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Pairing: Brick (Total Drama)/Jo (Total Drama)
Alternative name(s): Jock, Bro, Jorick, Bricjo, Green Hoodie, BxJ
Gender category: Het
Fandom: Total Drama
Canonical?: Fanon
Prevalence: Popular Pairing
Archives: n/a
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Brick/Jo, also known as Jock, is a semi-popular pairing within Total Drama fandom. The ship is between Brick and Jo. While Brick only appeared in Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, Jo competed in that season as well as Total Drama: All-Stars. It has been shipped since 2012 and is the most common pairing for both characters.

Brick/Jo is often tagged as jockjockjock, Archived version on websites like Tumblr. Shippers call it jock over other options better for social media tagging because both characters are that archetype.

Common Tropes

  • Frenemies: Lighthearted Rivals to Lovers.
  • Gender Nonconformity: Brick and Jo don't conform to gender roles as much as other characters in media. Some fics have them believe they are lesbian and/or gay before falling in love, realizing they are Bisexual instead.
  • The Outdoors: Far more common than any other setting for them in fanworks.
  • Brick's Interest in Fashion: Jo may tease Brick about this.

Brick/Jo Fandom

Former BNFs for Brick/Jo fandom include sallychan[1]. Current BNFs include nowarin[2], total-shipper[3], elskamo[4] and warcrimegwen[5].

Pairing Names for Brick/Jo

The portmaneau "Jock" was coined as a pairing name for them in 2012 by kaleidoscope-td-fanzilla on tumblr[6] and has remained their most used and recognized ship name ever since, (as of 2024.) In 2012, "BxJ" was also somewhat common on Fanpop and FanFiction.Net before _x_ ship names in the fandom practically disappeared by the end of the year.

Example/Notable Fanac

Fan Communities/Fan Events

Fan Art

Fan Comics

Fan Animation

Fan Fic


References/Further Reading