Grief Counseling (Buffy story)

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Title: Grief Counseling
Author(s): Amejisuto and Suki Blue
Date(s): 2005 - 2007
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: The Spander Files

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Grief Counseling is a slow burn Spike/Xander story by Amejisuto and Suki Blue. In this fic Spike and Xander are both members of a Grief Counseling Yahoo Group under fake names, as they try to come to terms with the deaths of their friends post-Season 5. As they email back and forth, Spike realises that he's speaking to Xander and that Willow plans to bring Buffy back from the dead. The story was betaed by kitty_poker1, and had an untitled sequel which was hosted on the Grief Counseling livejournal comm.

This starts off as a series of emails between an unknowing Spike and Xander as they both try to come to terms with the many deaths of their loved ones that took place during Season Five; Joyce, Buffy, and Anya who died in the fight with Glory. The story moves on from there as Xander discovers Willow’s idea of bringing Buffy back from the dead and turns to Spike for help.


  • Best Alternate Reality Runner Up in Round 6 of the Fang Fetish Awards
  • Best WIP Runner Up in Round 6 of the Fang Fetish Awards
  • Ludicrous and Far Too Breakable Runner Up in Round 3 of The White Knight Awards
  • The Aching for It Award (best Work in Progress fic) in Round 3 of the Forbidden Awards
  • The Ecstacy Award (Judges Choice) in Round 3 of the Forbidden Awards

Reactions and Reviews

If you're looking for a great Post-The Gift Fic: Grief Counseling by amejisuto and suki_blue . The evolving relationships (romantic and otherwise) are very well drawn and the emotional consequences are extremely plausible. The one sentence summary is: Anya dies in The Gift along with Buffy, and Xander and Spike begin to rely on each other to cope.[1]

You made Spike/Xander happen organically, and never gave the other characters short shrift. I really enjoyed the incorporation of the AI gang.[2]

You have created an epic with excellent characterization and believable character growth, very hot sex, convincing story arcs and great minor and major villians in Wes' father and Riley.[3]

Archives & Links

  • a livejournal comm created to archive the story and its sequels


  1. ^ Spander Rec List by allyndra, 13 May 2007.
  2. ^ Comment by brunettepet on the final chapter of Grief Counseling, posted September 7 2007. Accessed 31 May 2024.
  3. ^ Comment by ladycat713 on the final chapter of Grief Counseling, posted September 15 2007. Accessed 31 May 2024.