The Quiet One

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Title: The Quiet One
Author(s): Krystal
Date(s): 1999-2001
Length: 59 chapters
Genre(s): horror, torture, whump
Fandom(s): Hanson
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The Quiet One is a Hanson fanfic by Krystal, originally hosted by Tania at Boy Band Blues Fiction. It was written from 1999 to 2001, and was one of the first and biggest stories to popularize the "torturing Taylor" trope. Krystal had this to say about her choice to have Taylor tortured and stripped of his vocal cords:

So, while I did victimize the Taylor character, it was not because he was frail or because I don't like him. Far from it-I victimized a character based on the real life Taylor Hanson, because Hanson inspires me, because I think Taylor is a fantastic singer and performer, and because I see a spirit in him that would be able to overcome whatever obstacle he was given. Though I love to read the "Zac and Taylor Go to Walmart" kinds of stories, that is not the stories that I am inspired to write.[1]

The Silent One

The Silent One is a sequel to The Quiet One, written by Julia Doty from 2009 to 2012. It was unauthorized and remains effectively unfinished, with the last chapter a duplicate of the next to last.

Reactions and Reviews

Even though Taylor is clearly suffering, I can’t help delighting in reading about his exploits, from the random dog to the rose tattoo. It’s that humor, I think, that keeps what ought to be a horribly heartbreaking story from being too much for me to read. That’s not to say that it isn’t still a very sad story, of course. It ends on a beautiful note, though, and it’s wonderful to watch all the various relationships—familial or otherwise—evolve throughout the tragedy.[2]

Well, because I'm the webmistress and because I can. I'm going to put my favorite story first! Krystal has seriously created one of the great fanfics. This is a story that no one wants to read and yet, it's so convincing and so compelling. There is no more original plot and no more heart wrenching story.[3]

The plotline and story idea are very original - none of that Mary Sue nonsense. I don't want to give anything away, but I also liked the way the story seemed to go in one direction at the beginning, and then ten chapters in just totally turned around. That kind of plotting, making everything seem normal and then backflipping it, all the time tying up the loose ends so nicely that it makes sense even when you can't see it coming, is really tricky to pull off, so I applaud.[4]

Wow, I love this story! I cannot wait for the next update! The creativity's amazing, and I love the suspense and unpredictability. "The Quiet One" is well written, as well as addictive. It's definately one of those stories where (lol- forgive my cheeziness) "You'll laugh, and you'll cry". I'd hafta say that I really like the "smartass" portrayal of Zac Hanson, also. It's cute. :) [5]

And The Quiet One kind of blew my mind, and I'm pretty sure it was the first Hanfic to make me cry because it was just so heart retching and intense. I remember thinking I'd just read a chapter or so to see how I liked it and basically staying up all hours of the night to finish it. Those kinds of stories are what I live for.[6]

Aw shit, you guys… I’m reading The Quiet One and crying…. I’m about halfway though so no spoilers. REALLY good so far.[7]

This story will bring tears to your eyes. Taylor has lost his most treasured gift... his voice! The story tells us how he and his family handle the loss. Go check it out now![8]

Wow, I love this story! I cannot wait for the next update! The creativity's amazing, and I love the suspense and unpredictability. "The Quiet One" is well written, as well as addictive. It's definately one of those stories where (lol- forgive my cheeziness) "You'll laugh, and you'll cry". I'd hafta say that I really like the "smartass" portrayal of Zac Hanson, also. It's cute. :) [9]

Awesome story - once again, Taylor is the main character. This one dates back to when This Time Around was released, I'm assuming, as Taylor's around 16 years old. His one-night stand with an older woman causes him more grief than he could ever imagine, including the loss of his career. Very original idea behind this, albeit creepy.[10]

This is so sad. It really is. But it's one of those things where you're so glad you read it because it really makes you think. I love it. I also hope that it never happens ever.[11]

Related Fanworks


The Quiet One won awards in the Blank Page Awards, Hanfic Awards, Literary Hanfic Awards, More Than Words Awards, Soundtrack Awards, Various Artists Awards and Waiting To Be Read Awards. It was eliminated in round one of Last Story Standing. It is also featured in the and Various Artists halls of fame, as well as the Your Illusion top five lists.
