Terms of Endearment (trope)

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Terms of endearment are a type of pet name used to convey affection toward the target. Common examples in Modern English include "honey," "sweetheart," "darling," and "love," but there are also affectionate nicknames used in specific contexts. Some terms of endearment can be used universally while others are limited to specific relationship types (e.g. between lovers).

Historical and fantasy fiction often makes use of archaic endearments like "dove/culver", "honeycomb," or "poppet."[1] This is sometimes perceived as characteristic of flowery, overwrought prose, particularly in Harlequin-style historical romance.

There are also idiosyncratic terms of endearment used to denote specific traits, virtues, or experiences. For example, a couple in a Bakery AU fic may refer to each other as "cupcake," "cookie," "sugar," etc. to fondly reference their shared livelihood and passion.

Fandom-Specific Examples


ASoIaF/Game of Thrones

  • Sun-And-Stars/Moon of My Life: In the books and show, Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo refer to each other, respectively, as "my sun-and-stars" and "moon of my life," based on Dothraki cosmology holding that the moon-goddess is the wife of the sun. Some fanworks have Daenerys refer to subsequent partners as her "sun-and-stars" regardless of their cultural background.

Dragon Age

  • Amatus: An endearment of unknown meaning used in Tevinter.[2] Often presumed by fans to mean "beloved," given that Tevene is modelled after Latin.[3] Used by Dorian to address to a romanced Inquisitor in Dragon Age: Inquisition.[2] Also used by Dorian to address Iron Bull if they are in a relationship in the Trespasser DLC.[2] Fanworks sometimes have other Tevinter characters such as Fenris or Krem use the term. Romance fics that characterize Fenris as guarded in love sometimes have him use the endearment in place of more explicit declarations. Other fics portray the word as triggering to him to due to speculated use during a canonical abusive relationship in his past.
  • Kadan: An affectionate term in the language of the Qunari.[4] Said to literally mean "where the heart lies" or "the center of the chest."[4] Used as an affectionate form of address between intimate partners, as in Iron Bull's romance arc in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Can also be used platonically, as in Sten's battle cry of "Nehraa kadan!" in Dragon Age: Origins, translated by writer Mary Kirby as "For my brothers!"[4]
  • Ma Vhenan: A term of endearment in the elven language.[5] Said to translate as "my heart."[5] Sometimes shortened to vhenan ("heart").[5] Ma vhenan and vhenan are characteristic of traditional elven culture. In canon, they are used by the Dalish elves Merrill and Inquisitor Lavellan, as well by the elven traditionalist Solas. However, some fan-writers use the terms with human-assimilated "city-elves" such as Fenris, Sera, and Zevran.

External Links


  1. ^ Lisette Marshall, "Medieval terms of endearment: from culver to tickling", 2 February 2021
  2. ^ a b c "Tevene" on the Dragon Age Wiki
  3. ^ "Amatus" on Latin-Dictionary.net
  4. ^ a b c "Qunlat" on the Dragon Age Wiki
  5. ^ a b c "Elven language" on the Dragon Age Wiki