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Title: Acadia
Author(s): Rivkat
Date(s): September 27, 1997
Length: 35,958 words
Genre(s): Mulder/Scully
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Acadia at The Annex Archive
Acadia at The Disenchanted Kingdom
Acadia at The Disenchanted Kingdom
Acadia at AO3
Part 1 and Part 2 (earlier site)

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Acadia is a MSR X-Files story by Rivkat. Synopsis: "Mulder and Scully track a killer in the woods, while struggling with the various issues unresolved between them. Fourth season, between Demons & Gethsemane."

Reactions and Reviews


I've wanted to recommend RivkaT's story Acadia for a while now, I just kept mislaying the URL. Scully, Mulder, serial killer, cancer, suffering, pain. Some parts of this story hurt to read, and I don't mean that because of the Mulder/Scully UST.[1]


Here's where I throw in my $.02 and where I date myself as a relative newbie. My first [fic read] was officially "Banging Your Head Against a Red-Haired Brick Wall" by Blair Provence, and it's a good thing too, because I was prepared to dislike fanfic intensely. It was intelligent, funny, and captured what I wanted to see in the characters.

What made me stay, though, was the second piece I read--to this day I can't remember how I bumped into it, because looking back I'm surprised I took on a longer piece (though now I am forever a casefile fan). "Acadia" by RivkaT, still one of my all-time favorites.[2]

Fugue and Acadia by RivkaT - because they take all the little fluffy shipper bunny thoughts in my head and run over them with a combine harvester; which, just sometimes, is a good thing ;-)[3]
[Alicia K]
Anything by RivkaT, just because it pains me so to read it, especially "Acadia" and "Fugue". I hurt for days after that one.[4]
[...] stories I've read repeatedly [...] "Acadia" by RivkaT, for its reminder that all is not happy in X-files land.[5]


Being at the height of their angst during the CancerArc, Mulder and Scully are a lot darker in this fic than as seen on TV, but it's fitting for the mood. Acadia is about Mulder – his inability to deal with Scully's cancer and her imminent death, set against the backdrop of Mother Nature and gruesome murders. And it's also about Scully – her anger toward Mulder's emotional distance and her own mortality. They both come off as very human, with very human flaws.

This is the way I love Mulder and Scully - messy, insecure, in each other's way and not having a clue what to do about it.[6]


[Kristin and Patty]
We stumbled across this fic recently and couldn’t believe we hadn’t read it yet. And it’s a really excellent casefile by a superb author, so once we found it, we were shocked, then intrigued, then glued to our phones for the next six hours until we finished it.

Rarely will you encounter a casefile that has all the elements we’re looking for in a fic. Frustrating UST (because this takes place during the height of their tension - the cancer arc, post-Demons), eerily omniscient profiler Mulder, a creepy casefile in the middle of the desolate woods, sick!Scully and concerned!Mulder, which leads to some wonderfully dark and heavy moments between our dynamic duo, and imagery that will blow your hair back. We mean some seriously gorgeous writing.

This author understands Mulder and Scully and their motivations at this point in the series almost better than anyone we’ve ever read. Also, for some RST after you finish today’s rec, head on over to a missing scene RivkaT wrote for this fic called Into the Woods.[7]
