Laboris Solis

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Laboris Solis
Author: M. Carr (CatFish)
Dates: 2001 or before -?
Fandom: Harry Potter
URL: (2002) (2001)
main page
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Laboris Solis was a personal Harry Potter fanfic and fanart site.

It featured gen and slash art, including an illustration for Rhysenn's Irresistible Poison. The illustration was for chapter 8 and this scene: "Suddenly, something occurred to Harry; without thinking, he automatically reached out his hand and laid it flat against Draco's bleeding forehead, without any hesitation, like it was the most natural thing in the world, and—"[1]

There was also a small fanfiction page that linked to stories archived at and a page for rants and essays. The site was a member of The Harry Potter Slash Web Ring where it was listed with the description: "Harry Potter art and (hopefully soon) fics, both slash and non-slash (more of the former, however..".


Unnoticed (with cover image). PG, tiny little book 4 spoiler. Pairing: Ron/Harry, sort of (slash, very mild). All his life, Ron has never been noticed. Now he has, and it isn't from the one he wants.

Wolf (with cover image). PG, book 3 spoilers. Remus Lupin ponders his identity. A little look inside his head, a pointless vingette, whatever you wish to call it. No plot.



draco A shrine to everyone's favorite bigot, Draco Malfoy. In English and Dutch!(some slash, I think)

The Penseive- HP tarot cards, and sections to ask the characters stuff. Plus some interesting literary analysis. Tis cool. Yay.(no slash)

Elysion Fields- If you like HP slash, and haven't read Kirsah's stuff, you are seriously missing out. It's simply beautiful. She is the creator of the Percy/Nevill pairing, and writes lovely stuff. (slash, and such beautiful slash it is, too)

Miruna no Heya- So it's not *all* Harry Potter. Who cares? It's *gorgeous* art. Lovelylovelylovely. (Some slash.)

Hocus Pocus- *sobs* it's not *fair*! Why do all these people draw better than me? Why? Anyway. Gorgeous art here. Just lovely. (no slash)

Tealin's Harry Potter Headquarters- Slightly Disney-esque art... Love the way she draws Sirius. (not new, but the link's changed. Thought I'd bring it back to attention.) (No slash... which I *still* think is a pity. But each to their own.)

DC's Harry Potter Illustrations- Anime type Harry Potter images.(formally The Illustrated World of Harry Potter)(no slash)

Harry Potter: Italian Fanclub-Well, it's a Harry Potter page. In Italian. I don't know Italian, but the webmaster e-mailed me, and so... here's his link. (I don't know Italian, I don't know)

The Wolf Den-Chronicles of the life of Remus Lupin, by Roma. And some of the *best* damn Remus/Sirius slash I've read. It's heart rending and beautiful and just *wow.* If you like R/S slash, go here. Read these fics. They really are *beautiful.* (Slash. Every single delicious bit of it. *happy sigh*)

Mischief*Managed-Another cute Harry Potter fanart site, with some lovely doujinshi... the Remus/Sirius one is especially cute. (some slash... if you can't handle it, I wouldn't click the link because... well, her warning image... *giggles* No, it's not explicit, but...)

Proud Pranksters- a maurauder's shrine. And she doesn't exclude Pettigrew! Yay! (bit of slash, on seperate page)

The Hogwarts Express-it's... a message board. Joy. ^_^ (They don't *seem* to be particularly slash friendly, unforetunatly.)

Magical Intrigue- Rhysenn's Harry Potter fanfics. And as if those alone weren't enough, there's also some lovely art and slash shipper buttons! Fun ^_^ (Slash. Heck yeah.)

Forget-me-not- A Lockhart shrine- A very purple shrine to Gilderoy Lockhart by the creator of Hally Pottel. (no slash)

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes- Twincest! I'm not much into the Fred/George pairing meself... but that's *such* a fun word! Twincest! *giggles* (note: okay, I lied. I like Fred/George. Knight Smeg's writing has converted me. Bring on the twincest! Next I'll be reading all them threesome fics...)(slash. and twincest. yes, it *is* what it sounds like.)

Perfect?- A Percy fanfic archive. What more d'you want? (Percyslash! Gotta love Percyslash.)

Astronomy Domine- Lots of fun pictures, and those cutesy adopt-a-chars here.(no slash)

Hally Pottel- Various things... art and humor and thoughts, plus she's a MoonyxPadfoot fan! ^_^ Always a plus. (Which of course means this page contains slash, though in a separate section)

Forbidden Forest Harry Potter slash fanfiction archive. Home of the Percy/Neville knights! (It's all slash here, folks)

Positivly Percy! A site dedicated entirely to Percy Weasley. Gotta love it. (Coupla slashly stories)

The Unofficial Harry Potter Fan Club- Probably one of the most well known HP sites out there. Very G-rated. (No slash... wonder how they'd react if someone sent a slash fic in? Probably go into convulsions...)

Azkaban's Lair- A slashfic archive completly dedicated to the pairing of Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. (slashy slash)

The DogStar- Fanfiction archive dedicated to stories about Sirius Black. (Some slash, marked as such)

Diagon Alley- Harry Potter for older folks. Art and stories (some slash, not much- but their message board is *very* slash friendly!)

lumos et nox- Slashy stories. (slash, duh.)

Moondog's HP Paradise- Best known for the "Just a (character) at heart buttons. (I'm just a Lupin at heart, thankee verymuch!)(No slash.) Fanfiction. (duh) Of every genre, style and quality. Has a very large Harry Potter section. I have a fanfic up, as well as an original piece, under the author name CatFish. (slash, het, bdsm, rape, fluff... this page has just about any kind of fic you can imagine. Even really badhetfic. Whatever your taste, you can probably find something here)

Mailing Lists

Cassie and Rhysenn- The collaberated fics of Rhysenn and Cassandra Claire. (Draco Sinester slash ^_^ yay!) FF.N Slashers Unite- Eeew sick! And proud of it! ^_^ (It's a group called slashers unite. Figure it out, folks.) Harry Potter Slash- Guess what this list is about? (Guess.) Sirus Black and Remus Lupin- Whoohoo! A whole list dedicated to Sirius/Remus slash. I'm in love. ^_^ (slash, and the very best kind ^_^)

Slashettes- okaaay, it's not Harry Potter. Very bad me. However, it may interest many Harry Potter slash fans, at least the underage ones... yeah, you know you're out there. Slashettes is a list for all them slash fans who aren't technically legal yet.

Harry Potter for Grownups- intelligent, adult disscussion of HP. (Well, no one's talked about slash since *I've* been on it)[2]


  1. ^ Illustration chapter 8 (Accessed 10 October 2021).
  2. ^ linky linky. (Accessed 10 October 2021)