The White Knight Awards

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Name: The White Knight Awards
Date(s): 2004 - ?
Associated Community:
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
URL: (archived link)
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The White Knight Awards is an award site for Xander-centric fanworks and authors. The White Knight Awards were founded and overseen by whiskyinmind.


Announcing the newest addition to my website empire!

White Knight Awards!


Last year, kaz814 ran the Linoleum Awards for Xander 'ship fanfiction. After the server problems she asked me if I'd like to take them over and I agreed, what I didn't say at the time was that I was already working on a non-shipper Xander fiction awards site. So I combined the two, and again with help from smileawhile, it's now ready!

There are lots of fantastic writers on my flist, and although I hate to ask after the support you've all shown me with the re-launch of INAP, could I ask you to drop by the new site and nominate some (or all!) of the suberb Xander fics out there?[1]


  1. ^ site launch!!! an announcement by whiskyinmind, 24 August 2004. Accessed 27 May 2024