Talk:Story Tropes By Fandom

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It looks like this (fabulous) list started out in chronological order, but that that order started to get lost toward the end; should it just be made alphabetical to keep things simple? Or maybe a sortable table, with a column for the year the source first appeared so it can be sorted either alphabetically or chronologically? --Arduinna 22:17, 13 October 2008 (UTC)

I'm starting a general Story Tropes page, there may be some duplication, but I don't want to displace this page. --Betty 23:02, 13 October 2008 (UTC)

Also! Did BtVS have a name for that "Everyone is human and going to highschool together" thing they did? --Betty 23:05, 13 October 2008 (UTC)

"Human AU" or "All Human AU" I think. --Ari 00:56, 14 October 2008 (UTC)

Two points, numbered for clarity:

  1. You have EPE for Epilogue, What Epilogue. Is that a typo for EWE, or another acronym? Also
  2. Is The Bond under Sentinel a local variant of Soulbond or is it distinct? --Betty 01:49, 14 October 2008 (UTC)
In Sentinel fandom, I think they're more likely to be known as Sentinel-Guide bonding fics (rather than The Bond). Susan Foster's GDP-verse was responsible for inspiring the bulk of the sentinel-guide bonding sub-genre. 'Sentinels are known' is another related and somewhat overlapping trope, which also crops up a lot in Sentinel x-overs and fusions. --Vissy
I recognize that the vocabulary is different, I was wondering if they fill the same function, though. --Betty 03:12, 15 October 2008 (UTC)
It's...sort of the same function, I guess? I assume every fandom's got its soulbonding trope, but it goes by different names. 'The Bond' wrt Sentinel fandom just doesn't ring any bells for me, whereas 'sentinel-guide bonding' does (and is of course specific to Sentinel fandom even as it comes under the general 'soulbonding' banner. If it's Beauty and the Beast (TV) fandom, the trope is definitely known as 'The Bond', and in Harry Potter we tend to just say 'bonding', so yeah, I think it's just the vocab that pulled me up a little there. (I suspect sentinel-guide bonding, 'sentinels are known' and the GDP-verse will need a whole enormous page to themselves!) --Vissy

Is this page also for tropes that started in one particular fandom? I'm not quite sure. If so, then should K/S not have 'soulbond' too, or 'bondmates' or both?--Mary Crawford 20:06, 14 October 2008 (UTC)

Does it need to be somewhat unique and first in that fandom, something that is common in that fandom but uncommon in other fandoms, or just really, really, really common to that fandom? For SGA, crack covers a *lot* of sins, so to speak, in terms of tropes, and God knows the AMTDI variations are common to all fandoms with a vague sci-fi leaning. Such as, SV had a freakishly high percentage of futurefic right off the bat, but many fandoms do futurefic, too. --Seperis 07:31, 17 October 2008 (UTC)

I would think anything that's really, really common. There's already a ton of stuff on the list that's not a first or uncommon elsewhere. --Kyuuketsukirui 07:58, 17 October 2008 (UTC)
Actually, when we discussed the creation of the page in chat at the time irrc we meant it to be a list of near-to-unique tropes. So that I would say that 'sentinel-guide bonding' would need to be there even if only to define it as "the way the Sentinel fandom calls/does soul bonding", but wingfic would not be there since after being "born in popslash" it became a general trope. EWE otoh is a definite HP trope, since, well. So perhaps I misunderstood what the intent was... Or perhaps the page is somewhat sliding away!--anatsuno 09:29, 17 October 2008 (UTC)
I think it may be sliding away as people get excited and add stuff to it.--Kyuuketsukirui 09:37, 17 October 2008 (UTC)

What is this 'the game' under Pros about? --Betty 20:33, 18 October 2008 (UTC)

In Sherlock Holmes fandom, "the Game" is pretending that Holmes and Watson are real, that Watson wrote the stories and that Doyle was his literary agent. I don't know what it is in Pros fandom, though.--Ari 20:46, 18 October 2008 (UTC)
"The Game" is a trope based off one particular story in Pros fanfic ("Consequences"), which assumed that Bodie's (canonical) mercenary background included "the Game", where losing got you raped. The story had him raping Doyle years later because that was the only way he knew how to have a m/m relationship. It got to be so well-known that the Game became fanon, and other stories work it into Bodie's background. (Eventually there'll be an explanation of this on the Pros page, which still needs a ton of stuff filled in.) --Arduinna 20:54, 18 October 2008 (UTC)
alskdjf;al! Fun for the whole family! --Betty 20:57, 18 October 2008 (UTC)

By Fandom or by Character?

On this page there are fandoms and there is K/S. I want to include prison stories for Star Trek Voyager which are particularly a Tom Paris phenomenon. Prison stories are common in the Stargates but in a different way. Paris was canonically in jail, fanon gave him an interesting time there. But my question is: do we keep K/S and add Voyager/Paris or should we subdivide the Treks? I'm not that big on Stargate SG1 but I thought DADT was big there, too? - Vera 08:34, 19 October 2008 (UTC)

Create a Star Trek heading, and then put bullets under it for individual pairings or shows within the Trek franchise?--Penknife 10:51, 19 October 2008 (UTC)

Move to Story Tropes by Fandom?

Now that we have Story Tropes, and Slash Story Tropes, it makes more sense for this article to also be Story Tropes, rather than Singular Tropes?--Sherrold 21:11, 10 December 2008 (UTC)