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Captain's Log (Star Trek: TOS zine edited by Richard Pollet)

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See Captain's Log for other zines with the same title.

Title: Captain's Log
Editor(s): Richard G. Pollet
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
External Links: cited here
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The Captain's Log is a Star Trek: TOS fanzine published in the US and was edited by Richard G. Pollet.

Issue 1

cover of issue #1

Captain's Log 1 was published in 1978, has 45 pages.

The editor notes on the last page: "The editor (that's me) will gladly list and review any 'zines mailed to be seen by these humble eyes."

  • Table of Contents (3)
  • Kirk, art (4)
  • Days of Old, fiction (5)
  • Women of Star Trek, art (13)
  • Survival, art (18)
  • Survival, fiction (19)
  • Chekhov & Sulu, art (29)
  • Who Am I?, poem and art (31)
  • Piece of History, fiction (33-44) (reprinted in Archives #7)
  • McCoy, art (36)
  • Scotty, art (44)
  • Spock, art (45)
  • Cochran's Conclusion, Kirk's Enterprise, poems (46)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

Captain's Log, Voyage 1 had a good format (mostly stories, few poems, few illos and no reviews of Battlestar Galactica or non-Star Trek programs and names.) The length was right. A lengthy zine can be boring and dull to read.

I suggest you have an editorial pg. where you tell who you are, etc. Also, I would have a letter col. if I were you, and you should skip a blank line between paragraphs.

I like your poetry. I liked some of the artwork and "Survival" and "Piece of History". " I didn't like the first story because Kirk broke the Prime Directive by interfering with the planet's medieval culture, by setting Jun up as King. And you might want to get some help with those typos you made. Finally, the artwork needs a little improvement.[1]

Let me begin by saying that I enjoyed Captain's Log... On pg 15 for example, you have Chekov 'ascertaining a brief surveillance'. To 'ascertain' means to find out, to make sure, and 'surveillance' implies guarding something, keeping an eye on it to see it doesn't do anything you don't want it to. You wouldn't really do that to a rock unless you expected it to go for a quick run around the block.

I would quarrel with your calm assumption that K., S.& McC. have the right to make policy decisions about the life-style of every Tom, Dick and Harry they meet. But that was a point the show itself was pretty wishy-washy about, so you have many precedents to back you up. But the next time you write a story, please try to let the 'foreigners' have a little independence... After a lot of these stories, the astute reader begins to suspect that none of those faraway places really exist, except to provide an action adventure where Kirk gets a bang on the head, Spock gets an idea, and a security man gets it in the neck. We wouldn't want anybody to think that, would we?

...The last thing I want to do is discourage you. Quite the contrary, I very much look forward to the next issues, and hope you keep writing, You should.[2]

...I enjoyed the stories, poems and drawings very much. The only criticism I* can give is that you need a proof reader.

I did want to mention that I have all (ALL) the Star Trek books, tech. Manual, Concordance, blueprints, animated series by Alan D Foster who is one of the BEST authors around! ...There are three authors that have just recently come out with some stories that, in my opinion, are the worst! "The Starless World", "World Without End", and last, "Trek to Madworld"... by Gordon Eklund, Joe Haldeman, and Stephen Goldin respectively. All three of these guys have an obvious THING for Lord of the Rings, which is okay, but NOT when they get so involved with the gnomes and freakies that the characters of Kirk, Spock and McCoy are lost.[3]

Issue 2

front cover of issue #2
back cover of issue #2

Captain's Log 2 is undated (1979?) and is 69 pages long. The front cover is by Eileen Pollet. The back cover is by Richard G. Pollet. The interior art is by Richard G. Pollet.

  • table of contents (3)
  • editorial (4)
  • The Captain's Log, letter column (5)
  • Who Am I? poem and art by Richard G. Pollet (6)
  • Dreams & Other Calamities, story by Richard G. Pollet (8)
  • Kirk, story illo by Richard G. Pollet (18)
  • Galileo, story illo by Richard G. Pollet (22)
  • At the Dinner Table, cartoon by Richard G. Pollet (25)
  • Trivia Page, ST Questions by Randall Landers (26)
  • Mirror, Mirror, poem and art by Richard G. Pollet (27)
  • Different Reflections, story by Richard G. Pollet (28)
  • What Almost Was, poems and art by Richard G. Pollet (31)
  • Uhura and Sulu, story illo by Richard G. Pollet (33)
  • The Guilt Complex, story by Randall Landers (40)
  • Starbase, story illo by Randal Landers (44)
  • Views and Reviews, zine reviews (54)
  • Star Trek, the Movies, "cartoon?, advert"" by Richard G. Pollet (55)
  • I Remember, poem and art by Richard G. Pollet (56)
  • Someone Else's Mistake, story by Richard G. Pollet (57)
  • Enterprise & Edifice, story illo by (61)
  • Captain's Always Right, cartoon by Randal Landers (69)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2

I liked #1 and #2 enough to order #3...

  1. 2 was better than #1- you discovered press-on lettering, made it easier on the eyes by double spacing between paragraphs etc. It was also considerably cleaner, in terms of errors, typos & otherwise. The stories in both were enjoyable, so don't quit! And don't be discouraged by criticism/suggestions. Get someone to proofread your stories. ... Instead of having your stories read like descriptions of filmed actions, include what the characters are thinking and feeling, as well as doing & saying - "A wave of fear washed over McCoy as he realized he'd never seen this disease before. Instead of just, "I don't know what it is," said McCoy.[4]

Issue 3

Captain's Log 3 was published in 1979.

  • The Once and Future Kirk by Rick Endres
  • A World Apart (Lt. Arex will see his parents for the first time in years, why doesn't he want to go?)
  • Takeover (Near Klingon territory, Kirk recieves a distress call from the USS Yorktown, but is it genuine?)
  • Daybreak (Kirk and company beam down to pursue a band of criminals. The planet hasn't see a daybreak for 1000 years.)
  • poems, art, other stories

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3

In commenting on you fanzine, Captain's Log (3), I have only one question, what motivated you to write the stories? Devotion to Star Trek should produce an ample amount of imagination concerning others besides the main trio, and other topics besides the aired episodes and accompanying villain. For example, what I have done over the past three years, is to create an alien individual that could somehow fit into the Star Trek format. I have come up with a rather extensive survey of the alien and her people. The original motivation was to create a counterpart to Spock, but my premise has extended far beyond that. So I am puzzled over your unoriginality. Anyone can capture the action-adventure format of Star Trek. What is needed ie a fuller basis on which you can place stories of quite a different nature., Motivation is needed to produce quality stories with texture. Anyway, I hope these suggestions have been helpful, or you may ignore them if you wish.


I enjoyed CLV #3. Your zine seems to get a little better each time out. I was particularly impressed with a couple of your stories, "At the End of the Journey", and, "The Alienation Syndrome." Both of theses exhibited fine characterization, which is the mark of all good ST fiction. The illos are improving also, particulary the "post-ST-TMP" sketches. And thanks for the Kirk and Spock sketch in my story, "The Once and Future Kirk." It was quite well-done, and captures the mood I was trying to set. If I have any criticism at all, it's to watch out for your typos. Overall, though, CLV #3 was very well-produced.[6]

A few comments on Captain's Log 3. "Takeover" was fairly good. "At the End of the Journey", was an interesting idea that seemed as if it should be the beginning of a story. "The Once and Future Kirk", was good, but the relative ages of the characters in the 'future' sequence were wrong, Also, as someone for whom the T.H. White novel is a favorite, and who is interested in the Athurian legend in general, I didn't like the title. "A World Apart", begins abruptly with the action on the bridge already taking place. Also, Arex was an Edoan and how could he be in Starfleet if his people don't belong to the Federation? Finally, the reason for his split with his father, was never fully explained. I didn' like "The Alienation Syndome", at all. Lastly, there were an annoying amount of typos and spelling errors and a few grammatical mistakes.[7]

I have some comments to make on CLV 3. You should not divide and interspace the letter col. throughout the zine. I still think that you need to leave a blank line between each paragraph... The story, "Takeover," was good, but possesed a few technical flaws within it. The primary problem was the Klingon takeover of Finnegan's vessel. It was not believable. Another problem is that Finnegan would have been long ago been given command of a starship since he was an upperclassman at the Academy, while Kirk was only a young cadet, and Finnegan obviously would not have been denied a command because he was a practical joker. Another problem is the incredibly poor sensor readings Spock was receiving. The ship's sensors are more sensitive than you realize. You should not mix the stories with the illos, as you did. It make for difficult reading [ed -it was done on two pages, and shan't happen again]. The story, "The Once and Future Kirk," was extremely confusing until the explanation of the m'aa-thak occurred. Rick Enders needs reminding that though the Enterprise is darkened and lightened alternately, the bridge would not be done as such (as described in the story). There are three shifts and the crew we are most aquainted with are on the first duty shift. We are also made aware Oof the other alternates in various episodes. But all in all, a fine story. Eileen's illo was cute. "Suvivor", was a good story., I would use the poetry to be interspersed instead of the letter col. I didn't particularly care for "At the End of the Journey." "A World Apart," was a good story, except that it's been generally accepted that Mr. Arex is from the planet, Edoa and is an Edoan. See Alan Dean Foster' ST Log 4 for further info. The final story, "The Alienation Syndrome," was undoubtedly the best story to appear in your zine, even though it was a little "Charlie X" ish. Keep up the good work.[8]

I enjoyed CLV #3. Your zine seems to get a little better each time out. I was particularly impressed with a couple of your stories, "At the End of the Journey", and, "The Alienation Syndrome." Both of theses exhibited fine characterization, which is the mark of all good ST fiction. The illos are improving also, particulary the "post-ST-TMP" sketches. And thanks for the Kirk and Spock sketch in my story, "The Once and Future Kirk." It was quite well-done, and captures the mood I was trying to set. If I have any criticism at all, it's to watch out for your typos. Overall, though, CLV #3 was very well-produced.[9]

I liked CI #2 better than #1. The artwork is great. Keep up the good work.[10]

Takeover - Finnegan would not have been that easily defeated. It was well written. You have a good feel for the characters.

The Once And Future Kirk - (by Rick Bndrea) was a fairly good story but a little confusing, till explaind...

Survivor - was well written and your character of Taya was well written and not a little Mary Sue.

I enioyed it, on the whole, and easy to read, except for typo errors.[11]

Issue 4/5

front cover of issue #4/5, Richard Pollet
back cover of issue #4/5, Richard Pollet
a flyer printed in Security Check #1

Captain's Log 4/5 was published in January 1981 and has 117 pages. It has art by Randall Landers, Christine Myers, Julie Cesari, Victor Morales, Melody Rondeau and Richard Pollet.

[From the editorial]:


Since I included that above paragraph, it should be obvious that I don't have all that much to write about. However, here goes anyway. I was at a fan panel recently, while attending a convention. Three woman editors were running it, and its topic was fanzines. Of the roughly 30 persons listening, all but three were woman.

If you think that that was a unique, isolated case you are wrong. The majority of ST fanzine writers, readers, artists and editors, are women. I'd say, without running to check my records, that 85 to 90% of the readers of CL have been women.

At this point, you may ask, why have there been so few female contributors (only my sister, but there have been only two males before this)? The answer to that is that I have only received two illos from a fairly well-known lady trek artist. While they reflected her talent, they were both not quite what I was looking for.

However, the majority of material I received later, even a woman hater couldn't [turn] down. So that afforementioned majority appears here, and a hearty, long overdue welcome. The men are also well represented.

  • Table of Contents (2)
  • Editorial (3)
  • ZInes Worth Buying (4)
  • Chekov and Sulu by R.G. Pollet (6)
  • Beware of by R.G. Pollet (7)
  • An Ending by R.G. Pollet (8)
  • A Chance Meeting by Carolyn Atkinson (Kirk must find Chekov before he is killed by the Klingons on a planet ruled by magic.) (12)
  • No Average Captain by Frances M. Wilson (Admiral North must pick between three captains, the new captain of the Enterprise and decides to to make a sur prise inspection on the nearby docking destroyer, and her commanding officer, young James Kirk.) (26)
  • A Bad Choice by R.G. Pollet (30)
  • Another Taste of Obsession by Randall Landers (The Vampire Cloud returns.) (31)
  • Spock and Zarabeth by R.G. Pollet (36)
  • Find the Words by Carolyn Atkinson (37)
  • Eventuality by R.G. Pollet (Janice Rand decides to transfer from the Enterprise. But is annoyed when Captain Kirk decides she shoiad go, be fore she can tell him.) (38)
  • One of My Responsibilities by R.G. Pollet (43)
  • One of Millions by T.E. Jordan (The Enterprise and her crew enter a black hole to find the Federation has changed much in 40 years.) (44)
  • When a Difference is No Difference by R.G. Pollet (80)
  • The Words of Legend by Frances M. Wilson (82)
  • The Conquerer by R.G. Pollet (83)
  • The Benicia Affair by Randall Landers (84)
  • A Tribble Named Sue by R.G. Pollet (101)
  • The Cheese Stands Alone by Carolyn Atkinson and Beth Nikels (The men of the Starship Deodorize set to clean up the galaxy and start with a planet comprised of cheese, satire.) (102)
  • The Captain's Log (letters) (113)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 4/5

117pp plus card covers, duplicated or bad offset press. This is a general ST zine which covers a large range of stories and poetry, of varying quality from the well-written to the 'oh dear".

By and large I enjoyed most of it even if the spelling was enough to put you off at times. (I don't mind typos - it's the consistent mispelling of personal names that got annoying after a while—e.g. Checkov). The layout really hurt the eyes. A lot of the fiction though was really worth reading and Christine Myers artwork is really beautiful.- Carolyn Atkinson's "a Chance Meeting" wove a tale on a world where sorcery was logical and no-one would ever use machinery to do their magic (eg phasers and transporters). It's told in the first person by the High Priestess of the planet who must work with the Enterprise men to save her planet from Klingon invasion. Clearly and concisely written, it really made you use your imagination. "Eventuality" by Richard Pollet is a look at the circumstances that led to Rand's transfer from the Enterprise. Although told with sympathy, there are no declarations or scenes of wild passion but certainly an interesting look at what could have been a hackneyed story theme.

"One of the Millions" by T.E. Jordan is one of the best stories I've read for a while and would have made a good action-packed novel. Unfortunately, the end failed to live up to the potential of the beginning and gap's in the story - well, it would have made a very good novel. The Enterprise is slung 50 years into the future and they are faced with a new Federation and internal rebellion and they must decide where it will lead them. The problems of recalling their crew after they are disbanded, for instance, are barely touched esp. when the main characters are in hiding when it happens, is one glaring hole.

I enjoyed the major part of this magazine and didn't mind my investment at a zine auction for it at all.[12]

CL Voyage 4/5- It's a better than 3—but still has some typo errors. The artwork is all good, but especially... Christine Myers.

...I liked 'A Chance Meeting'. I really enjoyed it, the story moves. ...It could have been done as an episode, (that was by C Atkinson - Ed.)

'No Average Captain' (by F. Wilson) was too short. Should have told more about young Jim Kirk before he was made Captain of the Enterprise. (Betty, talk about ESP, go straight to Wilson's story in this ish - Ed.)

'Eventuality' answered a question, what happened to Rand?. Why did she leave?

'One Of Millions' (T. E. Jordan) was very well written and I liked it. And 'Benecian Affair' and 'One Of Millions' were the two best stories in the zine.

'The Cheese Stands Alone' (Atkinson & Nikels) ...had a lot of right subtle humor. [13]

Issue 6

Captain's Log 6 was published in February 1982 and contains 90 pages.

front cover of issue #6, Christine Myers
back cover of issue #6, Victor Morales

The art by Christine Myers, Vic Morales, Melody Rondeau and Richard Pollet.

From the editorial:

The one regret I have about C.L. 6 coming out now, is that STMP 2 is not out yet. Therefore, I can't do a review on something that hasn't been released. What's worse is that C.L. 7 probably won't be out for at least another year and since I heard yesterday that The Movie is due for a June '82 release, it probably would be too late to review it eight months after the fact. However, I also heard the movie will have a much greater stress on action, which could be a step in the right direction as long as it includes character-interactions and other key ingredients.


I've always felt the the stories speak for themselves, so I never gave a glimpse beforehand of what any of the stories were about. Why give a short outline in the editorial when you'd be reading the story with a turn of the page? In this case, though I will make a very small exception. The story, "Second Time Around," is actually a sequel to a story I did for Grip. The original described how Decker and Ilia met. This one shows what happened to Decker shortly after he left Delta. Unfortunately, that issue of Grip is OP. Originally, I intended to also send this story to that editor but I changed my mind. This story holds together by itself so I included it here.

Captain's Log 6 represents a change to what has gone before in pre vious issues, in that the stress is much stronger on what you could call the unsung heroes of Trek. I know this issue might not be as popular than if I ran mostly general Trek, but I felt the rest of the crew needed and deserved more attention than they'd been getting. Next issue will probably go back to the usual norm.

Now, you'll also notice that I'm spacing between every paragraph. That happened because someone said they had an elite size typewriter to lend me and I realized too late that it really was the larger pica size.

In past editorials I've never asked for LOCs. Nor, for that matter, have I ever asked for submissions. Well I am now asking for both. There will definitely be a C.L. 7, probably Feb. '83. But I'm afraid I may be reaching a personal drought of story ideas, so a little more help wouldn't hurt. Just keep it Trek and no worse than rated R. I'd also like to know if we're doing anything right, and if there's anything you j haven't liked in C.L. The best way to let me know, is to write me. Plus it gives the other sturdy buyers of this mag something to read after they recover from their drowsiness they got from reading my editorial.

[The poem: Rand (the illo is captioned: "Sure thing, Captain Sweetie.")]

Transporter Chief Rand, didn't you used to be a man?
You standing at your post everyday is very nice to see.
And now they're trusting you with more than just making coffee or tea,
Nor do you still fearfully clutch Captain Kirk's hand.
I hope you've gotten over your crush.
Who wants to see mush?
Besides we have enough with Chapel and Kirk's Second-in-Command.

This issue has a LoC by Roberta Rogow which comments on some sort of earlier altercation/discussion regarding Kirk/Spock material:

...My (zine) table [at a con] was right next to the one selling Nome (one of the K/S things) - a couple of girls picked up Nome and it was all I could do to keep my mouth shut! Later they insisted on returning it & getting their money back - and then I sold them a Trek index, pointing out that they could avoid much embarassment by those zines listed under "Kirk/Spock Relationship." By the way, they then bought "Captain's Log," which I told them was "Straight Trek, in every sense of the word!" that is, good adventure stories set on board the Big E... [R.G. Pollet, editor of "Captain's Log" added a diplomatic comment]: I sincerely hope no one liking Nome or K/S is offended by that, Ms. Rogow only mentioned it to me because it had something to do with C.L. and I ran it for that reason- There are well writen stories dealing with K/S, but many people don't like it, simply because it is K/S, as some readers don't like action/adventure stories, or parodies. It also shows how helpful Robeta's Trek Indexes can be. Ed.)

  • Table of Contents (3)
  • Editorial (4)
  • The Captain's Log, letter column (5)
  • Bones by Frances M. Wilson (7)
  • Have No Fear by Donna Mitchell (9)
  • Christmas Story by Carolyn Atkinson (The Christmas party begins and Chekov plays Santa, but will the warrior-like aliens crash the party? And what is Kirk's surprise gift?) (10)
  • Recommended Zines (24)
  • Command Decision by T.E. Jordan (Chekov is on his own and piloting a royal shuttle that may fall apart at any moment, with a king and his family as passengers that won't give him any rest.) (26)
  • Log Entry by F.M. Wilson (42)
  • Between Captain and Engineer by F.M. Wilson (44)
  • Rand by R.G. Pollet (45)
  • In the Wake of the Intruder by R.G. Pollet (46)
  • Pigs in Space by R.G. Pollet (57)
  • The Retiree by R.G. Pollet (62)
  • Peanuts by R.G. Pollet (62)
  • Lt. M'Ress by R.G. Pollet (63)
  • Second Time Around by R.G. Pollet (64)
  • The Area Dilemma by R.G. Pollet (68)
  • He Lives By the Blade by Richard Pollet (Kirk pays a surprise visit to his nephew, Peter, at the Academy to find he has been accused of murder.) (69)
  • Kyle by R.G. Pollet (77)
  • Touching the Flowers by R.G. Pollet (78)
  • Just a Few Memories by Frances M. Wilson (McCoy looks back on Kirk's pre-Enterprise officer days, and when the good doctor first joined the Starship.) (Leonard McCoy is reluctant to accept the assignment of CMO on the Enterprise until he learns the name of the new Captain. As McCoy spends his last hours on earth, he recalls past encounters with James Kirk.) (79)
  • Pigs in Space #2, by R.G. Pollet (86)
  • Chekov, poem by Teresa Sarick (87)
  • Klingon Patrol, poem by Teresa Sarick (89)
  • Evasive Maneuvers, poem by R.G. Pollet (inside back cover)

Issue 7/8

Richard Pollet
Richard Pollet

Captain's Log 7/8 was published in April 1983 and is 122 pages long.

The art is by Christine Myers, Barbara P. Gordon, Melody Rondeau, Gennie Summers, Victor Morales, and Richard Pollet.

  • Table of Contents (3)
  • Editorial Page (4)
  • Kirk by Richard Pollet (5)
  • The Captain's Log, LoCs (6)
  • The Moment of Truth by Mann (7)
  • Alternate Mirror by Sarick (9)
  • Joachim's Plight by Pollet (10)
  • The Moth of Con by Pollet (comedy) (12)
  • Marvel’s (Mis) Handling of Star Trek by Pollet (treatise) (33)
  • To Know No Weakness by Wilson (Kirk gets peace between Klingons and Terrans) (35).
  • Once, Twice by Pollet (53)
  • Lt. Morgan by Jordan (STII story) (45)
  • Star Trek reviews in the New York area (61)
  • The William Shatner/Johnny Carson Interview (63)
  • You Got’ta Know When To Hold ‘Em by Warner (Scotty and a reluctant Spock are the subjects of McCoy's experiment to determine why Vulcans are less affected by alcohol than humans. Scotty, the old hand with a drink, is certain he can outdrink the Vulcan. Interest is high and the betting is heavy.) (reprinted in Atypical #2) (66)
  • Mr. Spock by Pollet (76)
  • Needs and Fulfillment by Pollet (78)
  • V'Ger by Pollet (103)
  • Dangers Small and Unseen (Obian destruction) (105)
  • Ship and Crew by Pollet (115)
  • The Merv Griffin/Trek Interview (117)
  • 'Zine Listing (122)

Issue 9

front cover of issue #9, Christine Myers
back cover of issue #9, Christine Myers

Captain's Log 9 was published in February 1984 and is 100 pages long. The art is by Christine Myers, Melody Rondeau, Gennie Summers, and Richard Pollet.

  • Decker's Refrain (inside front cover)
  • Editorial Page (4)
  • The Beam Down by Jordan (6)
  • The Burden by Allyson Mann (13) (Christine Chapel is studying at the Vulcan Science Academy when Dr. McCoy and Captain Kirk come to tell her of Spock's death.)
  • The Realization by Pollet (18)
  • What's In a Voice? by Pollet (19) (After being the victim of a number of practical jokes which he is sure were Kirk inspired and aided by a certain Vulcan, McCoy seeks his revenge.)
  • The Fanwriter's Dilemma by Jordan (22)
  • Chromatic Emotions by Atkinson (25)
  • Walter Koenig vs Pavel Chekov by Pollet (34)
  • Star Trek, Actors & Coincidences by Pollet (35)
  • An Application of Colloquial Psychology by Wilson (36) (McCoy and Spock help Kirk recover from the psychological damage inflicted by capture and torture.)
  • Too Damn Young by Pollet (47)
  • The Captain's Log Letter Page by the readers (50)
  • The Kobayashi Maru by Gordon (53)
  • Song for My Second Son by Wilson (55)
  • More Than Skin & Bones by Pollet (59)
  • Spock & Christine by Pollet (59)
  • Officers bu Sarick (60)
  • Perilous Assignment by Charpentier (61)
  • Zine Listing (96)
  • Their Place by Wilson (97)
  • Darkest Before Dawn (99)

Captain's Log Retrospect

Captain's Log Retrospect is undated; the editor says he is typing it "11 days shy of the 20th anniversary of the first showing of Star Trek." That would make it 1986.

The zine contains 54 pages. It includes four stories from the first three issues, poetry, plus art by Christine Myers, Gennie Summers, and Richard Pollet.

front cover of "Captain's Log Retrospect"
back cover of "Captain's Log Retrospect"

From the zine: "One reason I did not reprint stories by other authors was because the four stories done by other writers were all reprinted elsewhere."

From the editorial, which begins with some comments about the recent Challenger space shuttle disaster:

First and foremost, this fanzine is dedicated to the heroic crew of the space shuttle Challenger. Since the beginning of our history there have been heroes and pioneers who have always unselfishly gave of themselves. Astronauts, our modern pioneers, have always rightfully belonged in that category. That fact was tragically predicted on Jan. 28, 1986. History has proven that we will always be in debt of men and women such as these who gave their lives for what they believed in. We cannot and will not forget!

To once again quote the President on the night of the disaster, They wished to serve us and they did. They served us all.

  • Table of Contents (2)
  • Editorial Page (3)
  • Survival by Richard Pollet (4)
  • The Alienation Syndrome by Richard Pollet (18)
  • Dreams and Other Calamities by Richard Pollet (25)
  • To Zarabeth, a poem by Richard Pollet (43)
  • Different Reflections by Richard Pollet (44)


  1. ^ from an LoC by Randall Landers in issue #2
  2. ^ from an LoC in issue #2
  3. ^ from an LoC in issue #2
  4. ^ from an LoC in "Captain's Log" #4/5
  5. ^ from an LoC in "Captain's Log" #4/5
  6. ^ from an LoC in "Captain's Log" #4/5
  7. ^ from an LoC in "Captain's Log" #4/5
  8. ^ from an LoC in "Captain's Log" #4/5
  9. ^ from an LoC in "Captain's Log" #4/5
  10. ^ from an LoC in "Captain's Log" #4/5
  11. ^ from an LoC in "Captain's Log" #6
  12. ^ Beyond Antares #24
  13. ^ from an LoC in "Captain's Log" #6