Spirits and Bodies

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Title: Spirits and Bodies
Author(s): Marie Blackpool
Date(s): 1998
Length: 24,302 words
Fandom: Star Wars
External Links: at AO3; archived, Archived version

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Spirits and Bodies is a Star Wars slash story by Marie Blackpool. The pairing is Han/Luke. It originally appeared in the fanzine Elusive Lover 3.

Author's summary: "Han and Luke go on a military mission, get captured, and take care of each other when things go bad. H/C and angst with some running around and blowing things up.."


"What a beautiful, dreamlike fic -- a longtime favorite Han/Luke."[1]

"I've never read any Star Wars fic before but suddenly had a craving recently for some Luke/Han and this is the first one I've read - and what a great one to start with! This is a really excellent story, well written and very well done character voices. I really liked the mission aspect of it as well as the relationship side. One thing I particularly liked was how easily you switched between points of view, from Luke to Han and back - sometimes POV switches can be jarring, or need clear section separators to distinguish them, but you moved really seamlessly between them, which made the story that much more enjoyable to read.""[2]

"Omg. This fic is perfection. In every way. I loved it very much. The characters' views on each other, how much they changed, Han's dilemma between the twins, the adventure and action... It's a breathtaking fic. Loved it entirely!!!" [3]

"梗概:EP6后设定。卢克感受到了原力中的扰动,于是去调查某星,韩闲着就跟了过去。在旅馆里立马被捉,蹲牢。该星球先前发生政权更迭,新人是个野生原力 使用者,搞生化武器,一旦实现人民将成为他的行尸走肉。跑了之后手一直铐在一起,第一次【】的时候也铐在一起。野生原力者来抓他们,韩趁其不备一枪崩了 他,手依然铐在一起,一直到回家太空港才切割开。回到基地,韩溜达到卢克房间,发现他在做新的光剑。 想法:是个剧情流的故事,可打 Adventure tag。卢克在原力领域求索日益变深,离农场男孩形象越来越远,让韩觉得隔膜难破,这个主题在很多同人里都有,这篇里讲了这个故事和人物心情的调兑就很到 位,和Lost是一个类型的。价值观的碰撞啊。虽然无hu差lu但是这篇里韩迷茫却盲从追随者的形象很对,我赞同,反正比EU里那个狗好。"[4]


  1. ^ comment at the AO3 post dated 30 Sep 2012.
  2. ^ comment at the AO3 post dated 5 Jan 2013.
  3. ^ comment at the AO3 post dated 5 Nov 2015.
  4. ^ plotdog rec post dated Dec 2014; archive link.