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Crash Boy

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Title: Crash Boy
Circle: E.E.Magic
Doujinka: Yuuya Kirimi (きりみゆうや)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Date/s: 09 August 2002
Type: manga
Size: B5, 54 pages
Language: Japanese
External Links:
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Crash Boy is a Harry Potter doujinshi by E.E.Magic. The main story is Harry/Draco, and there are shorter humourous stories also featuring Hermione and Snape.

One reviewer describes: "After asking Ron for advice, Harry sneaks into the Sytherin dormitory one night to find out something from Draco. Later, Snape has Draco drink a mysterious potion. There's also a short comedy story featuring angry Hermione. While the art isn't spectacular, it's still good and is worth buying if you like Harry/Draco."[1]



  1. ^ DrMM. Addiction: A Harry Potter Doujinshi Website. (Accessed 07 March 2012.)