McKay (JayKay)

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Name: McKay
Alias(es): JayKay, Madame, Maddy, scribbulus_ink, chocolate_frog, popculture66
Type: Fan writer, moderator, RPer
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Star Wars, The Monkees, others
Communities: Snape Slash Fleet, Moonshadow, Slug & Jiggers Apothecary, Hogwarts Online, Snark and Bark, Pervy Werewolf, Snupin Central, Snupin Santa, Snape 100, HP Classic, Lupin 100, Daily Snitch, Snupin Prophet, Woobies of Destiny
Other: Chocolate Frog (author site)
URL: McKay on AO3
scribbulus_ink on Dreamwidth
scribbulus_ink on InsaneJournal
scribbulus_ink and chocolate_frog on LiveJournal (archive links)
popculture66 at JournalFen
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McKay, formerly known as JayKay, is a fanfiction writer active online since 1997. She is a frequent collaborator of arionrhod; they now co-write professionally as Ari McKay.[1]


I'm a fan of A Certain Age who's been involved in SF and fantasy fandoms for as long as I can remember. Although I've been involved in fandom activity in RL since I was a teen, my online fandom life began in 1997, and I used to be actively involved in (i.e. written fanfiction for) three primary fandoms, and I took a few brief excursions into a handful of other fandoms.

From 1997-1999, I wrote in The Monkees fandom as Madame/Maddy.
From 1999-2001, I wrote in the Star Wars fandom (specifically The Phantom Menace) as JayKay.
From 2001-2011, I wrote in the Harry Potter fandom as McKay.

Aside from participating in one last Snape/Lupin holiday fest in 2014, I haven't been active in fandom since 2011, when Arionrhod and I started writing original fiction.

McKay's Bio on AO3 (accessed July 2024)

Notable Fanfiction

External Links
