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You may be looking for the fan Gwyneth Rhys.

Name: Rhys, Tangerine
Alias(es): Rhyssj, tangeriner, atangeriner
Type: fan writer
Fandoms: popslash, X-Men Comicverse, X-Force, X-Factor, Dead Zone, My Hero Academia
Communities: OTL
Other: as rhyssj on AO3
as Tangerine on AO3
Livejournal (Rhyssj)
Dreamwidth (Tangeriner)
URL: Experiment V, Tangerine's Dream, Tangerine's Experiment X, The Rictor and Shatterstar Page
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Rhys, also known as Tangerine, is a prolific and widely loved author in popslash and has been writing in the X-Men Comicverse fandom since the 1990s.

As Tangerine, most of her stories are about the (now) canon pairing of Rictor/Shatterstar.

As Rhys, her fiction covered just about every possible pairing of 'N Sync members, with a few forays into Backstreet Boys; she even wrote a story featuring Trevor from O-Town (a rarity among popslashers.) The stories' genres also cover the map; Rhys wrote AUs, hurt/comfort, MPREG, genderfuck, humor, and kink. Her website was originally part of the popslash collective on Illuminations.nu. A fan of Chris Kirkpatrick in particular; most of her popslash stories feature him as a main character.

From her AO3 profile:

I've been involved in fandom, off and on, since 1996. I started in X-Men Comicverse, switched over to popslash under the name Rhys, switched back, dabbled briefly in Dead Zone (TV), then came back to X-Men Comicverse, focussing primarily on X-Factor (Vol 3.) and X-Force (Vol. 1). Rictor/Shatterstar remains my most persistent OTP, and I write about them a lot. A ridiculous amount, really.

Rhys currently writes exclusively under the name Tangerine, which was the name she originally used back in the mid-90s when posting on BBSs about the X-Men. Her most recent fics are for My Hero Academia.

Transformative Works Policy

Feel free to transform my works into podfics, art, translations, remixes, sequels, etc. I only ask that you link to the source and that whatever you produce remains non-commercial.

Notable Stories

(The summaries/tags are from AO3.)

Book of Secrets A pseudo-historical romance novel (set in 17th century England).

MPREG (Archived page from Feb 13 2010 includes the original images) He's having his baby.

Two Straight Guys In Wisconsin: The Amazing Adventures of Chris And His Cock A very long story. (When this tag was written, that was true, but Rhys eventually wrote longer.)

Spike and Wolf A Universal Studios love affair.

Release/Pulse - Originally posted as a WIP between 1997 and 1999, this series follows the rise and fall of Warren Worthington III and the impact of that on the people in his life.

Reviews and Recommendations

IMHO #2 - Reader's Rave #2 - Release

IMHO #1 - Random Thoughts and Violent Bastardry - Broken Wings

Shifting Sands - Review by Lindsay - Broken Wings

Shifting Sands - Review by Tom - Release



As Archivist

As Contributor
