Sir Lionel

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Name: Sir Lionel
Occupation: Knight of the Round Table
Relationships: brother of Sir Bors; cousin of Lancelot du Lac and Sir Hector de Maris
Fandom: Arthuriana, Arthurian Legend
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Sir Lionel is the brother of Bors and cousin of Lancelot du Lac and Hector de Maris in Arthurian Legend. He remains decently popular in the Arthuriana fandom.

In Medieval Literature

His father, King Bors the elder, is killed by Claudas, so Lionel and Bors are kept captive by Claudia's until one of the Lady of the Lake's maidens rescues them and takes them to be raised along with Lancelot. Many years later, while on the Grail quest, Lionel is captured by wicked knights. Bors encounters him while he is being tortured and may soon be killed but does not save him because he has a maiden he has to rescue. Lionel somehow survives but is so furious he tries to kill his brother. He kills two other people before Bors is saved by divine intervention and the brothers reconcile.

In Fandom

Perhaps the most notable detail in the history of fandom surrounding him is that King Edward III was such a huge Lionel fan that he would organize Round Table tournaments where he roleplayed as Lionel and named his second son (Lionel of Antwerp, Duke of Clarence) after him.

Much fandom discussion of Lionel revolves around his conflicted relationship with his brother, who he cares about but feels betrayed by and almost murders.

Possibly because "Lion" is in his name, Lionel is frequently depicted as having blond or reddish hair. Lionel is also fairly frequently depicted wearing a dress [1] and/or as a woman [2] in art.

Lionel is sometimes shipped with Sir Owain/Yvain, because an incident involving them from the Vulgate [3] or because of Lionel's name and Owain's lion from The Knight of the Fountain;[4] with Agravaine, with a philosophy of, "Murder is great, but have you tried making out with your enemy's cousin?"; or with both Agravaine and Lamorak.

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