Obsidian Quills

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Obsidian Quills
Author: Nix
Dates: 08 August 1999 or before[1] - 04 December 2005 (last update; still online in 11/2015)
Fandom: Angel, Babylon 5, Big Wolf on Campus, The Dead Zone, Highlander, Homicide: Life on the Street, House, Jurassic Park 3, Man From U.N.C.L.E., Mortal Kombat, NCIS, *NSYNC, Once a Thief, Real Ghostbusters, The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, Smallville, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG-1, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, The X-Files, X-Men Movieverse, X2
URL: http://www.angelfire.com/realm/obsidianquills/index.html
http://www.crosswinds.net/~krychick/slash/slashyside.html (2001)
Obsidian Quills.png
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Obsidian Quills is a personal slash fanfiction page. It is hosted by Angelfire. It started out as Krychick's Sanctuary and was maybe also called Krychick's Fiction.

When it was hosted by Dencity, it was a member of the SW Slash webring, the RareSlash Ring, The Phantom Menace Fanfiction Webring, the Slash Fan Fiction Ring and the M/K Slash Ring.[1]

Meta Essays

  • Essays Please note that these essays are only my opinions and passing thoughts that I wanted to share.
  • Freaks and Geeks : The Fans of Star Wars -- Why kick up such a fuss about a movie? Speculation from the inside.
  • Good and Evil in Star Wars -- Just what the title says.
  • The Phantom Menace Slashyverse -- What is it that makes Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan so slashable? An author's thoughts.
  • Feedback : The Writer's Drug -- Why do authors always want feedback? Why should you write it, even if you think everyone else is doing the same?
  • Newbies : The Transition Period -- Focused on female slash fans. Some of the things many of us feel when we first enter the world of slash, and why.
  • Why is Slash Better Than Gen/Het? -- In my opinion, slash in general is of high quality than gen or het fic. Why is that?

Slash Fiction/Author Recommendations

Important Note : These are my personal recommendations. I don't guarantee that you'll like them, but if you like what I like (I write what I like) then there's a good chance that you will. In addition, the fact that an author is not listed here doesn't mean that they aren't as good as those that are. It just means that their style wasn't to my taste, or that I forgot them. I have a bad memory, it happens. -smile-
At the moment, all recs are for The Phantom Menace. All recommended authors and stories appear on The Master Apprentice Archive.
All fic by Lori, but especially The Letters Series (co-written with Wolfling). The Letters Series has a little bit of everything. Romance, hot sex, angst, adventure, plot, light humourous moments... It's *hugely* long, and completely worth the read!
All fic by Emma Woodhouse. Emma writes the most incredibly hot sex I've ever read. It's...wow. Just make sure you have a cold beverage at hand when you read. Or ice. Or a willing partner. -g-
All fic by torch.
All fic by Anne Higgins, but my personal favourite is Jedi of Naboo. Probably my favourite denial fic.
The Knights Errant series by saraid. This series deals very well with an plot type I'm very interested in - Obi and Qui are involved, and the Jedi Would Not Approve, so they hide it.
The Devotion Series by Destina Fortunato. This series is very well written, sucking the reader right in and evoking an emotional reaction.
The Further Adventures of Master Yoda by Chat Noir. This is a comedy, not a romance. Make sure you aren't eating/drinking/smoking while reading this one! I almost killed myself laughing.
It's a Twin Thing, The Adoyables, and Some Assembly Required by Sar. This series is humour with a definite romantic touch. A lot of fun to read, even if it is only pre-slash at this point. (Sar, if you're reading this: yes, I am campaigning for the next in the series -g-)
Buying Trouble, by Layna Anderson. A warning - this is a work in progress at the moment. It is an AU set in Roman times where Qui-Gon is a widower whose soft heart leads him to buy a wild, abused Celtic slave (Obi-Wan). Beautifully romantic.
I have to recommend Keelywolfe's fic because she is an incredible author. A couple of warnings, though. First, take notice of the warnings. Keely writes a good amount of underage Obi fic. She writes it well, but if underage isn't your thing... Second, take the warnings about disturbing themes seriously. Keely is a good enough author to make you really feel what the characters are experiencing, and that can make some scenes very emotionally harsh.
The Gladiator Series by Rina. Another AU, this one set in Simon R. Green's Deathstalker universe. Qui-Gon never took Obi-Wan as his Padawan, and Obi ended up on the sands of the Arena as a gladiator. A completely absorbing story, with a great blending of universes and some great angst. Plus, Rina's dark (but not Sith) Obi-Wan is not to be missed.
More recommendations to come!


  1. ^ a b Dencity version of the page, via Wayback: 2001. (Accessed 18 December 2015)