Lynn C. (vidder)

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Name: Lynn C.
Alias(es): Marie Blackpool
Type: vidder, fanwriter
Fandoms: Buffy, Highlander, Magnificent 7, Once a Thief, Roswell, Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, Stargate: SG-1, Star Wars, Wiseguy
URL: Stories & Some of the vids
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Lynn C. is best known for her vids (see JKL and Media Cannibals).

Long, long ago, Lynn also wrote a few conference papers on fandom, vidding, and slash. One was "Jump Cuts, Rainbows, and Large Round Objects: Science Fiction Media Fans' Appropriation of Music Video," co-authored with Susan Clerc for the Midwest Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October 7-8, 1994. The partial text of another one on AUs in fanfic lives here, thanks to Morgan_Dawn: Alternate Universes In Fan Fiction.


Lynn C. learned to vid on VCRs from Tashery Shannon and Gayle F in Oakland, CA in the early 1990s. (See vidding.) She made a few Wiseguy vids with Gayle and Tashery ("Wicked Game" with Gayle, and "Nights in White Satin" with Tashery, a vid which required audio mixing the partial track from the show with the rest of the song from a CD, all using VCRs!). She also vidded with Media Cannibals in Seattle, or had videos hosted on their tapes.

Her first solo VCR vids were made in New Jersey around 1996 -- a vid for the film Labyrinth, shown at a Zebracon, and We Could Leave Right Now a Highlander vid (the first vid for the fandom; available on Media Cannibals tape 2). After moving back to California around 2000, she worked as part of JKL (with Jill and Kay) and set up a digital video system. Their first vid on computer was "She's Moved On," for Buffy.

Problems she will never forget from vidding with VCRs: "If the tape stretches on your master, you're hosed. Too many edits can wreck the actual tape itself, especially in a crappy VCR. Insert-editing, it was an art form on VCRs. Some people were good, others thought it was the end of the world (me included). Non-linear computer systems solve this completely, but some of us had to do our vids entirely linearly, because of fear of the insert edit. One VCR will show you something another won't, especially partial frames not erased by a good erase head. That really sucks. Audio editing was a lot harder with VCRs. Not to mention cutting to the beat-- lots more trial and error in those days, without a waveform to sync your cuts to."

Lynn's last released vid was "One Million Miles Away" for Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, about 2003.

Her vidded fandoms include: Wiseguy, Highlander, Buffy, Stargate: SG-1, Roswell, Star Wars (original movies), Once a Thief, Magnificent 7, Secret Adventures of Jules Verne. She may be best known for "In Your Eyes," a Stargate: SG-1 vid that appeared at the Escapade Vid Show Retrospective 1992-2001.

Here is an old post she wrote on the vidder list in 2001: LynnC's 2001 Vidding Process.

Fanfiction Author

Lynn C. wrote a few stories under the pen-name Marie Blackpool.

Star Wars


  • Hard Truths with Gayle F in No Holds Barred

Stargate: SG1

Magnificent Seven


Lynn presented one paper on fanfiction at a conference while she was a graduate student who was supposed to be doing other things: Alternate Universes In Fan Fiction.