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Batman (Burton/Schumacher series)

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Name: Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman and Robin
Abbreviation(s): Batman (1989-1997), BR, BF, B&R
Creator: Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher
Date(s): 1989 (B), 1992 (BR), 1995 (BF), 1997 (B&R)
Medium: live-action films
Country of Origin: United States
External Links: Wikipedia
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Batman (Burton/Schumacher series) is a series of Batman films that are set in the same universe.

This series is famous for the various actors who had played Batman: Michael Keaton (B, BR), Val Kilmer (BF) and George Clooney (B&R). Robin was portrayed by Chris O'Donnell and Batgirl was portrayed by Alicia Silverstone.

Several iconic Batman villains were showcased in the series: The Joker (portrayed Jack Nicholson), Two-Face (Tommy Lee Jones), Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer), Penguin (Danny DeVito), The Riddler (Jim Carrey), Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger), Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman), and Bane (Jeep Swenson).

The plots for the films are kind of campy and more comedy driven than the later Batman films known as Nolanverse which are much darker.

In 2021, a new DC Comics' mini-series, Batman ’89, continued the adventures of Michael Keaton’s version of Batman in the gothic metropolis of Burton’s Gotham City. At this point in the story, District Attorney Harvey Dent — the one played in the first movie by Billy Dee Williams — mounted a campaign to see the vigilante unmasked and his collaborators exposed.


The fandom for this Batman universe is fairly small. The 1989 movie inspired the formation of an Australian club, Battalion: the Australian Legion of Batman fans, and its newsletter, Utility Belt, although it also covered the 1966 television series and comics.

Fanfiction can be mainly focused at FanFiction.net, with a few works posted to Archive of Our Own. Fanart of various characters are posted to DeviantART and Tumblr. Gifsets, picspams, and various other fanworks and discussion posts are posted to Tumblr.

Pfeiffer's Catwoman and Thurman's Poison Ivy often join Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn for a film-version of Gotham City Sirens in various gifsets and fancasts.

Crossovers with other Batman and DC Comics fandoms are common, often fusing them together. This sometimes influences the shipping works, such as Oswald/Edward since that is a dominate pairing in Gotham fandom and Harley/Joker throughout the other Batman fandoms despite the fact that Harley Quinn never appeared in the series.





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