution is flawless. especially rec’d if you like earthsea-esque fantasy writing, but honestly i think it’s one of those fics all ficwriters should read. gorgeous prose.[5]

This fic is a delight. Love the premise it explores - I don’t think I’ve read another fic where Jaskier is a god. I love the fairytale-esq quality to the story, and that we get to follow Jaskier’s journey. I really enjoyed seeing the bits of Jaskier’s life. With less than 8.5k words spqr creates a really vivid world; it’s a lovely fic to re-read too.[6]




