Kel (Omori)

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Name: Kel (stylized KEL)
Occupation: Student
Relationships: Aubrey (Omori) (friend)
Hero (Omori) (older brother)
Sally (Omori) (younger sister)
Sunny (Omori) (friend)
Mari (Omori) (friend)
Basil (Omori) (friend)
Fandom: Omori
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Kel is one of the main characters in Omori.



He's noted to be physically active, and often espouses a rough, albeit caring personality. At times, he bickers and engages in pissed-off exchanges with Aubrey (the Headspace counterpart) over the most minuscule of matters. In battle, he's usually the first to act, with skills that make use of his speed and agility.

Real world

He's Hero's younger brother and a budding athletic prodigy, most prominently in the sport basketball; aside from it, he shares most of the traits his younger, Headspace version has, but to a slightly greater degree. Amongst his favorites is the beverage Orange Joe, an unusual mix of processed orange juice and coffee.


Common Tropes

  • As aforementioned, his Headspace counterpart is the quickest of the four, being able to outmaneuver enemies and bosses better than they could act.
  • He often receives the brunt of responses from his Headspace companions, but he's shown to be a reliable Golden-Hearted Jerk, being able to care deeply for them despite the circumstances.
  • Whilst everyone else in the Real world counterpart deals with the tragedy in varying worse ways, his was of positivity, to the point he even thinks of culinary items and achievements to cope (e.g. the "Burgers in my Mind" meme).

Fan Works


Kel is More Complex Than You Think | Omori Analysis by Nerdy Arty; an analysis properly analyzing Kel's complexity and trauma.

Resources and Links

Characters Omori (character)SunnyAubreyKelHeroBasilMariSomethingmore
Ships Aubrey/SunnyKel/SunnyBasil/SunnyAubrey/KelAubrey/BasilAubrey/KimBasil/KelHero/Marimore
Locations White SpaceNeighbor's RoomVast ForestOtherworldPyrefly ForestOrange OasisDeep WellBlack SpaceFaraway Townmore
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