Sir Agravaine

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Name: Sir Agravaine
Fandom: Arthurian Legend
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Sir Agravaine, also known as Agravain, Aggravain, or by other spellings, is one of the Orkney brothers in Arthurian Legend and a popular character in the Arthuriana fandom. In medieval literature, he is generally portrayed as handsome but also as cruel, arrogant, and inferior to his older brother Gawain. He is close with his brother Mordred and the two plot together to expose the affair between Guinevere and Lancelot, which results in Agravain being killed by Lancelot when he, Mordred, and a group of other knights show up at Guinevere's door to ambush the couple and reveal them as traitors. He has a complicated relationship with Gaheris. They spend a lot of time together, but Gaheris often badgers Agravaine, and Agravaine sometimes contemplates killing him. Agravaine's wife in Le Morte D'Arthur, Laurel, is the niece of Gareth's wife Lyonesse and Gaheris' wife Lynette, and they have a triple wedding.


Internet History

Possibly the earliest surviving reference to Agravaine on Tumblr was in 2011 by @sirmordreds-blog [1]. For years, the #agravaine tag was almost exclusively home to BBC Merlin content, with @lucrezianoin and @fuckyeaharthuriana being notable as two of the few Arthuriana bloggers to tag him. Though the tag continues to be dominated by BBC's Agravaine, as the Arthuriana fandom's Tumblr presence increased and he was promoted by popular bloggers such as @gringolet, Agravaine of Orkney became an increasingly popular character to the point of being a fan favorite for some.

The Fandom Today

Members of the Arthurian fandom tend to have a higher regard for Agravaine than was shown to him in medieval literature. It is generally agreed that he is horribly repressed [2] and that he suffers from living in the shadow of Gawain the most of any Orkney since he is the closest in age to him. A fairly common headcanon, possibly originated by @gringolet, is that Agravaine is trans. He is sometimes woobified; people still generally acknowledge that many of his canonical actions are murderous but his fans argue that he is the victim of a double standard, since Lancelot is seldom shown in a negative light in medieval literature, Gawain is portrayed more sympathetically than Agravaine, and both of them kill even more people than he does.

Apart from his Morte-canon relationship with Laurel--which some fans ship romantically, some interpret as a lavender marriage, and some disregard--he is frequently shipped with Sir Lamorak, who he kills in Le Morte D'Arthur, and sometimes with Sir Lionel.

Fan Works



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  1. ^ "Agravaine, what are you doing in St. Trinians?" [1] The meaning of this post has thus far not been determined and it may be a BBC Merlin reference.
  2. ^ "Who is the most repressed Orkney" poll by @grail-lifesupport [2]