The Boys Series

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Title: The Boys Series
Author(s): Nicole S.
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: The Boys Series (Den of Sin)
Nicole S (TER/MA)

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The Boys Series is a Mulder/Krycek series by Nicole S. The Theban Band created a fanfic cover for the series.


  • Part 1 Black Hole Sun - Krycek goes to Mulder's apartment to talk to him and while he is waiting thinks over his life and what he has done. The fun begins later when Mulder shows up. In my universe Krycek has BOTH arms and if you can't deal with that then too bad.
  • Part 2 Hands All Over - Set one week after Black Hole Sun. Krycek goes to Mulder's place to invite him out for an evening of beer & rock 'n' roll. Boys will be boys and get into a little hijinks along the way. In my universe
  • Part 3 Slaves and Bulldozers - A little ditty about Mulder who is brooding because he and Krycek cannot get together this weekend.
  • Part 4 Fell On Black Days - Poor Krycek isn't feeling well and it's up to Mulder to make him all better.
  • Part 5 Burden In My Hand - A boring case, a murder, loneliness, a stolen car—you do the math.
  • Part 6 Confessions - Alex is a bad little boy. Mulder has to punish him. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.
  • Part 7 Bittersweet Me - Angst, then the beach for some fun.
  • Part 8 More Than This - Things get interesting for Krycek who is on surveillance detail.
  • Part 9 Closer - Mulder decides to cook and have Alex over for a romantic dinner. Schmoop ahead!
  • Part 10 Home - We asked Amy B. for a challenge. She said she wanted one of the Boys to get a tattoo. Well, here you go!
  • Part 11 Aisle 5 - Alex has been a bad little boy and needs to be punished.

Boys Interludes: Apparitions, Phone Booth, PIN Number, The Jacket, Periwinkle, Bliss, Loading Dock, Quicksilver, 110 CGU

Recs and Reviews

[...] This series is wild. I just love Alex in it. He's such a bad boy, that he is just so good. He's so hot in this one. Steaming. He just seduces the pants right off of Mulder, pretty much literally. Alex has both arms in this one. One thing I like about the Den of Sin ladies (Nicole S., Aries, and Orithain) is that they are in denial about the bad thing that happened to Alex in Tunguska as much as I am. Alex in this one is probably up there in my favorite characterizations of him. He is hot, sweet, loving, sexy, wild, wicked, and just dangerous enough. A mixture of things that totally drives me wild about him. The stories archived at the Den of Sin were some of the first M/K stuff I ever read. One of Aries series was the very first one actually. Found their site on a webring I do believe. Never regretted it. [...] I think this story takes place after the movie, but doesn't count anything after that. I'm pretty sure. It's a great one and I still feel like an idiot for not rec'ing it sooner. I should have. I don't know how many times I've gone back and reread the thing. [...] [1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 29 March 2015)