Thalia Grace

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Name: Thalia Grace
Occupation: Demigod, Lieutenant of Artemis
Relationships: Zeus (father)
Beryl Grace (mother)
Jason Grace (brother)
Artemis (half-sister/adoptive mother)
Hunters of Artemis (adoptive sisters)
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Heroes of Olympus
Other: previously a pine tree on Half-Blood Hill, revived by the Golden Fleece (The Sea of Monsters)
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Thalia Grace is a character in the Percy Jackson series, as well as a character in the sequel series, Heroes of Olympus. She first appears at the end of The Sea of Monsters, when she is revived from a pine tree by the Golden Fleece. She joins the protagonist Percy Jackson in his adventures and helps him in his quest to fight evil and save the day.


Thalia and Luke Castellan are implied to have had romantic feelings for each other before Thalia sacrificed herself in battle and was turned into a pine tree, prior to The Lightning Thief

After she is revived, Thalia quests with Percy before joining the Hunters of Artemis in The Titan's Curse. The Hunters are a group of eternal maidens who take vows to follow Artemis and abstain from relationships with men. This has lead fans to often headcanon the hunters, including Thalia, as lesbian or asexual.




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